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 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
 * <p> The {@code LoginContext} class describes the basic methods used
 * to authenticate Subjects and provides a way to develop an
 * application independent of the underlying authentication technology.
 * A {@code Configuration} specifies the authentication technology, or
 * {@code LoginModule}, to be used with a particular application.
 * Different LoginModules can be plugged in under an application
 * without requiring any modifications to the application itself.
 * <p> In addition to supporting <i>pluggable</i> authentication, this class
 * also supports the notion of <i>stacked</i> authentication.
 * Applications may be configured to use more than one
 * LoginModule.  For example, one could
 * configure both a Kerberos LoginModule and a smart card
 * LoginModule under an application.
 * <p> A typical caller instantiates a LoginContext with
 * a <i>name</i> and a {@code CallbackHandler}.
 * LoginContext uses the <i>name</i> as the index into a
 * Configuration to determine which LoginModules should be used,
 * and which ones must succeed in order for the overall authentication to
 * succeed.  The {@code CallbackHandler} is passed to the underlying
 * LoginModules so they may communicate and interact with users
 * (prompting for a username and password via a graphical user interface,
 * for example).
 * <p> Once the caller has instantiated a LoginContext,
 * it invokes the {@code login} method to authenticate
 * a {@code Subject}.  The {@code login} method invokes
 * the configured modules to perform their respective types of authentication
 * (username/password, smart card pin verification, etc.).
 * Note that the LoginModules will not attempt authentication retries nor
 * introduce delays if the authentication fails.
 * Such tasks belong to the LoginContext caller.
 * <p> If the {@code login} method returns without
 * throwing an exception, then the overall authentication succeeded.
 * The caller can then retrieve
 * the newly authenticated Subject by invoking the
 * {@code getSubject} method.  Principals and Credentials associated
 * with the Subject may be retrieved by invoking the Subject's
 * respective {@code getPrincipals}, {@code getPublicCredentials},
 * and {@code getPrivateCredentials} methods.
 * <p> To logout the Subject, the caller calls
 * the {@code logout} method.  As with the {@code login}
 * method, this {@code logout} method invokes the {@code logout}
 * method for the configured modules.
 * <p> A LoginContext should not be used to authenticate
 * more than one Subject.  A separate LoginContext
 * should be used to authenticate each different Subject.
 * <p> The following documentation applies to all LoginContext constructors:
 * <ol>
 * <li> {@code Subject}
 * <ul>
 * <li> If the constructor has a Subject
 * input parameter, the LoginContext uses the caller-specified
 * Subject object.
 * <li> If the caller specifies a {@code null} Subject
 * and a {@code null} value is permitted,
 * the LoginContext instantiates a new Subject.
 * <li> If the constructor does <b>not</b> have a Subject
 * input parameter, the LoginContext instantiates a new Subject.
 * <p>
 * </ul>
 * <li> {@code Configuration}
 * <ul>
 * <li> If the constructor has a Configuration
 * input parameter and the caller specifies a non-null Configuration,
 * the LoginContext uses the caller-specified Configuration.
 * <p>
 * If the constructor does <b>not</b> have a Configuration
 * input parameter, or if the caller specifies a {@code null}
 * Configuration object, the constructor uses the following call to
 * get the installed Configuration:
 * <pre>
 *      config = Configuration.getConfiguration();
 * </pre>
 * For both cases,
 * the <i>name</i> argument given to the constructor is passed to the
 * {@code Configuration.getAppConfigurationEntry} method.
 * If the Configuration has no entries for the specified <i>name</i>,
 * then the {@code LoginContext} calls
 * {@code getAppConfigurationEntry} with the name, "<i>other</i>"
 * (the default entry name).  If there is no entry for "<i>other</i>",
 * then a {@code LoginException} is thrown.
 * <li> When LoginContext uses the installed Configuration, the caller
 * requires the createLoginContext.<em>name</em> and possibly
 * createLoginContext.other AuthPermissions. Furthermore, the
 * LoginContext will invoke configured modules from within an
 * {@code AccessController.doPrivileged} call so that modules that
 * perform security-sensitive tasks (such as connecting to remote hosts,
 * and updating the Subject) will require the respective permissions, but
 * the callers of the LoginContext will not require those permissions.
