*/ |
package com.sun.crypto.provider; |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import java.security.*; |
import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec; |
import javax.crypto.*; |
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; |
import sun.security.internal.spec.TlsPrfParameterSpec; |
*/ |
abstract class TlsPrfGenerator extends KeyGeneratorSpi { |
// magic constants and utility functions, also used by other files |
// in this package |
private static final byte[] B0 = new byte[0]; |
static final byte[] LABEL_MASTER_SECRET = |
{ 109, 97, 115, 116, 101, 114, 32, 115, 101, 99, 114, 101, 116 }; |
static final byte[] LABEL_EXTENDED_MASTER_SECRET = |
{ 101, 120, 116, 101, 110, 100, 101, 100, 32, 109, 97, 115, 116, |
101, 114, 32, 115, 101, 99, 114, 101, 116 }; |
static final byte[] LABEL_KEY_EXPANSION = |
{ 107, 101, 121, 32, 101, 120, 112, 97, 110, 115, 105, 111, 110 }; |
static final byte[] LABEL_CLIENT_WRITE_KEY = |
{ 99, 108, 105, 101, 110, 116, 32, 119, 114, 105, 116, 101, 32, |
107, 101, 121 }; |
static final byte[] LABEL_SERVER_WRITE_KEY = |
{ 115, 101, 114, 118, 101, 114, 32, 119, 114, 105, 116, 101, 32, |
107, 101, 121 }; |
static final byte[] LABEL_IV_BLOCK = |
{ 73, 86, 32, 98, 108, 111, 99, 107 }; |
*/ |
private static final byte[] HMAC_ipad64 = genPad((byte)0x36, 64); |
private static final byte[] HMAC_ipad128 = genPad((byte)0x36, 128); |
private static final byte[] HMAC_opad64 = genPad((byte)0x5c, 64); |
private static final byte[] HMAC_opad128 = genPad((byte)0x5c, 128); |
static final byte[][] SSL3_CONST = genConst(); |
static byte[] genPad(byte b, int count) { |
byte[] padding = new byte[count]; |
Arrays.fill(padding, b); |
return padding; |
} |
static byte[] concat(byte[] b1, byte[] b2) { |
int n1 = b1.length; |
int n2 = b2.length; |
byte[] b = new byte[n1 + n2]; |
System.arraycopy(b1, 0, b, 0, n1); |
System.arraycopy(b2, 0, b, n1, n2); |
return b; |
} |
private static byte[][] genConst() { |
int n = 10; |
byte[][] arr = new byte[n][]; |
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { |
byte[] b = new byte[i + 1]; |
Arrays.fill(b, (byte)('A' + i)); |
arr[i] = b; |
} |
return arr; |
} |
// PRF implementation |
private static final String MSG = "TlsPrfGenerator must be " |
+ "initialized using a TlsPrfParameterSpec"; |
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") |
private TlsPrfParameterSpec spec; |
public TlsPrfGenerator() { |
} |
protected void engineInit(SecureRandom random) { |
throw new InvalidParameterException(MSG); |
} |
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") |
protected void engineInit(AlgorithmParameterSpec params, |
SecureRandom random) throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { |
if (params instanceof TlsPrfParameterSpec == false) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(MSG); |
} |
this.spec = (TlsPrfParameterSpec)params; |
SecretKey key = spec.getSecret(); |
if ((key != null) && ("RAW".equals(key.getFormat()) == false)) { |
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException( |
"Key encoding format must be RAW"); |
} |
} |
protected void engineInit(int keysize, SecureRandom random) { |
throw new InvalidParameterException(MSG); |
} |
SecretKey engineGenerateKey0(boolean tls12) { |
if (spec == null) { |
throw new IllegalStateException( |
"TlsPrfGenerator must be initialized"); |
} |
SecretKey key = spec.getSecret(); |
byte[] secret = (key == null) ? null : key.getEncoded(); |
try { |
byte[] labelBytes = spec.getLabel().getBytes("UTF8"); |
int n = spec.getOutputLength(); |
byte[] prfBytes = (tls12 ? |
doTLS12PRF(secret, labelBytes, spec.getSeed(), n, |
spec.getPRFHashAlg(), spec.getPRFHashLength(), |
spec.getPRFBlockSize()) : |
doTLS10PRF(secret, labelBytes, spec.getSeed(), n)); |
return new SecretKeySpec(prfBytes, "TlsPrf"); |
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { |
throw new ProviderException("Could not generate PRF", e); |
} catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) { |
throw new ProviderException("Could not generate PRF", e); |
} |
} |
static byte[] doTLS12PRF(byte[] secret, byte[] labelBytes, |
byte[] seed, int outputLength, |
String prfHash, int prfHashLength, int prfBlockSize) |
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, DigestException { |
