*/ |
package com.sun.imageio.plugins.gif; |
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; |
import java.nio.charset.Charset; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Iterator; |
import java.util.List; |
import javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier; |
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOInvalidTreeException; |
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata; |
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode; |
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormat; |
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormatImpl; |
import org.w3c.dom.Node; |
class GIFWritableImageMetadata extends GIFImageMetadata { |
static final String |
NATIVE_FORMAT_NAME = "javax_imageio_gif_image_1.0"; |
GIFWritableImageMetadata() { |
super(true, |
"com.sun.imageio.plugins.gif.GIFImageMetadataFormat", |
null, null); |
} |
public boolean isReadOnly() { |
return false; |
} |
public void reset() { |
imageLeftPosition = 0; |
imageTopPosition = 0; |
imageWidth = 0; |
imageHeight = 0; |
interlaceFlag = false; |
sortFlag = false; |
localColorTable = null; |
disposalMethod = 0; |
userInputFlag = false; |
transparentColorFlag = false; |
delayTime = 0; |
transparentColorIndex = 0; |
hasPlainTextExtension = false; |
textGridLeft = 0; |
textGridTop = 0; |
textGridWidth = 0; |
textGridHeight = 0; |
characterCellWidth = 0; |
characterCellHeight = 0; |
textForegroundColor = 0; |
textBackgroundColor = 0; |
text = null; |
applicationIDs = null; |
authenticationCodes = null; |
applicationData = null; |
// Fields from CommentExtension |
comments = null; |
} |
private byte[] fromISO8859(String data) { |
try { |
return data.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); |
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { |
return "".getBytes(); |
} |
} |
protected void mergeNativeTree(Node root) throws IIOInvalidTreeException { |
Node node = root; |
if (!node.getNodeName().equals(nativeMetadataFormatName)) { |
fatal(node, "Root must be " + nativeMetadataFormatName); |
} |
node = node.getFirstChild(); |
while (node != null) { |
String name = node.getNodeName(); |
if (name.equals("ImageDescriptor")) { |
imageLeftPosition = getIntAttribute(node, |
"imageLeftPosition", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 65535); |
imageTopPosition = getIntAttribute(node, |
"imageTopPosition", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 65535); |
imageWidth = getIntAttribute(node, |
"imageWidth", |
-1, true, |
true, 1, 65535); |
imageHeight = getIntAttribute(node, |
"imageHeight", |
-1, true, |
true, 1, 65535); |
interlaceFlag = getBooleanAttribute(node, "interlaceFlag", |
false, true); |
} else if (name.equals("LocalColorTable")) { |
int sizeOfLocalColorTable = |
getIntAttribute(node, "sizeOfLocalColorTable", |
true, 2, 256); |
if (sizeOfLocalColorTable != 2 && |
sizeOfLocalColorTable != 4 && |
sizeOfLocalColorTable != 8 && |
sizeOfLocalColorTable != 16 && |
sizeOfLocalColorTable != 32 && |
sizeOfLocalColorTable != 64 && |
sizeOfLocalColorTable != 128 && |
sizeOfLocalColorTable != 256) { |
fatal(node, |
"Bad value for LocalColorTable attribute sizeOfLocalColorTable!"); |
} |
sortFlag = getBooleanAttribute(node, "sortFlag", false, true); |
localColorTable = getColorTable(node, "ColorTableEntry", |
true, sizeOfLocalColorTable); |
} else if (name.equals("GraphicControlExtension")) { |
String disposalMethodName = |
getStringAttribute(node, "disposalMethod", null, |
true, disposalMethodNames); |
disposalMethod = 0; |
while(!disposalMethodName.equals(disposalMethodNames[disposalMethod])) { |
disposalMethod++; |
} |
userInputFlag = getBooleanAttribute(node, "userInputFlag", |
false, true); |
transparentColorFlag = |
getBooleanAttribute(node, "transparentColorFlag", |
false, true); |
delayTime = getIntAttribute(node, |
"delayTime", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 65535); |
transparentColorIndex = |
getIntAttribute(node, "transparentColorIndex", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 65535); |
} else if (name.equals("PlainTextExtension")) { |
hasPlainTextExtension = true; |
textGridLeft = getIntAttribute(node, |
"textGridLeft", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 65535); |
textGridTop = getIntAttribute(node, |
"textGridTop", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 65535); |
textGridWidth = getIntAttribute(node, |
"textGridWidth", |
-1, true, |
true, 1, 65535); |
textGridHeight = getIntAttribute(node, |
"textGridHeight", |
-1, true, |
true, 1, 65535); |
characterCellWidth = getIntAttribute(node, |
"characterCellWidth", |
-1, true, |
true, 1, 65535); |
characterCellHeight = getIntAttribute(node, |
"characterCellHeight", |
-1, true, |
true, 1, 65535); |
textForegroundColor = getIntAttribute(node, |
"textForegroundColor", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 255); |
textBackgroundColor = getIntAttribute(node, |
"textBackgroundColor", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 255); |
// XXX The "text" attribute of the PlainTextExtension element |
