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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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 * questions.
package javax.print.attribute.standard;
import javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax;
import javax.print.attribute.Attribute;
 * Class JobStateReason is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that
 * provides additional information about the job's current state, i.e.,
 * information that augments the value of the job's {@link JobState JobState}
 * attribute. Class JobStateReason defines standard job state reason values. A
 * Print Service implementation only needs to report those job state
 * reasons which are appropriate for the particular implementation; it does not
 * have to report every defined job state reason.
 * <P>
 * Instances of JobStateReason do not appear in a Print Job's attribute set
 * directly. Rather, a {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute appears
 * in the Print Job's attribute set. The {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons}
 * attribute contains zero, one, or more than one JobStateReason objects which
 * pertain to the Print Job's status. The printer adds a JobStateReason object
 * to the Print Job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute when the
 * corresponding condition becomes true of the Print Job, and the printer
 * removes the JobStateReason object again when the corresponding condition
 * becomes false, regardless of whether the Print Job's overall {@link JobState
 * JobState} also changed.
 * <P>
 * <B>IPP Compatibility:</B> The category name returned by
 * <CODE>getName()</CODE> is the IPP attribute name.  The enumeration's
 * integer value is the IPP enum value.  The <code>toString()</code> method
 * returns the IPP string representation of the attribute value.
 * <P>
 * @author  Alan Kaminsky
public class JobStateReason extends EnumSyntax implements Attribute {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8765894420449009168L;
     * The printer has created the Print Job, but the printer has not finished
     * accessing or accepting all the print data yet.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_INCOMING = new JobStateReason(0);
     * The printer has created the Print Job, but the printer is expecting
     * additional print data before it can move the job into the PROCESSING
     * state. If a printer starts processing before it has received all data,
     * the printer removes the JOB_DATA_INSUFFICIENT reason, but the
     * JOB_INCOMING reason remains. If a printer starts processing after it
     * has received all data, the printer removes the JOB_DATA_INSUFFICIENT
     * and JOB_INCOMING reasons at the same time.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_DATA_INSUFFICIENT = new JobStateReason(1);
     * The Printer could not access one or more documents passed by reference
     * (i.e., the print data representation object is a URL). This reason is
     * intended to cover any file access problem,including file does not exist
     * and access denied because of an access control problem. Whether the
     * printer aborts the job and moves the job to the ABORTED job state or
     * prints all documents that are accessible and moves the job to the
     * COMPLETED job state and adds the COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS reason to the
     * job's {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute depends on
     * implementation and/or site policy. This value should be supported if
     * the printer supports doc flavors with URL print data representation
     * objects.
    public static final JobStateReason
        DOCUMENT_ACCESS_ERROR = new JobStateReason(2);
     * The job was not completely submitted for some unforeseen reason.
     * Possibilities include (1) the printer has crashed before the job was
     * fully submitted by the client, (2) the printer or the document transfer
     * method has crashed in some non-recoverable way before the document data
     * was entirely transferred to the printer, (3) the client crashed before
     * the job was fully submitted.
    public static final JobStateReason
        SUBMISSION_INTERRUPTED = new JobStateReason(3);
     * The printer is transmitting the job to the output device.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_OUTGOING = new JobStateReason(4);
     * The value of the job's {@link JobHoldUntil JobHoldUntil} attribute was
     * specified with a date-time that is still in the future. The job must
     * not be a candidate for processing until this reason is removed and
     * there are
     * no other reasons to hold the job. This value should be supported if the
     * {@link JobHoldUntil JobHoldUntil} job template attribute is supported.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_HOLD_UNTIL_SPECIFIED = new JobStateReason(5);
     * At least one of the resources needed by the job, such as media, fonts,
     * resource objects, etc., is not ready on any of the physical printers
     * for which the job is a candidate. This condition may be detected
     * when the job is accepted, or subsequently while the job is pending
     * or processing, depending on implementation.
