*/ |
package sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.v1_0; |
import sun.jvmstat.monitor.*; |
import sun.jvmstat.perfdata.monitor.*; |
import java.util.*; |
import java.util.regex.*; |
import java.nio.*; |
*/ |
public class PerfDataBuffer extends PerfDataBufferImpl { |
private static final boolean DEBUG = false; |
private static final int syncWaitMs = |
Integer.getInteger("sun.jvmstat.perdata.syncWaitMs", 5000); |
private static final ArrayList EMPTY_LIST = new ArrayList(0); |
*/ |
private final static int PERFDATA_ENTRYLENGTH_OFFSET=0; |
private final static int PERFDATA_ENTRYLENGTH_SIZE=4; |
private final static int PERFDATA_NAMELENGTH_OFFSET=4; |
private final static int PERFDATA_NAMELENGTH_SIZE=4; |
private final static int PERFDATA_VECTORLENGTH_OFFSET=8; |
private final static int PERFDATA_VECTORLENGTH_SIZE=4; |
private final static int PERFDATA_DATATYPE_OFFSET=12; |
private final static int PERFDATA_DATATYPE_SIZE=1; |
private final static int PERFDATA_FLAGS_OFFSET=13; |
private final static int PERFDATA_FLAGS_SIZE=1; |
private final static int PERFDATA_DATAUNITS_OFFSET=14; |
private final static int PERFDATA_DATAUNITS_SIZE=1; |
private final static int PERFDATA_DATAATTR_OFFSET=15; |
private final static int PERFDATA_DATAATTR_SIZE=1; |
private final static int PERFDATA_NAME_OFFSET=16; |
PerfDataBufferPrologue prologue; |
int nextEntry; |
int pollForEntry; |
int perfDataItem; |
long lastModificationTime; |
int lastUsed; |
IntegerMonitor overflow; |
ArrayList<Monitor> insertedMonitors; |
*/ |
public PerfDataBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int lvmid) |
throws MonitorException { |
super(buffer, lvmid); |
prologue = new PerfDataBufferPrologue(buffer); |
this.buffer.order(prologue.getByteOrder()); |
} |
*/ |
protected void buildMonitorMap(Map<String, Monitor> map) throws MonitorException { |
assert Thread.holdsLock(this); |
buffer.rewind(); |
buildPseudoMonitors(map); |
buffer.position(prologue.getSize()); |
nextEntry = buffer.position(); |
perfDataItem = 0; |
int used = prologue.getUsed(); |
long modificationTime = prologue.getModificationTimeStamp(); |
Monitor m = getNextMonitorEntry(); |
while (m != null) { |
map.put(m.getName(), m); |
m = getNextMonitorEntry(); |
} |
*/ |
lastUsed = used; |
lastModificationTime = modificationTime; |
synchWithTarget(map); |
kludge(map); |
insertedMonitors = new ArrayList<Monitor>(map.values()); |
} |
*/ |
protected void getNewMonitors(Map<String, Monitor> map) throws MonitorException { |
assert Thread.holdsLock(this); |
int used = prologue.getUsed(); |
long modificationTime = prologue.getModificationTimeStamp(); |
if ((used > lastUsed) || (lastModificationTime > modificationTime)) { |
lastUsed = used; |
lastModificationTime = modificationTime; |
Monitor monitor = getNextMonitorEntry(); |
while (monitor != null) { |
String name = monitor.getName(); |
if (!map.containsKey(name)) { |
map.put(name, monitor); |
*/ |
if (insertedMonitors != null) { |
insertedMonitors.add(monitor); |
} |
} |
monitor = getNextMonitorEntry(); |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
protected MonitorStatus getMonitorStatus(Map<String, Monitor> map) throws MonitorException { |
assert Thread.holdsLock(this); |
assert insertedMonitors != null; |
getNewMonitors(map); |
ArrayList removed = EMPTY_LIST; |
ArrayList inserted = insertedMonitors; |
insertedMonitors = new ArrayList<Monitor>(); |
return new MonitorStatus(inserted, removed); |
} |
*/ |
