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 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
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 * A seekable output stream interface for use by
 * <code>ImageWriter</code>s.  Various output destinations, such as
 * <code>OutputStream</code>s and <code>File</code>s, as well as
 * future fast I/O destinations may be "wrapped" by a suitable
 * implementation of this interface for use by the Image I/O API.
 * <p> Unlike a standard <code>OutputStream</code>, ImageOutputStream
 * extends its counterpart, <code>ImageInputStream</code>.  Thus it is
 * possible to read from the stream as it is being written.  The same
 * seek and flush positions apply to both reading and writing, although
 * the semantics for dealing with a non-zero bit offset before a byte-aligned
 * write are necessarily different from the semantics for dealing with
 * a non-zero bit offset before a byte-aligned read.  When reading bytes,
 * any bit offset is set to 0 before the read; when writing bytes, a
 * non-zero bit offset causes the remaining bits in the byte to be written
 * as 0s.  The byte-aligned write then starts at the next byte position.
 * @see ImageInputStream
public interface ImageOutputStream extends ImageInputStream, DataOutput {
     * Writes a single byte to the stream at the current position.
     * The 24 high-order bits of <code>b</code> are ignored.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.  Implementers can use the
     * {@link ImageOutputStreamImpl#flushBits flushBits}
     * method of {@link ImageOutputStreamImpl ImageOutputStreamImpl}
     * to guarantee this.
     * @param b an <code>int</code> whose lower 8 bits are to be
     * written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void write(int b) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream at the current
     * position.  If <code>b.length</code> is 0, nothing is written.
     * The byte <code>b[0]</code> is written first, then the byte
     * <code>b[1]</code>, and so on.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param b an array of <code>byte</code>s to be written.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>b</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void write(byte b[]) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream at the current
     * position.  If <code>len</code> is 0, nothing is written.
     * The byte <code>b[off]</code> is written first, then the byte
     * <code>b[off + 1]</code>, and so on.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.  Implementers can use the
     * {@link ImageOutputStreamImpl#flushBits flushBits}
     * method of {@link ImageOutputStreamImpl ImageOutputStreamImpl}
     * to guarantee this.
     * @param b an array of <code>byte</code>s to be written.
     * @param off the start offset in the data.
     * @param len the number of <code>byte</code>s to write.
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>off</code> is
     * negative, <code>len</code> is negative, or <code>off +
     * len</code> is greater than <code>b.length</code>.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>b</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException;
     * Writes a <code>boolean</code> value to the stream.  If
     * <code>v</code> is true, the value <code>(byte)1</code> is
     * written; if <code>v</code> is false, the value
     * <code>(byte)0</code> is written.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param v the <code>boolean</code> to be written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeBoolean(boolean v) throws IOException;
     * Writes the 8 low-order bits of <code>v</code> to the
     * stream. The 24 high-order bits of <code>v</code> are ignored.
     * (This means that <code>writeByte</code> does exactly the same
     * thing as <code>write</code> for an integer argument.)
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param v an <code>int</code> containing the byte value to be
     * written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeByte(int v) throws IOException;
     * Writes the 16 low-order bits of <code>v</code> to the
     * stream. The 16 high-order bits of <code>v</code> are ignored.
     * If the stream uses network byte order, the bytes written, in
     * order, will be:
     * <pre>
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)(v &amp; 0xff)
     * </pre>
     * Otherwise, the bytes written will be:
     * <pre>
     * (byte)(v &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff)
     * </pre>
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param v an <code>int</code> containing the short value to be
     * written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeShort(int v) throws IOException;
     * This method is a synonym for {@link #writeShort writeShort}.
