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 * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * $Id:,v 2005/09/14 19:46:01 jeffsuttor Exp $
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
 * Table of strings to operation code lookups.
 * @xsl.usage internal
public class Keywords {
     * Table of keywords to opcode associations.
    private static final Map<String, Integer> m_keywords;
     * Table of axes names to opcode associations.
    private static final Map<String, Integer> m_axisnames;
     * Table of function name to function ID associations.
    private static final Map<String, Integer> m_nodetests;
     * Table of node type strings to opcode associations.
    private static final Map<String, Integer> m_nodetypes;
     * ancestor axes string.
    private static final String FROM_ANCESTORS_STRING = "ancestor";
     * ancestor-or-self axes string.
    private static final String FROM_ANCESTORS_OR_SELF_STRING
            = "ancestor-or-self";
     * attribute axes string.
    private static final String FROM_ATTRIBUTES_STRING = "attribute";
     * child axes string.
    private static final String FROM_CHILDREN_STRING = "child";
     * descendant-or-self axes string.
    private static final String FROM_DESCENDANTS_STRING = "descendant";
     * ancestor axes string.
    private static final String FROM_DESCENDANTS_OR_SELF_STRING
            = "descendant-or-self";
     * following axes string.
    private static final String FROM_FOLLOWING_STRING = "following";
     * following-sibling axes string.
    private static final String FROM_FOLLOWING_SIBLINGS_STRING
            = "following-sibling";
     * parent axes string.
    private static final String FROM_PARENT_STRING = "parent";
     * preceding axes string.
    private static final String FROM_PRECEDING_STRING = "preceding";
     * preceding-sibling axes string.
    private static final String FROM_PRECEDING_SIBLINGS_STRING
            = "preceding-sibling";
     * self axes string.
    private static final String FROM_SELF_STRING = "self";
     * namespace axes string.
    private static final String FROM_NAMESPACE_STRING = "namespace";
     * self axes abreviated string.
    private static final String FROM_SELF_ABBREVIATED_STRING = ".";
     * comment node test string.
    private static final String NODETYPE_COMMENT_STRING = "comment";
     * text node test string.
    private static final String NODETYPE_TEXT_STRING = "text";
     * processing-instruction node test string.
    private static final String NODETYPE_PI_STRING = "processing-instruction";
     * Any node test string.
    private static final String NODETYPE_NODE_STRING = "node";
     * Wildcard element string.
    private static final String NODETYPE_ANYELEMENT_STRING = "*";
     * current function string.
    public static final String FUNC_CURRENT_STRING = "current";
     * last function string.
    public static final String FUNC_LAST_STRING = "last";
     * position function string.
    public static final String FUNC_POSITION_STRING = "position";
     * count function string.
    public static final String FUNC_COUNT_STRING = "count";
     * id function string.
    static final String FUNC_ID_STRING = "id";
     * key function string (XSLT).
    public static final String FUNC_KEY_STRING = "key";
     * local-name function string.
    public static final String FUNC_LOCAL_PART_STRING = "local-name";
     * namespace-uri function string.
    public static final String FUNC_NAMESPACE_STRING = "namespace-uri";
     * name function string.
    public static final String FUNC_NAME_STRING = "name";
     * generate-id function string (XSLT).
    public static final String FUNC_GENERATE_ID_STRING = "generate-id";
     * not function string.
    public static final String FUNC_NOT_STRING = "not";
     * true function string.
    public static final String FUNC_TRUE_STRING = "true";
     * false function string.
    public static final String FUNC_FALSE_STRING = "false";
     * boolean function string.
    public static final String FUNC_BOOLEAN_STRING = "boolean";
     * lang function string.
    public static final String FUNC_LANG_STRING = "lang";
     * number function string.
    public static final String FUNC_NUMBER_STRING = "number";
     * floor function string.
    public static final String FUNC_FLOOR_STRING = "floor";
     * ceiling function string.
    public static final String FUNC_CEILING_STRING = "ceiling";
     * round function string.
    public static final String FUNC_ROUND_STRING = "round";
     * sum function string.
