*/ |
package sun.security.pkcs11; |
import java.math.BigInteger; |
import java.security.*; |
import java.security.spec.*; |
import javax.crypto.spec.DHParameterSpec; |
import sun.security.provider.ParameterCache; |
import static sun.security.util.SecurityProviderConstants.*; |
import static sun.security.pkcs11.TemplateManager.*; |
import sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.*; |
import static sun.security.pkcs11.wrapper.PKCS11Constants.*; |
import sun.security.rsa.RSAKeyFactory; |
*/ |
final class P11KeyPairGenerator extends KeyPairGeneratorSpi { |
private final Token token; |
private final String algorithm; |
private final long mechanism; |
private int keySize; |
private AlgorithmParameterSpec params; |
private BigInteger rsaPublicExponent = RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.F4; |
// the supported keysize range of the native PKCS11 library |
private final int minKeySize; |
private final int maxKeySize; |
private SecureRandom random; |
P11KeyPairGenerator(Token token, String algorithm, long mechanism) |
throws PKCS11Exception { |
super(); |
int minKeyLen = -1; |
int maxKeyLen = -1; |
try { |
CK_MECHANISM_INFO mechInfo = token.getMechanismInfo(mechanism); |
if (mechInfo != null) { |
minKeyLen = (int) mechInfo.ulMinKeySize; |
maxKeyLen = (int) mechInfo.ulMaxKeySize; |
} |
} catch (PKCS11Exception p11e) { |
throw new ProviderException |
("Unexpected error while getting mechanism info", p11e); |
} |
// set default key sizes and apply our own algorithm-specific limits |
// override lower limit to disallow unsecure keys being generated |
if (algorithm.equals("EC")) { |
keySize = DEF_EC_KEY_SIZE; |
if ((minKeyLen == -1) || (minKeyLen < 112)) { |
minKeyLen = 112; |
} |
if ((maxKeyLen == -1) || (maxKeyLen > 2048)) { |
maxKeyLen = 2048; |
} |
} else { |
if (algorithm.equals("DSA")) { |
keySize = DEF_DSA_KEY_SIZE; |
} else if (algorithm.equals("RSA")) { |
keySize = DEF_RSA_KEY_SIZE; |
} else { |
keySize = DEF_DH_KEY_SIZE; |
} |
if ((minKeyLen == -1) || (minKeyLen < 512)) { |
minKeyLen = 512; |
} |
if (algorithm.equals("RSA")) { |
if ((maxKeyLen == -1) || (maxKeyLen > 64 * 1024)) { |
maxKeyLen = 64 * 1024; |
} |
} |
} |
if ((minKeyLen != -1) && (keySize < minKeyLen)) { |
keySize = minKeyLen; |
} |
if ((maxKeyLen != -1) && (keySize > maxKeyLen)) { |
keySize = maxKeyLen; |
} |
this.token = token; |
this.algorithm = algorithm; |
this.mechanism = mechanism; |
this.minKeySize = minKeyLen; |
this.maxKeySize = maxKeyLen; |
initialize(keySize, null); |
} |
@Override |
public void initialize(int keySize, SecureRandom random) { |
token.ensureValid(); |
try { |
checkKeySize(keySize, null); |
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { |
throw new InvalidParameterException(e.getMessage()); |
} |
this.params = null; |
if (algorithm.equals("EC")) { |
params = P11ECKeyFactory.getECParameterSpec(keySize); |
if (params == null) { |
throw new InvalidParameterException( |
"No EC parameters available for key size " |
+ keySize + " bits"); |
} |
} |
this.keySize = keySize; |
this.random = random; |
} |
@Override |
public void initialize(AlgorithmParameterSpec params, SecureRandom random) |
throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { |
token.ensureValid(); |
int tmpKeySize; |
if (algorithm.equals("DH")) { |
if (params instanceof DHParameterSpec == false) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
("DHParameterSpec required for Diffie-Hellman"); |
} |
DHParameterSpec dhParams = (DHParameterSpec) params; |
tmpKeySize = dhParams.getP().bitLength(); |
checkKeySize(tmpKeySize, dhParams); |
// XXX sanity check params |
} else if (algorithm.equals("RSA")) { |
if (params instanceof RSAKeyGenParameterSpec == false) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
("RSAKeyGenParameterSpec required for RSA"); |
} |
RSAKeyGenParameterSpec rsaParams = |
(RSAKeyGenParameterSpec) params; |
tmpKeySize = rsaParams.getKeysize(); |