     * @param v an <code>int</code> containing the char (unsigned
     * short) value to be written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
     * @see #writeShort(int)
    void writeChar(int v) throws IOException;
     * Writes the 32 bits of <code>v</code> to the stream.  If the
     * stream uses network byte order, the bytes written, in order,
     * will be:
     * <pre>
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 24) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)(v &amp; 0xff)
     * </pre>
     * Otheriwse, the bytes written will be:
     * <pre>
     * (byte)(v &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 24) &amp; 0xff)
     * </pre>
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param v an <code>int</code> containing the value to be
     * written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeInt(int v) throws IOException;
     * Writes the 64 bits of <code>v</code> to the stream.  If the
     * stream uses network byte order, the bytes written, in order,
     * will be:
     * <pre>
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 56) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 48) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 40) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 32) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 24) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)(v &amp; 0xff)
     * </pre>
     * Otherwise, the bytes written will be:
     * <pre>
     * (byte)(v &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 8) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 16) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 24) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 32) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 40) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 48) &amp; 0xff)
     * (byte)((v &gt;&gt; 56) &amp; 0xff)
     * </pre>
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param v a <code>long</code> containing the value to be
     * written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeLong(long v) throws IOException;
     * Writes a <code>float</code> value, which is comprised of four
     * bytes, to the output stream. It does this as if it first
     * converts this <code>float</code> value to an <code>int</code>
     * in exactly the manner of the <code>Float.floatToIntBits</code>
     * method and then writes the int value in exactly the manner of
     * the <code>writeInt</code> method.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param v a <code>float</code> containing the value to be
     * written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeFloat(float v) throws IOException;
     * Writes a <code>double</code> value, which is comprised of four
     * bytes, to the output stream. It does this as if it first
     * converts this <code>double</code> value to an <code>long</code>
     * in exactly the manner of the
     * <code>Double.doubleToLongBits</code> method and then writes the
     * long value in exactly the manner of the <code>writeLong</code>
     * method.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param v a <code>double</code> containing the value to be
     * written.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeDouble(double v) throws IOException;
     * Writes a string to the output stream. For every character in
     * the string <code>s</code>, taken in order, one byte is written
     * to the output stream. If <code>s</code> is <code>null</code>, a
     * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown.
     * <p> If <code>s.length</code> is zero, then no bytes are
     * written. Otherwise, the character <code>s[0]</code> is written
     * first, then <code>s[1]</code>, and so on; the last character
     * written is <code>s[s.length-1]</code>. For each character, one
     * byte is written, the low-order byte, in exactly the manner of
     * the <code>writeByte</code> method. The high-order eight bits of
     * each character in the string are ignored.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param s a <code>String</code> containing the value to be
     * written.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>s</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeBytes(String s) throws IOException;
     * Writes a string to the output stream. For every character in
     * the string <code>s</code>, taken in order, two bytes are
     * written to the output stream, ordered according to the current
     * byte order setting.  If network byte order is being used, the
     * high-order byte is written first; the order is reversed
     * otherwise.  If <code>s</code> is <code>null</code>, a
     * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown.
     * <p> If <code>s.length</code> is zero, then no bytes are
     * written. Otherwise, the character <code>s[0]</code> is written
     * first, then <code>s[1]</code>, and so on; the last character
     * written is <code>s[s.length-1]</code>.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param s a <code>String</code> containing the value to be
     * written.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>s</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeChars(String s) throws IOException;
     * Writes two bytes of length information to the output stream in
     * network byte order, followed by the
     * <a href="../../../java/io/DataInput.html#modified-utf-8">modified
     * UTF-8</a>
     * representation of every character in the string <code>s</code>.
     * If <code>s</code> is <code>null</code>, a
     * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown.  Each character in
     * the string <code>s</code> is converted to a group of one, two,
     * or three bytes, depending on the value of the character.
