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 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * This class represents a local variable within a method. It contains its
 * scope, name, signature and index on the method's frame.  It is used both
 * to represent an element of the LocalVariableTable as well as an element
 * of the LocalVariableTypeTable.  The nomenclature used here may be a bit confusing;
 * while the two items have the same layout in a class file, a LocalVariableTable
 * attribute contains a descriptor_index, not a signatureIndex.  The
 * LocalVariableTypeTable attribute does have a signatureIndex.
 * @see for more details on the difference.
 * @see     LocalVariableTable
 * @see     LocalVariableTypeTable
 * @LastModified: May 2021
public final class LocalVariable implements Cloneable, Node {
    private int startPc; // Range in which the variable is valid
    private int length;
    private int nameIndex; // Index in constant pool of variable name
    // Technically, a decscriptor_index for a local variable table entry
    // and a signatureIndex for a local variable type table entry.
    private int signatureIndex; // Index of variable signature
    private int index; /* Variable is index'th local variable on
     * this method's frame.
    private ConstantPool constantPool;
    private int origIndex; // never changes; used to match up with LocalVariableTypeTable entries
     * Initializes from another LocalVariable. Note that both objects use the same
     * references (shallow copy). Use copy() for a physical copy.
     * @param localVariable Another LocalVariable.
    public LocalVariable(final LocalVariable localVariable) {
        this(localVariable.getStartPC(), localVariable.getLength(), localVariable.getNameIndex(),
                localVariable.getSignatureIndex(), localVariable.getIndex(), localVariable.getConstantPool());
        this.origIndex = localVariable.getOrigIndex();
     * Constructs object from file stream.
     * @param file Input stream
     * @throws IOException
    LocalVariable(final DataInput file, final ConstantPool constant_pool) throws IOException {
        this(file.readUnsignedShort(), file.readUnsignedShort(), file.readUnsignedShort(), file
                .readUnsignedShort(), file.readUnsignedShort(), constant_pool);
     * @param startPc Range in which the variable
     * @param length ... is valid
     * @param nameIndex Index in constant pool of variable name
     * @param signatureIndex Index of variable's signature
     * @param index Variable is `index'th local variable on the method's frame
     * @param constantPool Array of constants
    public LocalVariable(final int startPc, final int length, final int nameIndex, final int signatureIndex, final int index,
            final ConstantPool constantPool) {
        this.startPc = startPc;
        this.length = length;
        this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
        this.signatureIndex = signatureIndex;
        this.index = index;
        this.constantPool = constantPool;
        this.origIndex = index;
     * @param startPc Range in which the variable
     * @param length ... is valid
     * @param nameIndex Index in constant pool of variable name
     * @param signatureIndex Index of variable's signature
     * @param index Variable is `index'th local variable on the method's frame
     * @param constantPool Array of constants
     * @param origIndex Variable is `index'th local variable on the method's frame prior to any changes
    public LocalVariable(final int startPc, final int length, final int nameIndex, final int signatureIndex, final int index,
            final ConstantPool constantPool, final int origIndex) {
        this.startPc = startPc;
        this.length = length;
        this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
        this.signatureIndex = signatureIndex;
        this.index = index;
        this.constantPool = constantPool;
        this.origIndex = origIndex;
     * Called by objects that are traversing the nodes of the tree implicitely
     * defined by the contents of a Java class. I.e., the hierarchy of methods,
     * fields, attributes, etc. spawns a tree of objects.
     * @param v Visitor object
    public void accept( final Visitor v ) {
     * Dumps local variable to file stream in binary format.
     * @param dataOutputStream Output file stream
     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs.
     * @see
    public void dump(final DataOutputStream dataOutputStream) throws IOException {
     * @return Constant pool used by this object.
    public ConstantPool getConstantPool() {
        return constantPool;
     * @return Variable is valid within getStartPC() .. getStartPC()+getLength()
    public int getLength() {
        return length;
     * @return Variable name.
    public String getName() {
        ConstantUtf8 c;
        c = (ConstantUtf8) constantPool.getConstant(nameIndex, Const.CONSTANT_Utf8);
        return c.getBytes();
     * @return Index in constant pool of variable name.
    public int getNameIndex() {
        return nameIndex;
     * @return Signature.
    public String getSignature() {
        ConstantUtf8 c;
        c = (ConstantUtf8) constantPool.getConstant(signatureIndex, Const.CONSTANT_Utf8);
        return c.getBytes();
     * @return Index in constant pool of variable signature.
    public int getSignatureIndex() {
        return signatureIndex;
     * @return index of register where variable is stored
    public int getIndex() {
        return index;
     * @return index of register where variable was originally stored
    public int getOrigIndex() {
        return origIndex;
     * @return Start of range where the variable is valid
    public int getStartPC() {
        return startPc;
     * Helper method shared with LocalVariableTypeTable
    String toStringShared( final boolean typeTable ) {
        final String name = getName();
        final String signature = Utility.signatureToString(getSignature(), false);
        final String label = "LocalVariable" + (typeTable ? "Types" : "" );
        return label + "(startPc = " + startPc + ", length = " + length + ", index = "
                + index + ":" + signature + " " + name + ")";
     * @param constantPool Constant pool to be used for this object.
    public void setConstantPool( final ConstantPool constantPool ) {
        this.constantPool = constantPool;
     * @param length the length of this local variable
    public void setLength( final int length ) {
        this.length = length;
     * @param nameIndex the index into the constant pool for the name of this variable
    public void setNameIndex( final int nameIndex ) { // TODO unused
        this.nameIndex = nameIndex;
     * @param signatureIndex the index into the constant pool for the signature of this variable
    public void setSignatureIndex( final int signatureIndex ) { // TODO unused
        this.signatureIndex = signatureIndex;
     * @param index the index in the local variable table of this variable
    public void setIndex( final int index ) { // TODO unused
        this.index = index;
     * @param startPc Specify range where the local variable is valid.
    public void setStartPC( final int startPc ) { // TODO unused
        this.startPc = startPc;
     * @return string representation.
    public String toString() {
        return toStringShared(false);
     * @return deep copy of this object
    public LocalVariable copy() {
        try {
            return (LocalVariable) clone();
        } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            // TODO should this throw?
        return null;
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