checkKeySize(tmpKeySize, rsaParams); |
params = null; |
this.rsaPublicExponent = rsaParams.getPublicExponent(); |
// XXX sanity check params |
} else if (algorithm.equals("DSA")) { |
if (params instanceof DSAParameterSpec == false) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
("DSAParameterSpec required for DSA"); |
} |
DSAParameterSpec dsaParams = (DSAParameterSpec) params; |
tmpKeySize = dsaParams.getP().bitLength(); |
checkKeySize(tmpKeySize, dsaParams); |
// XXX sanity check params |
} else if (algorithm.equals("EC")) { |
ECParameterSpec ecParams; |
if (params instanceof ECParameterSpec) { |
ecParams = P11ECKeyFactory.getECParameterSpec( |
(ECParameterSpec)params); |
if (ecParams == null) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
("Unsupported curve: " + params); |
} |
} else if (params instanceof ECGenParameterSpec) { |
String name = ((ECGenParameterSpec) params).getName(); |
ecParams = P11ECKeyFactory.getECParameterSpec(name); |
if (ecParams == null) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
("Unknown curve name: " + name); |
} |
params = ecParams; |
} else { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
("ECParameterSpec or ECGenParameterSpec required for EC"); |
} |
tmpKeySize = ecParams.getCurve().getField().getFieldSize(); |
checkKeySize(tmpKeySize, ecParams); |
} else { |
throw new ProviderException("Unknown algorithm: " + algorithm); |
} |
this.keySize = tmpKeySize; |
this.params = params; |
this.random = random; |
} |
private void checkKeySize(int keySize, AlgorithmParameterSpec params) |
throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { |
if ((minKeySize != -1) && (keySize < minKeySize)) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(algorithm + |
" key must be at least " + minKeySize + " bits. " + |
"The specific key size " + keySize + " is not supported"); |
} |
if ((maxKeySize != -1) && (keySize > maxKeySize)) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(algorithm + |
" key must be at most " + maxKeySize + " bits. " + |
"The specific key size " + keySize + " is not supported"); |
} |
if (algorithm.equals("EC")) { |
if (keySize < 112) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( |
"EC key size must be at least 112 bit. " + |
"The specific key size " + keySize + " is not supported"); |
} |
if (keySize > 2048) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( |
"EC key size must be at most 2048 bit. " + |
"The specific key size " + keySize + " is not supported"); |
} |
} else { |
if (keySize < 512) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(algorithm + |
" key size must be at least 512 bit. " + |
"The specific key size " + keySize + " is not supported"); |
} |
if (algorithm.equals("RSA")) { |
BigInteger tmpExponent = rsaPublicExponent; |
if (params != null) { |
tmpExponent = |
((RSAKeyGenParameterSpec)params).getPublicExponent(); |
} |
try { |
// Reuse the checking in SunRsaSign provider. |
// If maxKeySize is -1, then replace it with |
RSAKeyFactory.checkKeyLengths(keySize, tmpExponent, |
minKeySize, |
(maxKeySize==-1? Integer.MAX_VALUE:maxKeySize)); |
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(e); |
} |
} else if (algorithm.equals("DH")) { |
if (params != null) { // initialized with specified parameters |
if (keySize > 64 * 1024) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( |
"DH key size must be at most 65536 bit. " + |
"The specific key size " + |
keySize + " is not supported"); |
} |
} else { // default parameters will be used. |
// Range is based on the values in |
if ((keySize > 8192) || (keySize < 512) || |
((keySize & 0x3f) != 0)) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( |
"DH key size must be multiple of 64, and can " + |
"only range from 512 to 8192 (inclusive). " + |
"The specific key size " + |
keySize + " is not supported"); |
} |
DHParameterSpec cache = |
ParameterCache.getCachedDHParameterSpec(keySize); |
// Except 2048 and 3072, not yet support generation of |