     * <p> If a character <code>c</code> is in the range
     * <code>&#92;u0001</code> through <code>&#92;u007f</code>, it is
     * represented by one byte:
     * <p><pre>
     * (byte)c
     * </pre>
     * <p> If a character <code>c</code> is <code>&#92;u0000</code> or
     * is in the range <code>&#92;u0080</code> through
     * <code>&#92;u07ff</code>, then it is represented by two bytes,
     * to be written in the order shown:
     * <p> <pre><code>
     * (byte)(0xc0 | (0x1f &amp; (c &gt;&gt; 6)))
     * (byte)(0x80 | (0x3f &amp; c))
     * </code></pre>
     * <p> If a character <code>c</code> is in the range
     * <code>&#92;u0800</code> through <code>uffff</code>, then it is
     * represented by three bytes, to be written in the order shown:
     * <p> <pre><code>
     * (byte)(0xe0 | (0x0f &amp; (c &gt;&gt; 12)))
     * (byte)(0x80 | (0x3f &amp; (c &gt;&gt; 6)))
     * (byte)(0x80 | (0x3f &amp; c))
     * </code></pre>
     * <p> First, the total number of bytes needed to represent all
     * the characters of <code>s</code> is calculated. If this number
     * is larger than <code>65535</code>, then a
     * <code>UTFDataFormatException</code> is thrown. Otherwise, this
     * length is written to the output stream in exactly the manner of
     * the <code>writeShort</code> method; after this, the one-, two-,
     * or three-byte representation of each character in the string
     * <code>s</code> is written.
     * <p> The current byte order setting is ignored.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * <p><strong>Note:</strong> This method should not be used in
     * the  implementation of image formats that use standard UTF-8,
     * because  the modified UTF-8 used here is incompatible with
     * standard UTF-8.
     * @param s a <code>String</code> containing the value to be
     * written.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>s</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception if the modified UTF-8
     * representation of <code>s</code> requires more than 65536 bytes.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeUTF(String s) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of shorts to the stream at the current
     * position.  If <code>len</code> is 0, nothing is written.
     * The short <code>s[off]</code> is written first, then the short
     * <code>s[off + 1]</code>, and so on.  The byte order of the
     * stream is used to determine the order in which the individual
     * bytes are written.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param s an array of <code>short</code>s to be written.
     * @param off the start offset in the data.
     * @param len the number of <code>short</code>s to write.
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>off</code> is
     * negative, <code>len</code> is negative, or <code>off +
     * len</code> is greater than <code>s.length</code>.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>s</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeShorts(short[] s, int off, int len) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of chars to the stream at the current
     * position.  If <code>len</code> is 0, nothing is written.
     * The char <code>c[off]</code> is written first, then the char
     * <code>c[off + 1]</code>, and so on.  The byte order of the
     * stream is used to determine the order in which the individual
     * bytes are written.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param c an array of <code>char</code>s to be written.
     * @param off the start offset in the data.
     * @param len the number of <code>char</code>s to write.
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>off</code> is
     * negative, <code>len</code> is negative, or <code>off +
     * len</code> is greater than <code>c.length</code>.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>c</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeChars(char[] c, int off, int len) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of ints to the stream at the current
     * position.  If <code>len</code> is 0, nothing is written.
     * The int <code>i[off]</code> is written first, then the int
     * <code>i[off + 1]</code>, and so on.  The byte order of the
     * stream is used to determine the order in which the individual
     * bytes are written.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param i an array of <code>int</code>s to be written.
     * @param off the start offset in the data.
     * @param len the number of <code>int</code>s to write.
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>off</code> is
     * negative, <code>len</code> is negative, or <code>off +
     * len</code> is greater than <code>i.length</code>.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>i</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeInts(int[] i, int off, int len) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of longs to the stream at the current
     * position.  If <code>len</code> is 0, nothing is written.
     * The long <code>l[off]</code> is written first, then the long
     * <code>l[off + 1]</code>, and so on.  The byte order of the
     * stream is used to determine the order in which the individual
     * bytes are written.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param l an array of <code>long</code>s to be written.
     * @param off the start offset in the data.
     * @param len the number of <code>long</code>s to write.