protected void buildPseudoMonitors(Map<String, Monitor> map) { |
Monitor monitor = null; |
String name = null; |
IntBuffer ib = null; |
name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_MAJOR_NAME; |
ib = prologue.majorVersionBuffer(); |
monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.NONE, |
Variability.CONSTANT, false, ib); |
map.put(name, monitor); |
name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_MINOR_NAME; |
ib = prologue.minorVersionBuffer(); |
monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.NONE, |
Variability.CONSTANT, false, ib); |
map.put(name, monitor); |
name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_BUFFER_SIZE_NAME; |
ib = prologue.sizeBuffer(); |
monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.BYTES, |
Variability.MONOTONIC, false, ib); |
map.put(name, monitor); |
name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_BUFFER_USED_NAME; |
ib = prologue.usedBuffer(); |
monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.BYTES, |
Variability.MONOTONIC, false, ib); |
map.put(name, monitor); |
name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_OVERFLOW_NAME; |
ib = prologue.overflowBuffer(); |
monitor = new PerfIntegerMonitor(name, Units.BYTES, |
Variability.MONOTONIC, false, ib); |
map.put(name, monitor); |
this.overflow = (IntegerMonitor)monitor; |
name = PerfDataBufferPrologue.PERFDATA_MODTIMESTAMP_NAME; |
LongBuffer lb = prologue.modificationTimeStampBuffer(); |
monitor = new PerfLongMonitor(name, Units.TICKS, |
Variability.MONOTONIC, false, lb); |
map.put(name, monitor); |
} |
*/ |
protected void synchWithTarget(Map<String, Monitor> map) throws MonitorException { |
*/ |
long timeLimit = System.currentTimeMillis() + syncWaitMs; |
String name = "hotspot.rt.hrt.ticks"; |
LongMonitor ticks = (LongMonitor)pollFor(map, name, timeLimit); |
*/ |
log("synchWithTarget: " + lvmid + " "); |
while (ticks.longValue() == 0) { |
log("."); |
try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } |
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > timeLimit) { |
lognl("failed: " + lvmid); |
throw new MonitorException("Could Not Synchronize with target"); |
} |
} |
lognl("success: " + lvmid); |
} |
*/ |
protected Monitor pollFor(Map<String, Monitor> map, String name, long timeLimit) |
throws MonitorException { |
Monitor monitor = null; |
log("polling for: " + lvmid + "," + name + " "); |
pollForEntry = nextEntry; |
while ((monitor = map.get(name)) == null) { |
log("."); |
try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } |
long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
if ((t > timeLimit) || (overflow.intValue() > 0)) { |
lognl("failed: " + lvmid + "," + name); |
dumpAll(map, lvmid); |
throw new MonitorException("Could not find expected counter"); |
} |
getNewMonitors(map); |
} |
lognl("success: " + lvmid + "," + name); |
return monitor; |
} |
*/ |
protected void kludge(Map<String, Monitor> map) { |
if (Boolean.getBoolean("sun.jvmstat.perfdata.disableKludge")) { |
return; |
} |
String name = "java.vm.version"; |
StringMonitor jvm_version = (StringMonitor)map.get(name); |
if (jvm_version == null) { |
jvm_version = (StringMonitor)findByAlias(name); |
} |
name = "java.vm.name"; |
StringMonitor jvm_name = (StringMonitor)map.get(name); |
if (jvm_name == null) { |
jvm_name = (StringMonitor)findByAlias(name); |
} |
name = "hotspot.vm.args"; |
StringMonitor args = (StringMonitor)map.get(name); |
if (args == null) { |
