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 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.
 * Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a
 * data source (usually a relational database) using the
 * Java programming language.
 * This API includes a framework whereby different
 * drivers can be installed dynamically to access different data sources.
 * Although the JDBC API is mainly geared
 * to passing SQL statements to a database, it provides for reading and
 * writing data from any data source with a tabular format.
 * The reader/writer facility, available through the
 * {@code javax.sql.RowSet} group of interfaces, can be customized to
 * use and update data from a spread sheet, flat file, or any other tabular
 * data source.
 * <h2>What the JDBC 4.3 API Includes</h2>
 * The JDBC 4.3 API includes both
 * the {@code java.sql} package, referred to as the JDBC core API,
 * and the {@code javax.sql} package, referred to as the JDBC Optional
 * Package API. This complete JDBC API
 * is included in the Java Standard Edition (Java SE), version 7.
 * The {@code javax.sql} package extends the functionality of the JDBC API
 * from a client-side API to a server-side API, and it is an essential part
 * of the Java  Enterprise Edition
 * (Java EE) technology.
 * <h2>Versions</h2>
 * The JDBC 4.3 API incorporates all of the previous JDBC API versions:
 * <UL>
 *     <LI> The JDBC 4.2 API</li>
 *     <LI> The JDBC 4.1 API</li>
 *     <LI> The JDBC 4.0 API</li>
 *     <LI> The JDBC 3.0 API</li>
 *     <LI> The JDBC 2.1 core API</li>
 *  <LI> The JDBC 2.0 Optional Package API<br>
 *       (Note that the JDBC 2.1 core API and the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package
 *       API together are referred to as the JDBC 2.0 API.)</li>
 *  <LI> The JDBC 1.2 API</li>
 *  <LI> The JDBC 1.0 API</li>
 * </UL>
 * <P>
 * Classes, interfaces, methods, fields, constructors, and exceptions
 * have the following "since" tags that indicate when they were introduced
 * into the Java platform. When these "since" tags are used in
 * Javadoc comments for the JDBC API,
 * they indicate the following:
 * <UL>
 *     <LI>Since 9 -- new in the JDBC 4.3 API and part of the Java SE platform,
 *         version 9</li>
 *     <LI>Since 1.8 -- new in the JDBC 4.2 API and part of the Java SE platform,
 *         version 8</li>
 *  <LI>Since 1.7 -- new in the JDBC 4.1 API and part of the Java SE platform,
 *      version 7</li>
 * <LI>Since 1.6 -- new in the JDBC 4.0 API and part of the Java SE platform,
 *     version 6</li>
 *  <LI>Since 1.4 -- new in the JDBC 3.0 API and part of the J2SE platform,
 *      version 1.4</li>
 *  <LI>Since 1.2 -- new in the JDBC 2.0 API and part of the J2SE platform,
 *      version 1.2</li>
 *  <LI>Since 1.1 or no "since" tag -- in the original JDBC 1.0 API and part of
 *      the JDK, version 1.1</li>
 * </UL>
 * <P>
 * <b>NOTE:</b> Many of the new features are optional; consequently, there is
 * some variation in drivers and the features they support. Always
 * check your driver's documentation to see whether it supports a feature before
 * you try to use it.
 * <P>
 * <b>NOTE:</b> The class {@code SQLPermission} was added in the
 * Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition,
 * version 1.3 release. This class is used to prevent unauthorized
 * access to the logging stream associated with the {@code DriverManager},
 * which may contain information such as table names, column data, and so on.
 * <h2>What the {@code java.sql} Package Contains</h2>
 * The {@code java.sql} package contains API for the following:
 * <UL>
 *   <LI>Making a connection with a database via the {@code DriverManager} facility
 *   <UL>
 *       <LI>{@code DriverManager} class -- makes a connection with a driver
 *       <LI>{@code SQLPermission} class -- provides permission when code
 *                   running within a Security Manager, such as an applet,
 *                   attempts to set up a logging stream through the
 *                   {@code DriverManager}
 *       <LI>{@code Driver} interface -- provides the API for registering
 *              and connecting drivers based on JDBC technology ("JDBC drivers");
 *              generally used only by the {@code DriverManager} class
 *       <LI>{@code DriverPropertyInfo} class -- provides properties for a
 *              JDBC driver; not used by the general user
 *   </UL>
 *   <LI>Sending SQL statements to a database
 *   <UL>
 *       <LI>{@code Statement} --  used to send basic SQL statements
 *       <LI>{@code PreparedStatement} --  used to send prepared statements or
 *               basic SQL statements (derived from {@code Statement})
 *       <LI>{@code CallableStatement} --  used to call database stored
 *               procedures (derived from {@code PreparedStatement})
 *       <LI>{@code Connection} interface --  provides methods for creating
 *              statements and managing connections and their properties
 *       <LI>{@code Savepoint} --  provides savepoints in a transaction
 *   </UL>
 *   <LI>Retrieving and updating the results of a query
 *   <UL>
 *       <LI>{@code ResultSet} interface
 *   </UL>
 *   <LI>Standard mappings for SQL types to classes and interfaces in the
 *       Java programming language
 *   <UL>