if ((cache == null) && (keySize > 1024)) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( |
"Unsupported " + keySize + |
"-bit DH parameter generation"); |
} |
} |
} else { |
if ((keySize != 3072) && (keySize != 2048) && |
((keySize > 1024) || ((keySize & 0x3f) != 0))) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( |
"DSA key must be multiples of 64 if less than " + |
"1024 bits, or 2048, 3072 bits. " + |
"The specific key size " + |
keySize + " is not supported"); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@Override |
public KeyPair generateKeyPair() { |
token.ensureValid(); |
CK_ATTRIBUTE[] publicKeyTemplate; |
CK_ATTRIBUTE[] privateKeyTemplate; |
long keyType; |
if (algorithm.equals("RSA")) { |
keyType = CKK_RSA; |
publicKeyTemplate = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] { |
}; |
privateKeyTemplate = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] { |
// empty |
}; |
} else if (algorithm.equals("DSA")) { |
keyType = CKK_DSA; |
DSAParameterSpec dsaParams; |
if (params == null) { |
try { |
dsaParams = ParameterCache.getDSAParameterSpec |
(keySize, random); |
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { |
throw new ProviderException |
("Could not generate DSA parameters", e); |
} |
} else { |
dsaParams = (DSAParameterSpec)params; |
} |
publicKeyTemplate = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] { |
new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_PRIME, dsaParams.getP()), |
new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_SUBPRIME, dsaParams.getQ()), |
new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_BASE, dsaParams.getG()), |
}; |
privateKeyTemplate = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] { |
// empty |
}; |
} else if (algorithm.equals("DH")) { |
keyType = CKK_DH; |
DHParameterSpec dhParams; |
int privateBits; |
if (params == null) { |
try { |
dhParams = ParameterCache.getDHParameterSpec |
(keySize, random); |
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { |
throw new ProviderException |
("Could not generate DH parameters", e); |
} |
privateBits = 0; |
} else { |
dhParams = (DHParameterSpec)params; |
privateBits = dhParams.getL(); |
} |
if (privateBits <= 0) { |
privateBits = (keySize >= 1024) ? 768 : 512; |
} |
publicKeyTemplate = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] { |
new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_PRIME, dhParams.getP()), |
new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_BASE, dhParams.getG()) |
}; |
privateKeyTemplate = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] { |
new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_VALUE_BITS, privateBits), |
}; |
} else if (algorithm.equals("EC")) { |
keyType = CKK_EC; |
byte[] encodedParams = |
P11ECKeyFactory.encodeParameters((ECParameterSpec)params); |
publicKeyTemplate = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] { |
new CK_ATTRIBUTE(CKA_EC_PARAMS, encodedParams), |
}; |
privateKeyTemplate = new CK_ATTRIBUTE[] { |
// empty |
}; |
} else { |
throw new ProviderException("Unknown algorithm: " + algorithm); |
} |
Session session = null; |
try { |
session = token.getObjSession(); |
publicKeyTemplate = token.getAttributes |
(O_GENERATE, CKO_PUBLIC_KEY, keyType, publicKeyTemplate); |
privateKeyTemplate = token.getAttributes |
(O_GENERATE, CKO_PRIVATE_KEY, keyType, privateKeyTemplate); |
long[] keyIDs = token.p11.C_GenerateKeyPair |
(session.id(), new CK_MECHANISM(mechanism), |
publicKeyTemplate, privateKeyTemplate); |
PublicKey publicKey = P11Key.publicKey |
(session, keyIDs[0], algorithm, keySize, publicKeyTemplate); |
PrivateKey privateKey = P11Key.privateKey |
(session, keyIDs[1], algorithm, keySize, privateKeyTemplate); |
return new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey); |
} catch (PKCS11Exception e) { |
throw new ProviderException(e); |
} finally { |
token.releaseSession(session); |
} |
} |
} |