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 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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/* Written by Simon Montagu, Matitiahu Allouche
 * (ported from C code written by Markus W. Scherer)
package sun.text.bidi;
 * A BidiRun represents a sequence of characters at the same embedding level.
 * The Bidi algorithm decomposes a piece of text into sequences of characters
 * at the same embedding level, each such sequence is called a "run".
 * <p>A BidiRun represents such a run by storing its essential properties,
 * but does not duplicate the characters which form the run.
 * <p>The &quot;limit&quot; of the run is the position just after the
 * last character, i.e., one more than that position.
 * <p>This class has no public constructor, and its members cannot be
 * modified by users.
 * @see
class BidiRun {
    int start;              /* first logical position of the run */
    int limit;              /* last visual position of the run +1 */
    int insertRemove;       /* if >0, flags for inserting LRM/RLM before/after run,
                               if <0, count of bidi controls within run            */
    byte level;
     * Default constructor
     * Note that members start and limit of a run instance have different
     * meanings depending whether the run is part of the runs array of a Bidi
     * object, or if it is a reference returned by getVisualRun() or
     * getLogicalRun().
     * For a member of the runs array of a Bidi object,
     *   - start is the first logical position of the run in the source text.
     *   - limit is one after the last visual position of the run.
     * For a reference returned by getLogicalRun() or getVisualRun(),
     *   - start is the first logical position of the run in the source text.
     *   - limit is one after the last logical position of the run.
        this(0, 0, (byte)0);
     * Constructor
    BidiRun(int start, int limit, byte embeddingLevel)
        this.start = start;
        this.limit = limit;
        this.level = embeddingLevel;
     * Copy the content of a BidiRun instance
    void copyFrom(BidiRun run)
        this.start = run.start;
        this.limit = run.limit;
        this.level = run.level;
        this.insertRemove = run.insertRemove;
     * Get level of run
    byte getEmbeddingLevel()
        return level;
     * Check if run level is even
     * @return true if the embedding level of this run is even, i.e. it is a
     *  left-to-right run.
    boolean isEvenRun()
        return (level & 1) == 0;
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