     * The job may remain in its current state or
     * be moved to the PENDING_HELD state, depending on implementation and/or
     * job scheduling policy.
    public static final JobStateReason
        RESOURCES_ARE_NOT_READY = new JobStateReason(6);
     * The value of the printer's {@link PrinterStateReasons
     * PrinterStateReasons} attribute contains a {@link PrinterStateReason
     * PrinterStateReason} value of STOPPED_PARTLY.
    public static final JobStateReason
        PRINTER_STOPPED_PARTLY = new JobStateReason(7);
     * The value of the printer's {@link PrinterState PrinterState} attribute
     * ia STOPPED.
    public static final JobStateReason
        PRINTER_STOPPED = new JobStateReason(8);
     * The job is in the PROCESSING state, but more specifically, the printer
     * ia interpreting the document data.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_INTERPRETING = new JobStateReason(9);
     * The job is in the PROCESSING state, but more specifically, the printer
     * has queued the document data.
    public static final JobStateReason JOB_QUEUED = new JobStateReason(10);
     * The job is in the PROCESSING state, but more specifically, the printer
     * is interpreting document data and producing another electronic
     * representation.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_TRANSFORMING = new JobStateReason(11);
     * The job is in the PENDING_HELD, PENDING, or PROCESSING state, but more
     * specifically, the printer has completed enough processing of the document
     * to be able to start marking and the job is waiting for the marker.
     * Systems that require human intervention to release jobs put the job into
     * the PENDING_HELD job state. Systems that automatically select a job to
     * use the marker put the job into the PENDING job state or keep the job
     * in the PROCESSING job state while waiting for the marker, depending on
     * implementation. All implementations put the job into (or back into) the
     * PROCESSING state when marking does begin.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_QUEUED_FOR_MARKER = new JobStateReason(12);
     * The output device is marking media. This value is useful for printers
     * which spend a great deal of time processing (1) when no marking is
     * happening and then want to show that marking is now happening or (2) when
     * the job is in the process of being canceled or aborted while the job
     * remains in the PROCESSING state, but the marking has not yet stopped so
     * that impression or sheet counts are still increasing for the job.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_PRINTING = new JobStateReason(13);
     * The job was canceled by the owner of the job, i.e., by a user whose
     * authenticated identity is the same as the value of the originating user
     * that created the Print Job, or by some other authorized end-user, such as
     * a member of the job owner's security group. This value should be
     * supported.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_CANCELED_BY_USER = new JobStateReason(14);
     * The job was canceled by the operator, i.e., by a user who has been
     * authenticated as having operator privileges (whether local or remote). If
     * the security policy is to allow anyone to cancel anyone's job, then this
     * value may be used when the job is canceled by someone other than the
     * owner of the job. For such a security policy, in effect, everyone is an
     * operator as far as canceling jobs is concerned. This value should be
     * supported if the implementation permits canceling by someone other than
     * the owner of the job.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_CANCELED_BY_OPERATOR = new JobStateReason(15);
     * The job was canceled by an unidentified local user, i.e., a user at a
     * console at the device. This value should be supported if the
     * implementation supports canceling jobs at the console.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_CANCELED_AT_DEVICE = new JobStateReason(16);
     * The job was aborted by the system. Either the job (1) is in the process
     * of being aborted, (2) has been aborted by the system and placed in the
     * ABORTED state, or (3) has been aborted by the system and placed in the
     * PENDING_HELD state, so that a user or operator can manually try the job
     * again. This value should be supported.
    public static final JobStateReason
        ABORTED_BY_SYSTEM = new JobStateReason(17);
     * The job was aborted by the system because the printer determined while
     * attempting to decompress the document's data that the compression is
     * actually not among those supported by the printer. This value must be
     * supported, since {@link Compression Compression} is a required doc
     * description attribute.
    public static final JobStateReason
        UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION = new JobStateReason(18);
     * The job was aborted by the system because the printer encountered an
     * error in the document data while decompressing it. If the printer posts
     * this reason, the document data has already passed any tests that would
     * have led to the UNSUPPORTED_COMPRESSION job state reason.