if (prfHash == null) { |
throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Unspecified PRF algorithm"); |
} |
MessageDigest prfMD = MessageDigest.getInstance(prfHash); |
return doTLS12PRF(secret, labelBytes, seed, outputLength, |
prfMD, prfHashLength, prfBlockSize); |
} |
static byte[] doTLS12PRF(byte[] secret, byte[] labelBytes, |
byte[] seed, int outputLength, |
MessageDigest mdPRF, int mdPRFLen, int mdPRFBlockSize) |
throws DigestException { |
if (secret == null) { |
secret = B0; |
} |
if (secret.length > mdPRFBlockSize) { |
secret = mdPRF.digest(secret); |
} |
byte[] output = new byte[outputLength]; |
byte [] ipad; |
byte [] opad; |
switch (mdPRFBlockSize) { |
case 64: |
ipad = HMAC_ipad64.clone(); |
opad = HMAC_opad64.clone(); |
break; |
case 128: |
ipad = HMAC_ipad128.clone(); |
opad = HMAC_opad128.clone(); |
break; |
default: |
throw new DigestException("Unexpected block size."); |
} |
expand(mdPRF, mdPRFLen, secret, 0, secret.length, labelBytes, |
seed, output, ipad, opad); |
return output; |
} |
static byte[] doTLS10PRF(byte[] secret, byte[] labelBytes, |
byte[] seed, int outputLength) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, |
DigestException { |
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); |
MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); |
return doTLS10PRF(secret, labelBytes, seed, outputLength, md5, sha); |
} |
static byte[] doTLS10PRF(byte[] secret, byte[] labelBytes, |
byte[] seed, int outputLength, MessageDigest md5, |
MessageDigest sha) throws DigestException { |
/* |
* Split the secret into two halves S1 and S2 of same length. |
* S1 is taken from the first half of the secret, S2 from the |
* second half. |
* Their length is created by rounding up the length of the |
* overall secret divided by two; thus, if the original secret |
* is an odd number of bytes long, the last byte of S1 will be |
* the same as the first byte of S2. |
* |
* Note: Instead of creating S1 and S2, we determine the offset into |
* the overall secret where S2 starts. |
*/ |
if (secret == null) { |
secret = B0; |
} |
int off = secret.length >> 1; |
int seclen = off + (secret.length & 1); |
byte[] secKey = secret; |
int keyLen = seclen; |
byte[] output = new byte[outputLength]; |
// P_MD5(S1, label + seed) |
if (seclen > 64) { |
md5.update(secret, 0, seclen); |
secKey = md5.digest(); |
keyLen = secKey.length; |
} |
expand(md5, 16, secKey, 0, keyLen, labelBytes, seed, output, |
HMAC_ipad64.clone(), HMAC_opad64.clone()); |
// P_SHA-1(S2, label + seed) |
if (seclen > 64) { |
sha.update(secret, off, seclen); |
secKey = sha.digest(); |
keyLen = secKey.length; |
off = 0; |
} |
expand(sha, 20, secKey, off, keyLen, labelBytes, seed, output, |
HMAC_ipad64.clone(), HMAC_opad64.clone()); |
return output; |
} |
*/ |
private static void expand(MessageDigest digest, int hmacSize, |
byte[] secret, int secOff, int secLen, byte[] label, byte[] seed, |
byte[] output, byte[] pad1, byte[] pad2) throws DigestException { |
*/ |
for (int i = 0; i < secLen; i++) { |
pad1[i] ^= secret[i + secOff]; |
pad2[i] ^= secret[i + secOff]; |
} |
byte[] tmp = new byte[hmacSize]; |
byte[] aBytes = null; |
*/ |
int remaining = output.length; |
int ofs = 0; |
while (remaining > 0) { |
/* |
* compute A() ... |
*/ |
digest.update(pad1); |
if (aBytes == null) { |
digest.update(label); |
digest.update(seed); |
} else { |
digest.update(aBytes); |
} |
digest.digest(tmp, 0, hmacSize); |
digest.update(pad2); |
digest.update(tmp); |
if (aBytes == null) { |
aBytes = new byte[hmacSize]; |
} |
digest.digest(aBytes, 0, hmacSize); |
/* |
* compute HMAC_hash() ... |
*/ |
digest.update(pad1); |
digest.update(aBytes); |
digest.update(label); |
digest.update(seed); |
digest.digest(tmp, 0, hmacSize); |
digest.update(pad2); |
digest.update(tmp); |
digest.digest(tmp, 0, hmacSize); |
int k = Math.min(hmacSize, remaining); |
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { |
output[ofs++] ^= tmp[i]; |
} |
remaining -= k; |
} |
} |
*/ |
public static class V12 extends TlsPrfGenerator { |
protected SecretKey engineGenerateKey() { |
return engineGenerateKey0(true); |
} |
} |
*/ |
public static class V10 extends TlsPrfGenerator { |
protected SecretKey engineGenerateKey() { |
return engineGenerateKey0(false); |
} |
} |
} |