 * <li> When LoginContext uses a caller-specified Configuration, the caller
 * does not require any createLoginContext AuthPermission.  The LoginContext
 * saves the {@code AccessControlContext} for the caller,
 * and invokes the configured modules from within an
 * {@code AccessController.doPrivileged} call constrained by that context.
 * This means the caller context (stored when the LoginContext was created)
 * must have sufficient permissions to perform any security-sensitive tasks
 * that the modules may perform.
 * <p>
 * </ul>
 * <li> {@code CallbackHandler}
 * <ul>
 * <li> If the constructor has a CallbackHandler
 * input parameter, the LoginContext uses the caller-specified
 * CallbackHandler object.
 * <li> If the constructor does <b>not</b> have a CallbackHandler
 * input parameter, or if the caller specifies a {@code null}
 * CallbackHandler object (and a {@code null} value is permitted),
 * the LoginContext queries the
 * {@code auth.login.defaultCallbackHandler} security property for the
 * fully qualified class name of a default handler
 * implementation. If the security property is not set,
 * then the underlying modules will not have a
 * CallbackHandler for use in communicating
 * with users.  The caller thus assumes that the configured
 * modules have alternative means for authenticating the user.
 * <li> When the LoginContext uses the installed Configuration (instead of
 * a caller-specified Configuration, see above),
 * then this LoginContext must wrap any
 * caller-specified or default CallbackHandler implementation
 * in a new CallbackHandler implementation
 * whose {@code handle} method implementation invokes the
 * specified CallbackHandler's {@code handle} method in a
 * {@code} call
 * constrained by the caller's current {@code AccessControlContext}.
 * </ul>
 * </ol>
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see
 * @see security properties
public class LoginContext {
    private static final String INIT_METHOD             = "initialize";
    private static final String LOGIN_METHOD            = "login";
    private static final String COMMIT_METHOD           = "commit";
    private static final String ABORT_METHOD            = "abort";
    private static final String LOGOUT_METHOD           = "logout";
    private static final String OTHER                   = "other";
    private static final String DEFAULT_HANDLER         =
    private Subject subject = null;
    private boolean subjectProvided = false;
    private boolean loginSucceeded = false;
    private CallbackHandler callbackHandler;
    private Map<String,?> state = new HashMap<String,Object>();
    private Configuration config;
    private AccessControlContext creatorAcc = null;  // customized config only
    private ModuleInfo[] moduleStack;
    private ClassLoader contextClassLoader = null;
    private static final Class<?>[] PARAMS = { };
    // state saved in the event a user-specified asynchronous exception
    // was specified and thrown
    private int moduleIndex = 0;
    private LoginException firstError = null;
    private LoginException firstRequiredError = null;
    private boolean success = false;
    private static final debug ="logincontext", "\t[LoginContext]");
    private void init(String name) throws LoginException {
        SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
        if (sm != null && creatorAcc == null) {
            sm.checkPermission(new AuthPermission
                                ("createLoginContext." + name));
        if (name == null)
            throw new LoginException
        // get the Configuration
        if (config == null) {
            config =
                (new<Configuration>() {
                public Configuration run() {
                    return Configuration.getConfiguration();
        // get the LoginModules configured for this application
        AppConfigurationEntry[] entries = config.getAppConfigurationEntry(name);
        if (entries == null) {
            if (sm != null && creatorAcc == null) {
                sm.checkPermission(new AuthPermission
                                ("createLoginContext." + OTHER));
            entries = config.getAppConfigurationEntry(OTHER);
            if (entries == null) {
                MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(ResourcesMgr.getString
                Object[] source = {name};
                throw new LoginException(form.format(source));
        moduleStack = new ModuleInfo[entries.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
            // clone returned array
            moduleStack[i] = new ModuleInfo
                                (new AppConfigurationEntry
        contextClassLoader =
                (new<ClassLoader>() {
                public ClassLoader run() {
                    ClassLoader loader =
                    if (loader == null) {
                        // Don't use bootstrap class loader directly to ensure
                        // proper package access control!
