*/ |
/** |
* The {@code java.lang.invoke} package provides low-level primitives for interacting |
* with the Java Virtual Machine. |
* |
* <p> |
* As described in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, certain types in this package |
* are given special treatment by the virtual machine: |
* <ul> |
* <li>The classes {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle MethodHandle} and |
* {@link java.lang.invoke.VarHandle VarHandle} contain |
* <a href="MethodHandle.html#sigpoly">signature polymorphic methods</a> |
* which can be linked regardless of their type descriptor. |
* Normally, method linkage requires exact matching of type descriptors. |
* </li> |
* |
* <li>The JVM bytecode format supports immediate constants of |
* the classes {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle MethodHandle} and |
* {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodType MethodType}. |
* </li> |
* |
* <li>The {@code invokedynamic} instruction makes use of bootstrap {@code MethodHandle} |
* constants to dynamically resolve {@code CallSite} objects for custom method invocation |
* behavior. |
* </li> |
* |
* <li>The {@code ldc} instruction makes use of bootstrap {@code MethodHandle} constants |
* to dynamically resolve custom constant values. |
* </li> |
* </ul> |
* |
* <h2><a id="jvm_mods"></a>Dynamic resolution of call sites and constants</h2> |
* The following low-level information summarizes relevant parts of the |
* Java Virtual Machine specification. For full details, please see the |
* current version of that specification. |
* |
* <h3><a id="indyinsn"></a>Dynamically-computed call sites</h3> |
* An {@code invokedynamic} instruction is originally in an unlinked state. |
* In this state, there is no target method for the instruction to invoke. |
* <p> |
* Before the JVM can execute an {@code invokedynamic} instruction, |
* the instruction must first be <em>linked</em>. |
* Linking is accomplished by calling a <em>bootstrap method</em> |
* which is given the static information content of the call, |
* and which must produce a {@link java.lang.invoke.CallSite} |
* that gives the behavior of the invocation. |
* <p> |
* Each {@code invokedynamic} instruction statically specifies its own |
* bootstrap method as a constant pool reference. |
* The constant pool reference also specifies the invocation's name and method type descriptor, |
* just like {@code invokestatic} and the other invoke instructions. |
* |
* <h3><a id="condycon"></a>Dynamically-computed constants</h3> |
* The constant pool may contain constants tagged {@code CONSTANT_Dynamic}, |
* equipped with bootstrap methods which perform their resolution. |
* Such a <em>dynamic constant</em> is originally in an unresolved state. |
* Before the JVM can use a dynamically-computed constant, it must first be <em>resolved</em>. |
* Dynamically-computed constant resolution is accomplished by calling a <em>bootstrap method</em> |
* which is given the static information content of the constant, |
* and which must produce a value of the constant's statically declared type. |
* <p> |
* Each dynamically-computed constant statically specifies its own |
* bootstrap method as a constant pool reference. |
* The constant pool reference also specifies the constant's name and field type descriptor, |
* just like {@code getstatic} and the other field reference instructions. |
* (Roughly speaking, a dynamically-computed constant is to a dynamically-computed call site |
* as a {@code CONSTANT_Fieldref} is to a {@code CONSTANT_Methodref}.) |
* |
* <h3><a id="bsm"></a>Execution of bootstrap methods</h3> |
* Resolving a dynamically-computed call site or constant |
* starts with resolving constants from the constant pool for the |
* following items: |
* <ul> |
* <li>the bootstrap method, a {@code CONSTANT_MethodHandle}</li> |
* <li>the {@code Class} or {@code MethodType} derived from |
* type component of the {@code CONSTANT_NameAndType} descriptor</li> |
* <li>static arguments, if any (note that static arguments can themselves be |
* dynamically-computed constants)</li> |
* </ul> |
* <p> |
* The bootstrap method is then invoked, as if by |
* {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle#invoke MethodHandle.invoke}, |
* with the following arguments: |
* <ul> |
* <li>a {@code MethodHandles.Lookup}, which is a lookup object on the <em>caller class</em> |
* in which dynamically-computed constant or call site occurs</li> |
* <li>a {@code String}, the name mentioned in the {@code CONSTANT_NameAndType}</li> |
* <li>a {@code MethodType} or {@code Class}, the resolved type descriptor of the {@code CONSTANT_NameAndType}</li> |
* <li>a {@code Class}, the resolved type descriptor of the constant, if it is a dynamic constant </li> |
* <li>the additional resolved static arguments, if any</li> |