    public static final JobStateReason
        COMPRESSION_ERROR = new JobStateReason(19);
     * The job was aborted by the system because the document data's document
     * format (doc flavor) is not among those supported by the printer. If the
     * client specifies a doc flavor with a MIME type of
     * <CODE>"application/octet-stream"</CODE>, the printer may abort the job if
     * the printer cannot determine the document data's actual format through
     * auto-sensing (even if the printer supports the document format if
     * specified explicitly). This value must be supported, since a doc flavor
     * is required to be specified for each doc.
    public static final JobStateReason
        UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_FORMAT = new JobStateReason(20);
     * The job was aborted by the system because the printer encountered an
     * error in the document data while processing it. If the printer posts this
     * reason, the document data has already passed any tests that would have
     * led to the UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_FORMAT job state reason.
    public static final JobStateReason
        DOCUMENT_FORMAT_ERROR = new JobStateReason(21);
     * The requester has canceled the job or the printer has aborted the job,
     * but the printer is still performing some actions on the job until a
     * specified stop point occurs or job termination/cleanup is completed.
     * <P>
     * If the implementation requires some measurable time to cancel the job in
     * the PROCESSING or PROCESSING_STOPPED job states, the printer must use
     * this reason to indicate that the printer is still performing some actions
     * on the job while the job remains in the PROCESSING or PROCESSING_STOPPED
     * state. After all the job's job description attributes have stopped
     * incrementing, the printer moves the job from the PROCESSING state to the
     * CANCELED or ABORTED job states.
    public static final JobStateReason
        PROCESSING_TO_STOP_POINT = new JobStateReason(22);
     * The printer is off-line and accepting no jobs. All PENDING jobs are put
     * into the PENDING_HELD state. This situation could be true if the
     * service's or document transform's input is impaired or broken.
    public static final JobStateReason
        SERVICE_OFF_LINE = new JobStateReason(23);
     * The job completed successfully. This value should be supported.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY = new JobStateReason(24);
     * The job completed with warnings. This value should be supported if the
     * implementation detects warnings.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_COMPLETED_WITH_WARNINGS = new JobStateReason(25);
     * The job completed with errors (and possibly warnings too). This value
     * should be supported if the implementation detects errors.
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS = new JobStateReason(26);
     * This job is retained and is currently able to be restarted. If
     * JOB_RESTARTABLE is contained in the job's {@link JobStateReasons
     * JobStateReasons} attribute, then the printer must accept a request to
     * restart that job. This value should be supported if restarting jobs is
     * supported. <I>[The capability for restarting jobs is not in the Java
     * Print Service API at present.]</I>
    public static final JobStateReason
        JOB_RESTARTABLE = new JobStateReason(27);
     * The job has been forwarded to a device or print system that is unable to
     * send back status. The printer sets the job's {@link JobState JobState}
     * attribute to COMPLETED and adds the QUEUED_IN_DEVICE reason to the job's
     * {@link JobStateReasons JobStateReasons} attribute to indicate that the
     * printer has no additional information about the job and never will have
     * any better information.
    public static final JobStateReason
        QUEUED_IN_DEVICE = new JobStateReason(28);
     * Construct a new job state reason enumeration value with the given
     * integer  value.
     * @param  value  Integer value.
    protected JobStateReason(int value) {
        super (value);
    private static final String[] myStringTable = {
    private static final JobStateReason[] myEnumValueTable = {
     * Returns the string table for class JobStateReason.
    protected String[] getStringTable() {
        return (String[])myStringTable.clone();
     * Returns the enumeration value table for class JobStateReason.
    protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable() {
        return (EnumSyntax[])myEnumValueTable.clone();
     * Get the printing attribute class which is to be used as the "category"
     * for this printing attribute value.
     * <P>
     * For class JobStateReason and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
     * category  is class JobStateReason itself.
     * @return  Printing attribute class (category), an instance of class
     *          {@link java.lang.Class java.lang.Class}.
    public final Class<? extends Attribute> getCategory() {
        return JobStateReason.class;
     * Get the name of the category of which this attribute value is an
     * instance.
     * <P>
     * For class JobStateReason and any vendor-defined subclasses, the
     * category name is <CODE>"job-state-reason"</CODE>.
     * @return  Attribute category name.
    public final String getName() {
        return "job-state-reason";
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