                        loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
                    return loader;
    private void loadDefaultCallbackHandler() throws LoginException {
        // get the default handler class
        try {
            final ClassLoader finalLoader = contextClassLoader;
            this.callbackHandler =
                new<CallbackHandler>() {
                public CallbackHandler run() throws Exception {
                    String defaultHandler =
                    if (defaultHandler == null || defaultHandler.length() == 0)
                        return null;
                    Class<? extends CallbackHandler> c = Class.forName(
                            defaultHandler, true,
                    return c.newInstance();
        } catch ( pae) {
            throw new LoginException(pae.getException().toString());
        // secure it with the caller's ACC
        if (this.callbackHandler != null && creatorAcc == null) {
            this.callbackHandler = new SecureCallbackHandler
     * Instantiate a new {@code LoginContext} object with a name.
     * @param name the name used as the index into the
     *          {@code Configuration}.
     * @exception LoginException if the caller-specified {@code name}
     *          does not appear in the {@code Configuration}
     *          and there is no {@code Configuration} entry
     *          for "<i>other</i>", or if the
     *          <i>auth.login.defaultCallbackHandler</i>
     *          security property was set, but the implementation
     *          class could not be loaded.
     *          <p>
     * @exception SecurityException if a SecurityManager is set and
     *          the caller does not have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.<i>name</i>"),
     *          or if a configuration entry for <i>name</i> does not exist and
     *          the caller does not additionally have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.other")
    public LoginContext(String name) throws LoginException {
     * Instantiate a new {@code LoginContext} object with a name
     * and a {@code Subject} object.
     * <p>
     * @param name the name used as the index into the
     *          {@code Configuration}. <p>
     * @param subject the {@code Subject} to authenticate.
     * @exception LoginException if the caller-specified {@code name}
     *          does not appear in the {@code Configuration}
     *          and there is no {@code Configuration} entry
     *          for "<i>other</i>", if the caller-specified {@code subject}
     *          is {@code null}, or if the
     *          <i>auth.login.defaultCallbackHandler</i>
     *          security property was set, but the implementation
     *          class could not be loaded.
     *          <p>
     * @exception SecurityException if a SecurityManager is set and
     *          the caller does not have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.<i>name</i>"),
     *          or if a configuration entry for <i>name</i> does not exist and
     *          the caller does not additionally have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.other")
    public LoginContext(String name, Subject subject)
    throws LoginException {
        if (subject == null)
            throw new LoginException
        this.subject = subject;
        subjectProvided = true;
     * Instantiate a new {@code LoginContext} object with a name
     * and a {@code CallbackHandler} object.
     * <p>
     * @param name the name used as the index into the
     *          {@code Configuration}. <p>
     * @param callbackHandler the {@code CallbackHandler} object used by
     *          LoginModules to communicate with the user.
     * @exception LoginException if the caller-specified {@code name}
     *          does not appear in the {@code Configuration}
     *          and there is no {@code Configuration} entry
     *          for "<i>other</i>", or if the caller-specified
     *          {@code callbackHandler} is {@code null}.
     *          <p>
     * @exception SecurityException if a SecurityManager is set and
     *          the caller does not have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.<i>name</i>"),
     *          or if a configuration entry for <i>name</i> does not exist and
     *          the caller does not additionally have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.other")
    public LoginContext(String name, CallbackHandler callbackHandler)
    throws LoginException {
        if (callbackHandler == null)
            throw new LoginException(ResourcesMgr.getString
        this.callbackHandler = new SecureCallbackHandler
     * Instantiate a new {@code LoginContext} object with a name,
     * a {@code Subject} to be authenticated, and a
     * {@code CallbackHandler} object.
     * <p>
     * @param name the name used as the index into the
     *          {@code Configuration}. <p>
     * @param subject the {@code Subject} to authenticate. <p>
     * @param callbackHandler the {@code CallbackHandler} object used by
     *          LoginModules to communicate with the user.
     * @exception LoginException if the caller-specified {@code name}
     *          does not appear in the {@code Configuration}
     *          and there is no {@code Configuration} entry
     *          for "<i>other</i>", or if the caller-specified
     *          {@code subject} is {@code null},
     *          or if the caller-specified
     *          {@code callbackHandler} is {@code null}.