 *       <LI>{@code Array} interface -- mapping for SQL {@code ARRAY}
 *       <LI>{@code Blob} interface -- mapping for SQL {@code BLOB}
 *       <LI>{@code Clob} interface -- mapping for SQL {@code CLOB}
 *       <LI>{@code Date} class -- mapping for SQL {@code DATE}
 *       <LI>{@code NClob} interface -- mapping for SQL {@code NCLOB}
 *       <LI>{@code Ref} interface -- mapping for SQL {@code REF}
 *       <LI>{@code RowId} interface -- mapping for SQL {@code ROWID}
 *       <LI>{@code Struct} interface -- mapping for SQL {@code STRUCT}
 *       <LI>{@code SQLXML} interface -- mapping for SQL {@code XML}
 *       <LI>{@code Time} class -- mapping for SQL {@code TIME}
 *       <LI>{@code Timestamp} class -- mapping for SQL {@code TIMESTAMP}
 *       <LI>{@code Types} class -- provides constants for SQL types
 *   </UL>
 *   <LI>Custom mapping an SQL user-defined type (UDT) to a class in the
 *        Java programming language
 *   <UL>
 *       <LI>{@code SQLData} interface -- specifies the mapping of
 *               a UDT to an instance of this class
 *       <LI>{@code SQLInput} interface -- provides methods for reading
 *               UDT attributes from a stream
 *       <LI>{@code SQLOutput} interface -- provides methods for writing
 *               UDT attributes back to a stream
 *   </UL>
 *   <LI>Metadata
 *   <UL>
 *       <LI>{@code DatabaseMetaData} interface -- provides information
 *               about the database
 *       <LI>{@code ResultSetMetaData} interface -- provides information
 *               about the columns of a {@code ResultSet} object
 *       <LI>{@code ParameterMetaData} interface -- provides information
 *               about the parameters to {@code PreparedStatement} commands
 *   </UL>
 *   <LI>Exceptions
 *      <UL>
 *        <LI>{@code SQLException} -- thrown by most methods when there
 *            is a problem accessing data and by some methods for other reasons
 *        <LI>{@code SQLWarning} -- thrown to indicate a warning
 *        <LI>{@code DataTruncation} -- thrown to indicate that data may have
 *            been truncated
 *        <LI>{@code BatchUpdateException} -- thrown to indicate that not all
 *            commands in a batch update executed successfully
 *      </UL>
 * </UL>
 *     <h3>{@code java.sql} and {@code javax.sql} Features Introduced in the JDBC 4.3 API</h3>
 * <UL>
 *     <LI>Added {@code Sharding} support</LI>
 *     <LI>Enhanced {@code Connection} to be able to provide hints
 *         to the driver that a request, an independent unit of work,
 *         is beginning or ending</LI>
 *     <LI>Enhanced {@code DatabaseMetaData} to determine if Sharding is
 *     supported</LI>
 *     <LI>Added the method {@code drivers} to {@code DriverManager}
 *         to return a Stream of the currently loaded and
 *         available JDBC drivers</LI>
 *     <LI>Added support to {@code Statement} for enquoting literals
 *     and simple identifiers</LI>
 *     <LI>Clarified the Java SE version that methods were deprecated</LI>
 * </UL>
 *     <h3>{@code java.sql} and {@code javax.sql} Features Introduced in the JDBC 4.2 API</h3>
 * <UL>
 *     <LI>Added {@code JDBCType}  enum and {@code SQLType} interface</li>
 *     <LI>Support for {@code REF CURSORS} in {@code CallableStatement}
 *     </LI>
 *     <LI>{@code DatabaseMetaData} methods to return maximum Logical LOB size
 *         and if Ref Cursors are supported</LI>
 *     <LI>Added support for large update counts</LI>
 * </UL>
 *     <h3>{@code java.sql} and {@code javax.sql} Features Introduced in the JDBC 4.1 API</h3>
 * <UL>
 *     <LI>Allow {@code Connection},
 *         {@code ResultSet} and {@code Statement} objects to be
 *         used with the try-with-resources statement</LI>
 *     <LI>Support added to {@code CallableStatement} and
 *         {@code ResultSet} to specify the Java type to convert to via the
 *         {@code getObject} method</LI>
 *     <LI>{@code DatabaseMetaData} methods to return PseudoColumns and if a
 *         generated key is always returned</LI>
 *     <LI>Added support to {@code Connection} to specify a database schema,
 *     abort and timeout a physical connection.</LI>
 *     <LI>Added support to close a {@code Statement} object when its dependent
 *     objects have been closed</LI>
 *     <LI>Support for obtaining the parent logger for a {@code Driver},
 *      {@code DataSource}, {@code ConnectionPoolDataSource} and
 *      {@code XADataSource}</LI>
 * </UL>
 * <h3>{@code java.sql} and {@code javax.sql} Features Introduced in the JDBC 4.0 API</h3>
 * <UL>
 *   <LI>auto java.sql.Driver discovery -- no longer need to load a
 * {@code java.sql.Driver} class via {@code Class.forName}
 *  <LI>National Character Set support added
 *  <li>Support added for the SQL:2003 XML data type
 *  <lI>SQLException enhancements -- Added support for cause chaining; New SQLExceptions
 *  added for common SQLState class value codes
 *  <li>Enhanced Blob/Clob functionality -- Support provided to create and free a Blob/Clob instance
 *  as well as additional methods added to improve accessibility
 *  <li>Support added for accessing a SQL ROWID
 *  <li>Support added to allow a JDBC application to access an instance of a JDBC resource
 *  that has been wrapped by a vendor, usually in an application server or connection
 *  pooling environment.