args = (StringMonitor)findByAlias(name); |
} |
assert ((jvm_name != null) && (jvm_version != null) && (args != null)); |
if (jvm_name.stringValue().indexOf("HotSpot") >= 0) { |
if (jvm_version.stringValue().startsWith("1.4.2")) { |
kludgeMantis(map, args); |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
private void kludgeMantis(Map<String, Monitor> map, StringMonitor args) { |
/* |
* the HotSpot 1.4.2 JVM with the +UseParallelGC option along |
* with its default +UseAdaptiveSizePolicy option has a bug with |
* the initialization of the sizes of the eden and survivor spaces. |
* See bugid 4890736. |
* |
* note - use explicit 1.4.2 counter names here - don't update |
* to latest counter names or attempt to find aliases. |
*/ |
String cname = "hotspot.gc.collector.0.name"; |
StringMonitor collector = (StringMonitor)map.get(cname); |
if (collector.stringValue().compareTo("PSScavenge") == 0) { |
boolean adaptiveSizePolicy = true; |
*/ |
cname = "hotspot.vm.flags"; |
StringMonitor flags = (StringMonitor)map.get(cname); |
String allArgs = flags.stringValue() + " " + args.stringValue(); |
*/ |
int ahi = allArgs.lastIndexOf("+AggressiveHeap"); |
int aspi = allArgs.lastIndexOf("-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy"); |
if (ahi != -1) { |
/* |
* +AggressiveHeap was set, check if -UseAdaptiveSizePolicy |
* is set after +AggressiveHeap. |
*/ |
if ((aspi != -1) && (aspi > ahi)) { |
adaptiveSizePolicy = false; |
} |
} else { |
*/ |
if (aspi != -1) { |
adaptiveSizePolicy = false; |
} |
} |
if (adaptiveSizePolicy) { |
// adjust the buggy AdaptiveSizePolicy size counters. |
String eden_size = "hotspot.gc.generation.0.space.0.size"; |
String s0_size = "hotspot.gc.generation.0.space.1.size"; |
String s1_size = "hotspot.gc.generation.0.space.2.size"; |
map.remove(eden_size); |
map.remove(s0_size); |
map.remove(s1_size); |
String new_max_name = "hotspot.gc.generation.0.capacity.max"; |
LongMonitor new_max = (LongMonitor)map.get(new_max_name); |
*/ |
Monitor monitor = null; |
LongBuffer lb = LongBuffer.allocate(1); |
lb.put(new_max.longValue()); |
monitor = new PerfLongMonitor(eden_size, Units.BYTES, |
Variability.CONSTANT, false, lb); |
map.put(eden_size, monitor); |
monitor = new PerfLongMonitor(s0_size, Units.BYTES, |
Variability.CONSTANT, false, lb); |
map.put(s0_size, monitor); |
monitor = new PerfLongMonitor(s1_size, Units.BYTES, |
Variability.CONSTANT, false, lb); |
map.put(s1_size, monitor); |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
protected Monitor getNextMonitorEntry() throws MonitorException { |
Monitor monitor = null; |
if ((nextEntry % 4) != 0) { |
throw new MonitorStructureException( |
"Entry index not properly aligned: " + nextEntry); |
} |
if ((nextEntry < 0) || (nextEntry > buffer.limit())) { |
throw new MonitorStructureException( |
"Entry index out of bounds: nextEntry = " + nextEntry |
+ ", limit = " + buffer.limit()); |
} |
if (nextEntry == buffer.limit()) { |
lognl("getNextMonitorEntry():" |
+ " nextEntry == buffer.limit(): returning"); |
return null; |
} |
buffer.position(nextEntry); |
int entryStart = buffer.position(); |
int entryLength = buffer.getInt(); |
if ((entryLength < 0) || (entryLength > buffer.limit())) { |
throw new MonitorStructureException( |
"Invalid entry length: entryLength = " + entryLength); |
} |
if ((entryStart + entryLength) > buffer.limit()) { |
throw new MonitorStructureException( |
"Entry extends beyond end of buffer: " |
+ " entryStart = " + entryStart |
