*/ |
package sun.reflect; |
/** Minimal set of class file constants for assembly of field and |
method accessors. */ |
interface ClassFileConstants { |
public static final byte opc_aconst_null = (byte) 0x1; |
public static final byte opc_sipush = (byte) 0x11; |
public static final byte opc_ldc = (byte) 0x12; |
public static final byte opc_iload_0 = (byte) 0x1a; |
public static final byte opc_iload_1 = (byte) 0x1b; |
public static final byte opc_iload_2 = (byte) 0x1c; |
public static final byte opc_iload_3 = (byte) 0x1d; |
public static final byte opc_lload_0 = (byte) 0x1e; |
public static final byte opc_lload_1 = (byte) 0x1f; |
public static final byte opc_lload_2 = (byte) 0x20; |
public static final byte opc_lload_3 = (byte) 0x21; |
public static final byte opc_fload_0 = (byte) 0x22; |
public static final byte opc_fload_1 = (byte) 0x23; |
public static final byte opc_fload_2 = (byte) 0x24; |
public static final byte opc_fload_3 = (byte) 0x25; |
public static final byte opc_dload_0 = (byte) 0x26; |
public static final byte opc_dload_1 = (byte) 0x27; |
public static final byte opc_dload_2 = (byte) 0x28; |
public static final byte opc_dload_3 = (byte) 0x29; |
public static final byte opc_aload_0 = (byte) 0x2a; |
public static final byte opc_aload_1 = (byte) 0x2b; |
public static final byte opc_aload_2 = (byte) 0x2c; |
public static final byte opc_aload_3 = (byte) 0x2d; |
public static final byte opc_aaload = (byte) 0x32; |
public static final byte opc_astore_0 = (byte) 0x4b; |
public static final byte opc_astore_1 = (byte) 0x4c; |
public static final byte opc_astore_2 = (byte) 0x4d; |
public static final byte opc_astore_3 = (byte) 0x4e; |
public static final byte opc_pop = (byte) 0x57; |
public static final byte opc_dup = (byte) 0x59; |
public static final byte opc_dup_x1 = (byte) 0x5a; |
public static final byte opc_swap = (byte) 0x5f; |
public static final byte opc_i2l = (byte) 0x85; |
public static final byte opc_i2f = (byte) 0x86; |
public static final byte opc_i2d = (byte) 0x87; |
public static final byte opc_l2i = (byte) 0x88; |
public static final byte opc_l2f = (byte) 0x89; |
public static final byte opc_l2d = (byte) 0x8a; |
public static final byte opc_f2i = (byte) 0x8b; |
public static final byte opc_f2l = (byte) 0x8c; |
public static final byte opc_f2d = (byte) 0x8d; |
public static final byte opc_d2i = (byte) 0x8e; |
public static final byte opc_d2l = (byte) 0x8f; |
public static final byte opc_d2f = (byte) 0x90; |
public static final byte opc_i2b = (byte) 0x91; |
public static final byte opc_i2c = (byte) 0x92; |
public static final byte opc_i2s = (byte) 0x93; |
public static final byte opc_ifeq = (byte) 0x99; |
public static final byte opc_if_icmpeq = (byte) 0x9f; |
public static final byte opc_goto = (byte) 0xa7; |
public static final byte opc_ireturn = (byte) 0xac; |
public static final byte opc_lreturn = (byte) 0xad; |
public static final byte opc_freturn = (byte) 0xae; |
public static final byte opc_dreturn = (byte) 0xaf; |
public static final byte opc_areturn = (byte) 0xb0; |
public static final byte opc_return = (byte) 0xb1; |
public static final byte opc_getstatic = (byte) 0xb2; |
public static final byte opc_putstatic = (byte) 0xb3; |
public static final byte opc_getfield = (byte) 0xb4; |
public static final byte opc_putfield = (byte) 0xb5; |
public static final byte opc_invokevirtual = (byte) 0xb6; |
public static final byte opc_invokespecial = (byte) 0xb7; |
public static final byte opc_invokestatic = (byte) 0xb8; |
public static final byte opc_invokeinterface = (byte) 0xb9; |
public static final byte opc_arraylength = (byte) 0xbe; |
public static final byte opc_new = (byte) 0xbb; |
public static final byte opc_athrow = (byte) 0xbf; |
public static final byte opc_checkcast = (byte) 0xc0; |
public static final byte opc_instanceof = (byte) 0xc1; |
public static final byte opc_ifnull = (byte) 0xc6; |
public static final byte opc_ifnonnull = (byte) 0xc7; |
public static final byte CONSTANT_Class = (byte) 7; |
public static final byte CONSTANT_Fieldref = (byte) 9; |
public static final byte CONSTANT_Methodref = (byte) 10; |
public static final byte CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = (byte) 11; |
public static final byte CONSTANT_NameAndType = (byte) 12; |
public static final byte CONSTANT_String = (byte) 8; |
public static final byte CONSTANT_Utf8 = (byte) 1; |
public static final short ACC_PUBLIC = (short) 0x0001; |
} |