// is not defined in the GIF image metadata format but it is |
// present in the GIFImageMetadata class. Consequently it is |
// used here but not required and with a default of "". See |
// bug 5082763. |
String textString = |
getStringAttribute(node, "text", "", false, null); |
text = fromISO8859(textString); |
} else if (name.equals("ApplicationExtensions")) { |
IIOMetadataNode applicationExtension = |
(IIOMetadataNode)node.getFirstChild(); |
if (!applicationExtension.getNodeName().equals("ApplicationExtension")) { |
fatal(node, |
"Only a ApplicationExtension may be a child of a ApplicationExtensions!"); |
} |
String applicationIDString = |
getStringAttribute(applicationExtension, "applicationID", |
null, true, null); |
String authenticationCodeString = |
getStringAttribute(applicationExtension, "authenticationCode", |
null, true, null); |
Object applicationExtensionData = |
applicationExtension.getUserObject(); |
if (applicationExtensionData == null || |
!(applicationExtensionData instanceof byte[])) { |
fatal(applicationExtension, |
"Bad user object in ApplicationExtension!"); |
} |
if (applicationIDs == null) { |
applicationIDs = new ArrayList(); |
authenticationCodes = new ArrayList(); |
applicationData = new ArrayList(); |
} |
applicationIDs.add(fromISO8859(applicationIDString)); |
authenticationCodes.add(fromISO8859(authenticationCodeString)); |
applicationData.add(applicationExtensionData); |
} else if (name.equals("CommentExtensions")) { |
Node commentExtension = node.getFirstChild(); |
if (commentExtension != null) { |
while(commentExtension != null) { |
if (!commentExtension.getNodeName().equals("CommentExtension")) { |
fatal(node, |
"Only a CommentExtension may be a child of a CommentExtensions!"); |
} |
if (comments == null) { |
comments = new ArrayList(); |
} |
String comment = |
getStringAttribute(commentExtension, "value", null, |
true, null); |
comments.add(fromISO8859(comment)); |
commentExtension = commentExtension.getNextSibling(); |
} |
} |
} else { |
fatal(node, "Unknown child of root node!"); |
} |
node = node.getNextSibling(); |
} |
} |
protected void mergeStandardTree(Node root) |
throws IIOInvalidTreeException { |
Node node = root; |
if (!node.getNodeName() |
.equals(IIOMetadataFormatImpl.standardMetadataFormatName)) { |
fatal(node, "Root must be " + |
IIOMetadataFormatImpl.standardMetadataFormatName); |
} |
node = node.getFirstChild(); |
while (node != null) { |
String name = node.getNodeName(); |
if (name.equals("Chroma")) { |
Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); |
while(childNode != null) { |
String childName = childNode.getNodeName(); |
if (childName.equals("Palette")) { |
localColorTable = getColorTable(childNode, |
"PaletteEntry", |
false, -1); |
break; |
} |
childNode = childNode.getNextSibling(); |
} |
} else if (name.equals("Compression")) { |
Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); |
while(childNode != null) { |
String childName = childNode.getNodeName(); |
if (childName.equals("NumProgressiveScans")) { |
int numProgressiveScans = |
getIntAttribute(childNode, "value", 4, false, |
true, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); |
if (numProgressiveScans > 1) { |
interlaceFlag = true; |
} |
break; |
} |
childNode = childNode.getNextSibling(); |
} |
} else if (name.equals("Dimension")) { |
Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); |
while(childNode != null) { |
String childName = childNode.getNodeName(); |
if (childName.equals("HorizontalPixelOffset")) { |
imageLeftPosition = getIntAttribute(childNode, |
"value", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 65535); |
} else if (childName.equals("VerticalPixelOffset")) { |
imageTopPosition = getIntAttribute(childNode, |
"value", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 65535); |
} |
childNode = childNode.getNextSibling(); |
} |
} else if (name.equals("Text")) { |
Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); |
while(childNode != null) { |
String childName = childNode.getNodeName(); |
if (childName.equals("TextEntry") && |
getAttribute(childNode, "compression", |
"none", false).equals("none") && |
Charset.isSupported(getAttribute(childNode, |
"encoding", |
"ISO-8859-1", |
false))) { |
String value = getAttribute(childNode, "value"); |
byte[] comment = fromISO8859(value); |
if (comments == null) { |
comments = new ArrayList(); |
} |
comments.add(comment); |
} |
childNode = childNode.getNextSibling(); |
} |
} else if (name.equals("Transparency")) { |
Node childNode = node.getFirstChild(); |
while(childNode != null) { |
String childName = childNode.getNodeName(); |
if (childName.equals("TransparentIndex")) { |
transparentColorIndex = getIntAttribute(childNode, |
"value", |
-1, true, |
true, 0, 255); |
transparentColorFlag = true; |
break; |
} |
childNode = childNode.getNextSibling(); |
} |
} |
node = node.getNextSibling(); |
} |
} |
public void setFromTree(String formatName, Node root) |
throws IIOInvalidTreeException |
{ |
reset(); |
mergeTree(formatName, root); |
} |
} |