     *          <p>
     * @exception SecurityException if a SecurityManager is set and
     *          the caller does not have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.<i>name</i>"),
     *          or if a configuration entry for <i>name</i> does not exist and
     *          the caller does not additionally have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.other")
    public LoginContext(String name, Subject subject,
                        CallbackHandler callbackHandler) throws LoginException {
        this(name, subject);
        if (callbackHandler == null)
            throw new LoginException(ResourcesMgr.getString
        this.callbackHandler = new SecureCallbackHandler
     * Instantiate a new {@code LoginContext} object with a name,
     * a {@code Subject} to be authenticated,
     * a {@code CallbackHandler} object, and a login
     * {@code Configuration}.
     * <p>
     * @param name the name used as the index into the caller-specified
     *          {@code Configuration}. <p>
     * @param subject the {@code Subject} to authenticate,
     *          or {@code null}. <p>
     * @param callbackHandler the {@code CallbackHandler} object used by
     *          LoginModules to communicate with the user, or {@code null}.
     *          <p>
     * @param config the {@code Configuration} that lists the
     *          login modules to be called to perform the authentication,
     *          or {@code null}.
     * @exception LoginException if the caller-specified {@code name}
     *          does not appear in the {@code Configuration}
     *          and there is no {@code Configuration} entry
     *          for "<i>other</i>".
     *          <p>
     * @exception SecurityException if a SecurityManager is set,
     *          <i>config</i> is {@code null},
     *          and either the caller does not have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.<i>name</i>"),
     *          or if a configuration entry for <i>name</i> does not exist and
     *          the caller does not additionally have
     *          AuthPermission("createLoginContext.other")
     * @since 1.5
    public LoginContext(String name, Subject subject,
                        CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
                        Configuration config) throws LoginException {
        this.config = config;
        if (config != null) {
            creatorAcc =;
        if (subject != null) {
            this.subject = subject;
            subjectProvided = true;
        if (callbackHandler == null) {
        } else if (creatorAcc == null) {
            this.callbackHandler = new SecureCallbackHandler
        } else {
            this.callbackHandler = callbackHandler;
     * Perform the authentication.
     * <p> This method invokes the {@code login} method for each
     * LoginModule configured for the <i>name</i> specified to the
     * {@code LoginContext} constructor, as determined by the login
     * {@code Configuration}.  Each {@code LoginModule}
     * then performs its respective type of authentication
     * (username/password, smart card pin verification, etc.).
     * <p> This method completes a 2-phase authentication process by
     * calling each configured LoginModule's {@code commit} method
     * if the overall authentication succeeded (the relevant REQUIRED,
     * REQUISITE, SUFFICIENT, and OPTIONAL LoginModules succeeded),
     * or by calling each configured LoginModule's {@code abort} method
     * if the overall authentication failed.  If authentication succeeded,
     * each successful LoginModule's {@code commit} method associates
     * the relevant Principals and Credentials with the {@code Subject}.
     * If authentication failed, each LoginModule's {@code abort} method
     * removes/destroys any previously stored state.
     * <p> If the {@code commit} phase of the authentication process
     * fails, then the overall authentication fails and this method
     * invokes the {@code abort} method for each configured
     * {@code LoginModule}.
     * <p> If the {@code abort} phase
     * fails for any reason, then this method propagates the
     * original exception thrown either during the {@code login} phase
     * or the {@code commit} phase.  In either case, the overall
     * authentication fails.
     * <p> In the case where multiple LoginModules fail,
     * this method propagates the exception raised by the first
     * {@code LoginModule} which failed.
     * <p> Note that if this method enters the {@code abort} phase
     * (either the {@code login} or {@code commit} phase failed),
     * this method invokes all LoginModules configured for the
     * application regardless of their respective {@code Configuration}
     * flag parameters.  Essentially this means that {@code Requisite}
     * and {@code Sufficient} semantics are ignored during the
     * {@code abort} phase.  This guarantees that proper cleanup
     * and state restoration can take place.
     * <p>
     * @exception LoginException if the authentication fails.
    public void login() throws LoginException {
        loginSucceeded = false;
        if (subject == null) {
            subject = new Subject();
        try {
            // module invoked in doPrivileged
            loginSucceeded = true;
        } catch (LoginException le) {
            try {
            } catch (LoginException le2) {
                throw le;
            throw le;
     * Logout the {@code Subject}.
     * <p> This method invokes the {@code logout} method for each
     * {@code LoginModule} configured for this {@code LoginContext}.