* </ul> |
* <p> |
* For a dynamically-computed call site, the returned result must be a non-null reference to a |
* {@link java.lang.invoke.CallSite CallSite}. |
* The type of the call site's target must be exactly equal to the type |
* derived from the invocation's type descriptor and passed to |
* the bootstrap method. If these conditions are not met, a {@code BootstrapMethodError} is thrown. |
* On success the call site then becomes permanently linked to the {@code invokedynamic} |
* instruction. |
* <p> |
* For a dynamically-computed constant, the first parameter of the bootstrap |
* method must be assignable to {@code MethodHandles.Lookup}. If this condition |
* is not met, a {@code BootstrapMethodError} is thrown. |
* On success the result of the bootstrap method is cached as the resolved |
* constant value. |
* <p> |
* If an exception, {@code E} say, occurs during execution of the bootstrap method, then |
* resolution fails and terminates abnormally. {@code E} is rethrown if the type of |
* {@code E} is {@code Error} or a subclass, otherwise a |
* {@code BootstrapMethodError} that wraps {@code E} is thrown. |
* If this happens, the same error will be thrown for all |
* subsequent attempts to execute the {@code invokedynamic} instruction or load the |
* dynamically-computed constant. |
* |
* <h3>Timing of resolution</h3> |
* An {@code invokedynamic} instruction is linked just before its first execution. |
* A dynamically-computed constant is resolved just before the first time it is used |
* (by pushing it on the stack or linking it as a bootstrap method parameter). |
* The bootstrap method call implementing the linkage occurs within |
* a thread that is attempting a first execution or first use. |
* <p> |
* If there are several such threads, the bootstrap method may be |
* invoked in several threads concurrently. |
* Therefore, bootstrap methods which access global application |
* data must take the usual precautions against race conditions. |
* In any case, every {@code invokedynamic} instruction is either |
* unlinked or linked to a unique {@code CallSite} object. |
* <p> |
* In an application which requires {@code invokedynamic} instructions with individually |
* mutable behaviors, their bootstrap methods should produce distinct |
* {@link java.lang.invoke.CallSite CallSite} objects, one for each linkage request. |
* Alternatively, an application can link a single {@code CallSite} object |
* to several {@code invokedynamic} instructions, in which case |
* a change to the target method will become visible at each of |
* the instructions. |
* <p> |
* If several threads simultaneously execute a bootstrap method for a single dynamically-computed |
* call site or constant, the JVM must choose one bootstrap method result and install it visibly to |
* all threads. Any other bootstrap method calls are allowed to complete, but their |
* results are ignored. |
* <p style="font-size:smaller;"> |
* <em>Discussion:</em> |
* These rules do not enable the JVM to share call sites, |
* or to issue “causeless” bootstrap method calls. |
* Every {@code invokedynamic} instruction transitions at most once from unlinked to linked, |
* just before its first invocation. |
* There is no way to undo the effect of a completed bootstrap method call. |
* |
* <h3>Types of bootstrap methods</h3> |
* For a dynamically-computed call site, the bootstrap method is invoked with parameter |
* types {@code MethodHandles.Lookup}, {@code String}, {@code MethodType}, and the types |
* of any static arguments; the return type is {@code CallSite}. |
* <p> |
* For a dynamically-computed constant, the bootstrap method is invoked with parameter types |
* {@code MethodHandles.Lookup}, {@code String}, {@code Class}, and the types of any |
* static arguments; the return type is the type represented by the {@code Class}. |
* <p> |
* Because {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle#invoke MethodHandle.invoke} allows for |
* adaptations between the invoked method type and the bootstrap method handle's method type, |
* there is flexibility in the declaration of the bootstrap method. |
* For a dynamically-computed constant the first parameter type of the bootstrap method handle |
* must be assignable to {@code MethodHandles.Lookup}, other than that constraint the same degree |
* of flexibility applies to bootstrap methods of dynamically-computed call sites and |
* dynamically-computed constants. |
* Note: this constraint allows for the future possibility where the bootstrap method is |
* invoked with just the parameter types of static arguments, thereby supporting a wider |
* range of methods compatible with the static arguments (such as methods that don't declare |
* or require the lookup, name, and type meta-data parameters). |
