*/ |
package java.lang.invoke; |
import java.lang.reflect.*; |
import java.security.AccessController; |
import java.security.PrivilegedAction; |
import sun.invoke.WrapperInstance; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; |
import jdk.internal.reflect.CallerSensitive; |
import jdk.internal.reflect.Reflection; |
import sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil; |
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.*; |
*/ |
public class MethodHandleProxies { |
private MethodHandleProxies() { } |
/** |
* Produces an instance of the given single-method interface which redirects |
* its calls to the given method handle. |
* <p> |
* A single-method interface is an interface which declares a uniquely named method. |
* When determining the uniquely named method of a single-method interface, |
* the public {@code Object} methods ({@code toString}, {@code equals}, {@code hashCode}) |
* are disregarded as are any default (non-abstract) methods. |
* For example, {@link java.util.Comparator} is a single-method interface, |
* even though it re-declares the {@code Object.equals} method and also |
* declares default methods, such as {@code Comparator.reverse}. |
* <p> |
* The interface must be public and not {@linkplain Class#isSealed() sealed}. |
* No additional access checks are performed. |
* <p> |
* The resulting instance of the required type will respond to |
* invocation of the type's uniquely named method by calling |
* the given target on the incoming arguments, |
* and returning or throwing whatever the target |
* returns or throws. The invocation will be as if by |
* {@code target.invoke}. |
* The target's type will be checked before the |
* instance is created, as if by a call to {@code asType}, |
* which may result in a {@code WrongMethodTypeException}. |
* <p> |
* The uniquely named method is allowed to be multiply declared, |
* with distinct type descriptors. (E.g., it can be overloaded, |
* or can possess bridge methods.) All such declarations are |
* connected directly to the target method handle. |
* Argument and return types are adjusted by {@code asType} |
* for each individual declaration. |
* <p> |
* The wrapper instance will implement the requested interface |
* and its super-types, but no other single-method interfaces. |
* This means that the instance will not unexpectedly |
* pass an {@code instanceof} test for any unrequested type. |
* <p style="font-size:smaller;"> |
* <em>Implementation Note:</em> |
* Therefore, each instance must implement a unique single-method interface. |
* Implementations may not bundle together |
* multiple single-method interfaces onto single implementation classes |
* in the style of {@link java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster}. |
* <p> |
* The method handle may throw an <em>undeclared exception</em>, |
* which means any checked exception (or other checked throwable) |
* not declared by the requested type's single abstract method. |
* If this happens, the throwable will be wrapped in an instance of |
* {@link java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException UndeclaredThrowableException} |
* and thrown in that wrapped form. |
* <p> |
* Like {@link java.lang.Integer#valueOf Integer.valueOf}, |
* {@code asInterfaceInstance} is a factory method whose results are defined |
* by their behavior. |
* It is not guaranteed to return a new instance for every call. |
* <p> |
* Because of the possibility of {@linkplain java.lang.reflect.Method#isBridge bridge methods} |
* and other corner cases, the interface may also have several abstract methods |
* with the same name but having distinct descriptors (types of returns and parameters). |
* In this case, all the methods are bound in common to the one given target. |
* The type check and effective {@code asType} conversion is applied to each |
* method type descriptor, and all abstract methods are bound to the target in common. |
* Beyond this type check, no further checks are made to determine that the |
* abstract methods are related in any way. |
* <p> |
* Future versions of this API may accept additional types, |
* such as abstract classes with single abstract methods. |
* Future versions of this API may also equip wrapper instances |
* with one or more additional public "marker" interfaces. |
* <p> |
* If a security manager is installed, this method is caller sensitive. |
* During any invocation of the target method handle via the returned wrapper, |
* the original creator of the wrapper (the caller) will be visible |
* to context checks requested by the security manager. |
* |
* @param <T> the desired type of the wrapper, a single-method interface |
* @param intfc a class object representing {@code T} |