     * Each {@code LoginModule} performs its respective logout procedure
     * which may include removing/destroying
     * {@code Principal} and {@code Credential} information
     * from the {@code Subject} and state cleanup.
     * <p> Note that this method invokes all LoginModules configured for the
     * application regardless of their respective
     * {@code Configuration} flag parameters.  Essentially this means
     * that {@code Requisite} and {@code Sufficient} semantics are
     * ignored for this method.  This guarantees that proper cleanup
     * and state restoration can take place.
     * <p>
     * @exception LoginException if the logout fails.
    public void logout() throws LoginException {
        if (subject == null) {
            throw new LoginException(ResourcesMgr.getString
        // module invoked in doPrivileged
     * Return the authenticated Subject.
     * <p>
     * @return the authenticated Subject.  If the caller specified a
     *          Subject to this LoginContext's constructor,
     *          this method returns the caller-specified Subject.
     *          If a Subject was not specified and authentication succeeds,
     *          this method returns the Subject instantiated and used for
     *          authentication by this LoginContext.
     *          If a Subject was not specified, and authentication fails or
     *          has not been attempted, this method returns null.
    public Subject getSubject() {
        if (!loginSucceeded && !subjectProvided)
            return null;
        return subject;
    private void clearState() {
        moduleIndex = 0;
        firstError = null;
        firstRequiredError = null;
        success = false;
    private void throwException(LoginException originalError, LoginException le)
    throws LoginException {
        // first clear state
        // throw the exception
        LoginException error = (originalError != null) ? originalError : le;
        throw error;
     * Invokes the login, commit, and logout methods
     * from a LoginModule inside a doPrivileged block restricted
     * by creatorAcc (may be null).
     * This version is called if the caller did not instantiate
     * the LoginContext with a Configuration object.
    private void invokePriv(final String methodName) throws LoginException {
        try {
                (new<Void>() {
                public Void run() throws LoginException {
                    return null;
            }, creatorAcc);
        } catch ( pae) {
            throw (LoginException)pae.getException();
    private void invoke(String methodName) throws LoginException {
        // start at moduleIndex
        // - this can only be non-zero if methodName is LOGIN_METHOD
        for (int i = moduleIndex; i < moduleStack.length; i++, moduleIndex++) {
            try {
                int mIndex = 0;
                Method[] methods = null;
                if (moduleStack[i].module != null) {
                    methods = moduleStack[i].module.getClass().getMethods();
                } else {
                    // instantiate the LoginModule
                    // Allow any object to be a LoginModule as long as it
                    // conforms to the interface.
                    Class<?> c = Class.forName(
                    Constructor<?> constructor = c.getConstructor(PARAMS);
                    Object[] args = { };
                    moduleStack[i].module = constructor.newInstance(args);
                    // call the LoginModule's initialize method
                    methods = moduleStack[i].module.getClass().getMethods();
                    for (mIndex = 0; mIndex < methods.length; mIndex++) {
                        if (methods[mIndex].getName().equals(INIT_METHOD)) {
                    Object[] initArgs = {subject,
                                        moduleStack[i].entry.getOptions() };
                    // invoke the LoginModule initialize method
                    // Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no such
                    // method defined.  May improve to use LoginException in
                    // the future.
                    methods[mIndex].invoke(moduleStack[i].module, initArgs);
                // find the requested method in the LoginModule
                for (mIndex = 0; mIndex < methods.length; mIndex++) {
                    if (methods[mIndex].getName().equals(methodName)) {
                // set up the arguments to be passed to the LoginModule method
                Object[] args = { };
                // invoke the LoginModule method
                // Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if no such
                // method defined.  May improve to use LoginException in
                // the future.