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>off</code> is
     * negative, <code>len</code> is negative, or <code>off +
     * len</code> is greater than <code>l.length</code>.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>l</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeLongs(long[] l, int off, int len) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of floats to the stream at the current
     * position.  If <code>len</code> is 0, nothing is written.
     * The float <code>f[off]</code> is written first, then the float
     * <code>f[off + 1]</code>, and so on.  The byte order of the
     * stream is used to determine the order in which the individual
     * bytes are written.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param f an array of <code>float</code>s to be written.
     * @param off the start offset in the data.
     * @param len the number of <code>float</code>s to write.
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>off</code> is
     * negative, <code>len</code> is negative, or <code>off +
     * len</code> is greater than <code>f.length</code>.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>f</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeFloats(float[] f, int off, int len) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of doubles to the stream at the current
     * position.  If <code>len</code> is 0, nothing is written.
     * The double <code>d[off]</code> is written first, then the double
     * <code>d[off + 1]</code>, and so on.  The byte order of the
     * stream is used to determine the order in which the individual
     * bytes are written.
     * <p> If the bit offset within the stream is non-zero, the
     * remainder of the current byte is padded with 0s
     * and written out first.  The bit offset will be 0 after the
     * write.
     * @param d an array of <code>doubles</code>s to be written.
     * @param off the start offset in the data.
     * @param len the number of <code>double</code>s to write.
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>off</code> is
     * negative, <code>len</code> is negative, or <code>off +
     * len</code> is greater than <code>d.length</code>.
     * @exception NullPointerException if <code>d</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeDoubles(double[] d, int off, int len) throws IOException;
     * Writes a single bit, given by the least significant bit of the
     * argument, to the stream at the current bit offset within the
     * current byte position.  The upper 31 bits of the argument are
     * ignored.  The given bit replaces the previous bit at that
     * position.  The bit offset is advanced by one and reduced modulo
     * 8.
     * <p> If any bits of a particular byte have never been set
     * at the time the byte is flushed to the destination, those
     * bits will be set to 0 automatically.
     * @param bit an <code>int</code> whose least significant bit
     * is to be written to the stream.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeBit(int bit) throws IOException;
     * Writes a sequence of bits, given by the <code>numBits</code>
     * least significant bits of the <code>bits</code> argument in
     * left-to-right order, to the stream at the current bit offset
     * within the current byte position.  The upper <code>64 -
     * numBits</code> bits of the argument are ignored.  The bit
     * offset is advanced by <code>numBits</code> and reduced modulo
     * 8.  Note that a bit offset of 0 always indicates the
     * most-significant bit of the byte, and bytes of bits are written
     * out in sequence as they are encountered.  Thus bit writes are
     * always effectively in network byte order.  The actual stream
     * byte order setting is ignored.
     * <p> Bit data may be accumulated in memory indefinitely, until
     * <code>flushBefore</code> is called.  At that time, all bit data
     * prior to the flushed position will be written.
     * <p> If any bits of a particular byte have never been set
     * at the time the byte is flushed to the destination, those
     * bits will be set to 0 automatically.
     * @param bits a <code>long</code> containing the bits to be
     * written, starting with the bit in position <code>numBits -
     * 1</code> down to the least significant bit.
     * @param numBits an <code>int</code> between 0 and 64, inclusive.
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>numBits</code> is
     * not between 0 and 64, inclusive.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void writeBits(long bits, int numBits) throws IOException;
     * Flushes all data prior to the given position to the underlying
     * destination, such as an <code>OutputStream</code> or
     * <code>File</code>.  Attempting to seek to the flushed portion
     * of the stream will result in an
     * <code>IndexOutOfBoundsException</code>.
     * @param pos a <code>long</code> containing the length of the
     * stream prefix that may be flushed to the destination.
     * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if <code>pos</code> lies
     * in the flushed portion of the stream or past the current stream
     * position.
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
    void flushBefore(long pos) throws IOException;
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