    public static final String FUNC_SUM_STRING = "sum";
     * string function string.
    public static final String FUNC_STRING_STRING = "string";
     * starts-with function string.
    public static final String FUNC_STARTS_WITH_STRING = "starts-with";
     * contains function string.
    public static final String FUNC_CONTAINS_STRING = "contains";
     * substring-before function string.
    public static final String FUNC_SUBSTRING_BEFORE_STRING
            = "substring-before";
     * substring-after function string.
    public static final String FUNC_SUBSTRING_AFTER_STRING = "substring-after";
     * normalize-space function string.
    public static final String FUNC_NORMALIZE_SPACE_STRING = "normalize-space";
     * translate function string.
    public static final String FUNC_TRANSLATE_STRING = "translate";
     * concat function string.
    public static final String FUNC_CONCAT_STRING = "concat";
     * system-property function string.
    public static final String FUNC_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_STRING = "system-property";
     * function-available function string (XSLT).
    public static final String FUNC_EXT_FUNCTION_AVAILABLE_STRING
            = "function-available";
     * element-available function string (XSLT).
    public static final String FUNC_EXT_ELEM_AVAILABLE_STRING
            = "element-available";
     * substring function string.
    public static final String FUNC_SUBSTRING_STRING = "substring";
     * string-length function string.
    public static final String FUNC_STRING_LENGTH_STRING = "string-length";
     * unparsed-entity-uri function string (XSLT).
    public static final String FUNC_UNPARSED_ENTITY_URI_STRING
            = "unparsed-entity-uri";
     * here function string (XML Signature).
    public static final String FUNC_HERE_STRING = "here";
  // Proprietary, built in functions
     * current function string (Proprietary).
    public static final String FUNC_DOCLOCATION_STRING = "document-location";
    static {
        Map<String, Integer> keywords = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Integer> axisnames = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Integer> nodetests = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Integer> nodetypes = new HashMap<>();
        axisnames.put(FROM_ANCESTORS_STRING, OpCodes.FROM_ANCESTORS);
        axisnames.put(FROM_CHILDREN_STRING, OpCodes.FROM_CHILDREN);
        axisnames.put(FROM_FOLLOWING_STRING, OpCodes.FROM_FOLLOWING);
        axisnames.put(FROM_PARENT_STRING, OpCodes.FROM_PARENT);
        axisnames.put(FROM_PRECEDING_STRING, OpCodes.FROM_PRECEDING);
        axisnames.put(FROM_SELF_STRING, OpCodes.FROM_SELF);
        axisnames.put(FROM_NAMESPACE_STRING, OpCodes.FROM_NAMESPACE);
        m_axisnames = Collections.unmodifiableMap(axisnames);
        nodetypes.put(NODETYPE_TEXT_STRING, OpCodes.NODETYPE_TEXT);
        nodetypes.put(NODETYPE_PI_STRING, OpCodes.NODETYPE_PI);
        nodetypes.put(NODETYPE_NODE_STRING, OpCodes.NODETYPE_NODE);
        m_nodetypes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(nodetypes);
        keywords.put(FROM_SELF_ABBREVIATED_STRING, OpCodes.FROM_SELF);
        keywords.put(FUNC_ID_STRING, FunctionTable.FUNC_ID);
        keywords.put(FUNC_KEY_STRING, FunctionTable.FUNC_KEY);
        m_keywords = Collections.unmodifiableMap(keywords);
        nodetests.put(NODETYPE_TEXT_STRING, OpCodes.NODETYPE_TEXT);
        nodetests.put(NODETYPE_PI_STRING, OpCodes.NODETYPE_PI);
        nodetests.put(NODETYPE_NODE_STRING, OpCodes.NODETYPE_NODE);
        m_nodetests = Collections.unmodifiableMap(nodetests);
    static Integer getAxisName(String key) {
        return m_axisnames.get(key);
    static Integer lookupNodeTest(String key) {
        return m_nodetests.get(key);
    static Integer getKeyWord(String key) {
        return m_keywords.get(key);
    static Integer getNodeType(String key) {
        return m_nodetypes.get(key);
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