 *  <li>Availability to be notified when a {@code PreparedStatement} that is associated
 *  with a {@code PooledConnection} has been closed or the driver determines is invalid
 * </UL>
 * <h3>{@code java.sql} and {@code javax.sql} Features Introduced in the JDBC 3.0 API</h3>
 * <UL>
 *   <LI>Pooled statements -- reuse of statements associated with a pooled
 *        connection
 *   <LI>Savepoints -- allow a transaction to be rolled back to a designated
 *       savepoint
 *   <LI>Properties defined for {@code ConnectionPoolDataSource} -- specify
 *       how connections are to be pooled
 *   <LI>Metadata for parameters of a {@code PreparedStatement} object
 *   <LI>Ability to retrieve values from automatically generated columns
 *   <LI>Ability to have multiple {@code ResultSet} objects
 *        returned from {@code CallableStatement} objects open at the
 *       same time
 *   <LI>Ability to identify parameters to {@code CallableStatement}
 *       objects by name as well as by index
 *   <LI>{@code ResultSet} holdability -- ability to specify whether cursors
 *       should be held open or closed at the end of a transaction
 *   <LI>Ability to retrieve and update the SQL structured type instance that a
 *       {@code Ref} object references
 *   <LI>Ability to programmatically update {@code BLOB},
 *       {@code CLOB}, {@code ARRAY}, and {@code REF} values.
 *   <LI>Addition of the {@code java.sql.Types.DATALINK} data type --
 *       allows JDBC drivers access to objects stored outside a data source
 *   <LI>Addition of metadata for retrieving SQL type hierarchies
 * </UL>
 * <h3>{@code java.sql} Features Introduced in the JDBC 2.1 Core API</h3>
 * <UL>
 *   <LI>Scrollable result sets--using new methods in the {@code ResultSet}
 *       interface that allow the cursor to be moved to a particular row or to a
 *       position relative to its current position
 *   <LI>Batch updates
 *   <LI>Programmatic updates--using {@code ResultSet} updater methods
 *   <LI>New data types--interfaces mapping the SQL3 data types
 *   <LI>Custom mapping of user-defined types (UDTs)
 *   <LI>Miscellaneous features, including performance hints, the use of character
 *       streams, full precision for {@code java.math.BigDecimal} values,
 *       additional security, and
 *       support for time zones in date, time, and timestamp values.
 * </UL>
 * <h3>{@code javax.sql} Features Introduced in the JDBC 2.0 Optional
 * Package API</h3>
 * <UL>
 *   <LI>The {@code DataSource} interface as a means of making a connection.  The
 *       Java Naming and Directory Interface
 *       (JNDI) is used for registering a {@code DataSource} object with a
 *       naming service and also for  retrieving it.
 *   <LI>Pooled connections -- allowing connections to be used and reused
 *   <LI>Distributed transactions -- allowing a transaction to span diverse
 *       DBMS servers
 *   <LI>{@code RowSet} technology -- providing a convenient means of
 *       handling and passing data
 * </UL>
 * <h3>Custom Mapping of UDTs</h3>
 * A user-defined type (UDT) defined in SQL can be mapped to a class in the Java
 * programming language. An SQL structured type or an SQL {@code DISTINCT}
 * type are the UDTs that may be custom mapped.  The following three
 * steps set up a custom mapping:
 * <ol>
 *   <li>Defining the SQL structured type or {@code DISTINCT} type in SQL
 *   <li>Defining the class in the Java programming language to which the
 *       SQL UDT will be mapped.  This class must implement the
 *       {@code SQLData} interface.
 *   <li>Making an entry in a {@code Connection} object's type map
 *       that contains two things:
 *    <ul>
 *       <li>the fully-qualified SQL name of the UDT
 *       <li>the {@code Class} object for the class that implements the
 *            {@code SQLData} interface
 *    </ul>
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 * When these are in place for a UDT, calling the methods
 * {@code ResultSet.getObject} or {@code CallableStatement.getObject}
 * on that UDT will automatically retrieve the custom mapping for it. Also, the
 * {@code PreparedStatement.setObject} method will automatically map the
 * object back to its SQL type to store it in the data source.
 * <h2>Package Specification</h2>
 * <ul>
 *   <li><a href="">JDBC 4.3 Specification</a>
 * </ul>
 * <h2>Related Documentation</h2>
 * <ul>
 *   <li><a href="">
 *           Lesson:JDBC Basics(The Javaxx Tutorials &gt; JDBC Database Access)</a>
 *  <li>&ldquo;<i>JDBC API Tutorial and Reference, Third Edition</i>&rdquo;
 * </ul>
package java.sql;
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