                boolean status = ((Boolean)methods[mIndex].invoke
                                (moduleStack[i].module, args)).booleanValue();
                if (status == true) {
                    // if SUFFICIENT, return if no prior REQUIRED errors
                    if (!methodName.equals(ABORT_METHOD) &&
                        !methodName.equals(LOGOUT_METHOD) &&
                        moduleStack[i].entry.getControlFlag() ==
                    AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.SUFFICIENT &&
                        firstRequiredError == null) {
                        // clear state
                        if (debug != null)
                            debug.println(methodName + " SUFFICIENT success");
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println(methodName + " success");
                    success = true;
                } else {
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println(methodName + " ignored");
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
                MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(ResourcesMgr.getString
                Object[] source = {moduleStack[i].entry.getLoginModuleName()};
                throwException(null, new LoginException(form.format(source)));
            } catch (InstantiationException ie) {
                throwException(null, new LoginException(ResourcesMgr.getString
                        ("") +
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                throwException(null, new LoginException(ResourcesMgr.getString
                        ("") +
            } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
                throwException(null, new LoginException(ResourcesMgr.getString
                        ("") +
            } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
                // failure cases
                LoginException le;
                if (ite.getCause() instanceof PendingException &&
                    methodName.equals(LOGIN_METHOD)) {
                    // XXX
                    // if a module's LOGIN_METHOD threw a PendingException
                    // then immediately throw it.
                    // when LoginContext is called again,
                    // the module that threw the exception is invoked first
                    // (the module list is not invoked from the start).
                    // previously thrown exception state is still present.
                    // it is assumed that the module which threw
                    // the exception can have its
                    // LOGIN_METHOD invoked twice in a row
                    // without any commit/abort in between.
                    // in all cases when LoginContext returns
                    // (either via natural return or by throwing an exception)
                    // we need to call clearState before returning.
                    // the only time that is not true is in this case -
                    // do not call throwException here.
                    throw (PendingException)ite.getCause();
                } else if (ite.getCause() instanceof LoginException) {
                    le = (LoginException)ite.getCause();
                } else if (ite.getCause() instanceof SecurityException) {
                    // do not want privacy leak
                    // (e.g., sensitive file path in exception msg)
                    le = new LoginException("Security Exception");
                    le.initCause(new SecurityException());
                    if (debug != null) {
                            ("original security exception with detail msg " +
                            "replaced by new exception with empty detail msg");
                        debug.println("original security exception: " +
                } else {
                    // capture an unexpected LoginModule exception
           sw = new;
                    le = new LoginException(sw.toString());
                if (moduleStack[i].entry.getControlFlag() ==
                    AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUISITE) {
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println(methodName + " REQUISITE failure");
                    // if REQUISITE, then immediately throw an exception
                    if (methodName.equals(ABORT_METHOD) ||
                        methodName.equals(LOGOUT_METHOD)) {
                        if (firstRequiredError == null)
                            firstRequiredError = le;
                    } else {
                        throwException(firstRequiredError, le);
                } else if (moduleStack[i].entry.getControlFlag() ==
                    AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED) {
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println(methodName + " REQUIRED failure");
                    // mark down that a REQUIRED module failed
                    if (firstRequiredError == null)
                        firstRequiredError = le;
                } else {
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println(methodName + " OPTIONAL failure");
                    // mark down that an OPTIONAL module failed
                    if (firstError == null)
                        firstError = le;
        // we went thru all the LoginModules.
        if (firstRequiredError != null) {
            // a REQUIRED module failed -- return the error
            throwException(firstRequiredError, null);
        } else if (success == false && firstError != null) {
            // no module succeeded -- return the first error
            throwException(firstError, null);
        } else if (success == false) {
            // no module succeeded -- all modules were IGNORED
            throwException(new LoginException
        } else {
            // success
     * Wrap the caller-specified CallbackHandler in our own
     * and invoke it within a privileged block, constrained by
     * the caller's AccessControlContext.
    private static class SecureCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {
        private final acc;
        private final CallbackHandler ch;
        SecureCallbackHandler( acc,
                        CallbackHandler ch) {
            this.acc = acc;
   = ch;
        public void handle(final Callback[] callbacks)
                throws, UnsupportedCallbackException {
            try {
                    (new<Void>() {
                    public Void run() throws,
                                        UnsupportedCallbackException {
                        return null;
                }, acc);
            } catch ( pae) {
                if (pae.getException() instanceof {
                    throw (;
                } else {
                    throw (UnsupportedCallbackException)pae.getException();
     * LoginModule information -
     *          incapsulates Configuration info and actual module instances
    private static class ModuleInfo {
        AppConfigurationEntry entry;
        Object module;
        ModuleInfo(AppConfigurationEntry newEntry, Object newModule) {
            this.entry = newEntry;
            this.module = newModule;
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