*/ |
/* |
*/ |
/* |
* (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996, 1997 - All Rights Reserved |
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - 1998 - All Rights Reserved |
* |
* The original version of this source code and documentation |
* is copyrighted and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned |
* subsidiary of IBM. These materials are provided under terms |
* of a License Agreement between Taligent and Sun. This technology |
* is protected by multiple US and International patents. |
* |
* This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed. |
* Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc. |
* |
*/ |
package sun.text.resources.be; |
import java.util.ListResourceBundle; |
public class CollationData_be extends ListResourceBundle { |
protected final Object[][] getContents() { |
return new Object[][] { |
{ "Rule", |
"& 9 < \u0482 " + |
"& Z " + |
"< \u0430 , \u0410" + |
"< \u0431 , \u0411" + |
"< \u0432 , \u0412" + |
"< \u0433 , \u0413" + |
"; \u0491 , \u0490" + |
"; \u0495 , \u0494" + |
"; \u0453 , \u0403" + |
"; \u0493 , \u0492" + |
"< \u0434 , \u0414" + |
"< \u0452 , \u0402" + |
"< \u0435 , \u0415" + |
"; \u04bd , \u04bc" + |
"; \u0451 , \u0401" + |
"; \u04bf , \u04be" + |
"< \u0454 , \u0404" + |
"< \u0436 , \u0416" + |
"; \u0497 , \u0496" + |
"; \u04c2 , \u04c1" + |
"< \u0437 , \u0417" + |
"; \u0499 , \u0498" + |
"< \u0455 , \u0405" + |
"< \u0438 , \u0418" + |
"< \u0456 , \u0406" + |
"; \u04c0 " + |
"< \u0457 , \u0407" + |
"< \u0439 , \u0419" + |
"< \u0458 , \u0408" + |
"< \u043a , \u041a" + |
"; \u049f , \u049e" + |
"; \u04c4 , \u04c3" + |
"; \u049d , \u049c" + |
"; \u04a1 , \u04a0" + |
"; \u045c , \u040c" + |
"; \u049b , \u049a" + |
"< \u043b , \u041b" + |
"< \u0459 , \u0409" + |
"< \u043c , \u041c" + |
"< \u043d , \u041d" + |
"; \u0463 " + |
"; \u04a3 , \u04a2" + |
"; \u04a5 , \u04a4" + |
"; \u04bb , \u04ba" + |
"; \u04c8 , \u04c7" + |
"< \u045a , \u040a" + |
"< \u043e , \u041e" + |
"; \u04a9 , \u04a8" + |
"< \u043f , \u041f" + |
"; \u04a7 , \u04a6" + |
"< \u0440 , \u0420" + |
"< \u0441 , \u0421" + |
"; \u04ab , \u04aa" + |
"< \u0442 , \u0422" + |
"; \u04ad , \u04ac" + |
"< \u045b , \u040b" + |
"< \u0443 , \u0423" + |
"; \u04af , \u04ae" + |
"< \u045e , \u040e" + |
"< \u04b1 , \u04b0" + |
"< \u0444 , \u0424" + |
"< \u0445 , \u0425" + |
"; \u04b3 , \u04b2" + |
"< \u0446 , \u0426" + |
"; \u04b5 , \u04b4" + |
"< \u0447 , \u0427" + |
"; \u04b7 ; \u04b6" + |
"; \u04b9 , \u04b8" + |
"; \u04cc , \u04cb" + |
"< \u045f , \u040f" + |
"< \u0448 , \u0428" + |
"< \u0449 , \u0429" + |
"< \u044a , \u042a" + |
"< \u044b , \u042b" + |
"< \u044c , \u042c" + |
"< \u044d , \u042d" + |
"< \u044e , \u042e" + |
"< \u044f , \u042f" + |
"< \u0461 , \u0460" + |
"< \u0462 " + |
"< \u0465 , \u0464" + |
"< \u0467 , \u0466" + |
"< \u0469 , \u0468" + |
"< \u046b , \u046a" + |
"< \u046d , \u046c" + |
"< \u046f , \u046e" + |
"< \u0471 , \u0470" + |
"< \u0473 , \u0472" + |
"< \u0475 , \u0474" + |
"; \u0477 , \u0476" + |
"< \u0479 , \u0478" + |
"< \u047b , \u047a" + |
"< \u047d , \u047c" + |
"< \u047f , \u047e" + |
"< \u0481 , \u0480" |
} |
}; |
} |
} |