+ " entryLength = " + entryLength |
+ " buffer limit = " + buffer.limit()); |
} |
if (entryLength == 0) { |
return null; |
} |
int nameLength = buffer.getInt(); |
int vectorLength = buffer.getInt(); |
byte dataType = buffer.get(); |
byte flags = buffer.get(); |
Units u = Units.toUnits(buffer.get()); |
Variability v = Variability.toVariability(buffer.get()); |
boolean supported = (flags & 0x01) != 0; |
if ((nameLength <= 0) || (nameLength > entryLength)) { |
throw new MonitorStructureException( |
"Invalid Monitor name length: " + nameLength); |
} |
if ((vectorLength < 0) || (vectorLength > entryLength)) { |
throw new MonitorStructureException( |
"Invalid Monitor vector length: " + vectorLength); |
} |
// read in the perfData item name, casting bytes to chars. skip the |
// null terminator |
byte[] nameBytes = new byte[nameLength-1]; |
for (int i = 0; i < nameLength-1; i++) { |
nameBytes[i] = buffer.get(); |
} |
String name = new String(nameBytes, 0, nameLength-1); |
if (v == Variability.INVALID) { |
throw new MonitorDataException("Invalid variability attribute:" |
+ " entry index = " + perfDataItem |
+ " name = " + name); |
} |
if (u == Units.INVALID) { |
throw new MonitorDataException("Invalid units attribute: " |
+ " entry index = " + perfDataItem |
+ " name = " + name); |
} |
int offset; |
if (vectorLength == 0) { |
if (dataType == BasicType.LONG.intValue()) { |
offset = entryStart + entryLength - 8; |
buffer.position(offset); |
LongBuffer lb = buffer.asLongBuffer(); |
lb.limit(1); |
monitor = new PerfLongMonitor(name, u, v, supported, lb); |
perfDataItem++; |
} else { |
throw new MonitorTypeException("Invalid Monitor type:" |
+ " entry index = " + perfDataItem |
+ " name = " + name |
+ " type = " + dataType); |
} |
} else { |
if (dataType == BasicType.BYTE.intValue()) { |
if (u != Units.STRING) { |
throw new MonitorTypeException("Invalid Monitor type:" |
+ " entry index = " + perfDataItem |
+ " name = " + name |
+ " type = " + dataType); |
} |
offset = entryStart + PERFDATA_NAME_OFFSET + nameLength; |
buffer.position(offset); |
ByteBuffer bb = buffer.slice(); |
bb.limit(vectorLength); |
bb.position(0); |
if (v == Variability.CONSTANT) { |
monitor = new PerfStringConstantMonitor(name, supported, |
bb); |
} else if (v == Variability.VARIABLE) { |
monitor = new PerfStringVariableMonitor(name, supported, |
bb, vectorLength-1); |
} else { |
throw new MonitorDataException( |
"Invalid variability attribute:" |
+ " entry index = " + perfDataItem |
+ " name = " + name |
+ " variability = " + v); |
} |
perfDataItem++; |
} else { |
throw new MonitorTypeException( |
"Invalid Monitor type:" + " entry index = " |
+ perfDataItem + " name = " + name |
+ " type = " + dataType); |
} |
} |
nextEntry = entryStart + entryLength; |
return monitor; |
} |
*/ |
private void dumpAll(Map map, int lvmid) { |
if (DEBUG) { |
Set keys = map.keySet(); |
System.err.println("Dump for " + lvmid); |
int j = 0; |
for (Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); j++) { |
Monitor monitor = (Monitor)map.get(i.next()); |
System.err.println(j + "\t" + monitor.getName() |
+ "=" + monitor.getValue()); |
} |
System.err.println("nextEntry = " + nextEntry |
+ " pollForEntry = " + pollForEntry); |
System.err.println("Buffer info:"); |
System.err.println("buffer = " + buffer); |
} |
} |
private void lognl(String s) { |
if (DEBUG) { |
System.err.println(s); |
} |
} |
private void log(String s) { |
if (DEBUG) { |
System.err.print(s); |
} |
} |
} |