* <p> For example, for dynamically-computed call site, the first argument |
* could be {@code Object} instead of {@code MethodHandles.Lookup}, and the return type |
* could also be {@code Object} instead of {@code CallSite}. |
* (Note that the types and number of the stacked arguments limit |
* the legal kinds of bootstrap methods to appropriately typed |
* static methods and constructors.) |
* <p> |
* If a pushed value is a primitive type, it may be converted to a reference by boxing conversion. |
* If the bootstrap method is a variable arity method (its modifier bit {@code 0x0080} is set), |
* then some or all of the arguments specified here may be collected into a trailing array parameter. |
* (This is not a special rule, but rather a useful consequence of the interaction |
* between {@code CONSTANT_MethodHandle} constants, the modifier bit for variable arity methods, |
* and the {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle#asVarargsCollector asVarargsCollector} transformation.) |
* <p> |
* Given these rules, here are examples of legal bootstrap method declarations for |
* dynamically-computed call sites, given various numbers {@code N} of extra arguments. |
* The first row (marked {@code *}) will work for any number of extra arguments. |
* <table class="plain" style="vertical-align:top"> |
* <caption style="display:none">Static argument types</caption> |
* <thead> |
* <tr><th scope="col">N</th><th scope="col">Sample bootstrap method</th></tr> |
* </thead> |
* <tbody> |
* <tr><th scope="row" style="font-weight:normal; vertical-align:top">*</th><td> |
* <ul style="list-style:none; padding-left: 0; margin:0"> |
* <li>{@code CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type, Object... args)} |
* <li>{@code CallSite bootstrap(Object... args)} |
* <li>{@code CallSite bootstrap(Object caller, Object... nameAndTypeWithArgs)} |
* </ul></td></tr> |
* <tr><th scope="row" style="font-weight:normal; vertical-align:top">0</th><td> |
* <ul style="list-style:none; padding-left: 0; margin:0"> |
* <li>{@code CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type)} |
* <li>{@code CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, Object... nameAndType)} |
* </ul></td></tr> |
* <tr><th scope="row" style="font-weight:normal; vertical-align:top">1</th><td> |
* {@code CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type, Object arg)}</td></tr> |
* <tr><th scope="row" style="font-weight:normal; vertical-align:top">2</th><td> |
* <ul style="list-style:none; padding-left: 0; margin:0"> |
* <li>{@code CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type, Object... args)} |
* <li>{@code CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type, String... args)} |
* <li>{@code CallSite bootstrap(Lookup caller, String name, MethodType type, String x, int y)} |
* </ul></td></tr> |
* </tbody> |
* </table> |
* The last example assumes that the extra arguments are of type |
* {@code String} and {@code Integer} (or {@code int}), respectively. |
* The second-to-last example assumes that all extra arguments are of type |
* {@code String}. |
* The other examples work with all types of extra arguments. Note that all |
* the examples except the second and third also work with dynamically-computed |
* constants if the return type is changed to be compatible with the |
* constant's declared type (such as {@code Object}, which is always compatible). |
* <p> |
* Since dynamically-computed constants can be provided as static arguments to bootstrap |
* methods, there are no limitations on the types of bootstrap arguments. |
* However, arguments of type {@code boolean}, {@code byte}, {@code short}, or {@code char} |
* cannot be <em>directly</em> supplied by {@code CONSTANT_Integer} |
* constant pool entries, since the {@code asType} conversions do |
* not perform the necessary narrowing primitive conversions. |
* <p> |
* In the above examples, the return type is always {@code CallSite}, |
* but that is not a necessary feature of bootstrap methods. |
* In the case of a dynamically-computed call site, the only requirement is that |
* the return type of the bootstrap method must be convertible |
* (using the {@code asType} conversions) to {@code CallSite}, which |
* means the bootstrap method return type might be {@code Object} or |
* {@code ConstantCallSite}. |
* In the case of a dynamically-resolved constant, the return type of the bootstrap |
* method must be convertible to the type of the constant, as |
* represented by its field type descriptor. For example, if the |
* dynamic constant has a field type descriptor of {@code "C"} |
* ({@code char}) then the bootstrap method return type could be |
* {@code Object}, {@code Character}, or {@code char}, but not |
* {@code int} or {@code Integer}. |
* |
* @author John Rose, JSR 292 EG |
* @since 1.7 |
*/ |
package java.lang.invoke; |