* @param target the method handle to invoke from the wrapper |
* @return a correctly-typed wrapper for the given target |
* @throws NullPointerException if either argument is null |
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code intfc} is not a |
* valid argument to this method |
* @throws WrongMethodTypeException if the target cannot |
* be converted to the type required by the requested interface |
*/ |
// Other notes to implementors: |
// <p> |
// No stable mapping is promised between the single-method interface and |
// the implementation class C. Over time, several implementation |
// classes might be used for the same type. |
// <p> |
// If the implementation is able |
// to prove that a wrapper of the required type |
// has already been created for a given |
// method handle, or for another method handle with the |
// same behavior, the implementation may return that wrapper in place of |
// a new wrapper. |
// <p> |
// This method is designed to apply to common use cases |
// where a single method handle must interoperate with |
// an interface that implements a function-like |
// API. Additional variations, such as single-abstract-method classes with |
// private constructors, or interfaces with multiple but related |
// entry points, must be covered by hand-written or automatically |
// generated adapter classes. |
@SuppressWarnings("removal") |
@CallerSensitive |
public static <T> T asInterfaceInstance(final Class<T> intfc, final MethodHandle target) { |
if (!intfc.isInterface() || !Modifier.isPublic(intfc.getModifiers())) |
throw newIllegalArgumentException("not a public interface", intfc.getName()); |
if (intfc.isSealed()) |
throw newIllegalArgumentException("a sealed interface", intfc.getName()); |
final MethodHandle mh; |
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { |
final Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass(); |
final ClassLoader ccl = caller != null ? caller.getClassLoader() : null; |
ReflectUtil.checkProxyPackageAccess(ccl, intfc); |
mh = ccl != null ? bindCaller(target, caller) : target; |
} else { |
mh = target; |
} |
ClassLoader proxyLoader = intfc.getClassLoader(); |
if (proxyLoader == null) { |
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); |
proxyLoader = cl != null ? cl : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); |
} |
final Method[] methods = getSingleNameMethods(intfc); |
if (methods == null) |
throw newIllegalArgumentException("not a single-method interface", intfc.getName()); |
final MethodHandle[] vaTargets = new MethodHandle[methods.length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { |
Method sm = methods[i]; |
MethodType smMT = MethodType.methodType(sm.getReturnType(), sm.getParameterTypes()); |
MethodHandle checkTarget = mh.asType(smMT); |
checkTarget = checkTarget.asType(checkTarget.type().changeReturnType(Object.class)); |
vaTargets[i] = checkTarget.asSpreader(Object[].class, smMT.parameterCount()); |
} |
final ConcurrentHashMap<Method, MethodHandle> defaultMethodMap = |
hasDefaultMethods(intfc) ? new ConcurrentHashMap<>() : null; |
final InvocationHandler ih = new InvocationHandler() { |
private Object getArg(String name) { |
if ((Object)name == "getWrapperInstanceTarget") return target; |
if ((Object)name == "getWrapperInstanceType") return intfc; |
throw new AssertionError(); |
} |
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { |
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { |
if (method.equals(methods[i])) |
return vaTargets[i].invokeExact(args); |
} |
if (method.getDeclaringClass() == WrapperInstance.class) |
return getArg(method.getName()); |
if (isObjectMethod(method)) |
return callObjectMethod(proxy, method, args); |
if (isDefaultMethod(method)) { |
return callDefaultMethod(defaultMethodMap, proxy, intfc, method, args); |
} |
throw newInternalError("bad proxy method: "+method); |
} |
}; |
final Object proxy; |
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { |
// sun.invoke.WrapperInstance is a restricted interface not accessible |
final ClassLoader loader = proxyLoader; |
proxy = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<>() { |
public Object run() { |
return Proxy.newProxyInstance( |
loader, |
new Class<?>[]{ intfc, WrapperInstance.class }, |
ih); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(proxyLoader, |
new Class<?>[]{ intfc, WrapperInstance.class }, |
ih); |
} |
return intfc.cast(proxy); |
} |
private static MethodHandle bindCaller(MethodHandle target, Class<?> hostClass) { |
return MethodHandleImpl.bindCaller(target, hostClass).withVarargs(target.isVarargsCollector()); |
} |
*/ |
public static boolean isWrapperInstance(Object x) { |
return x instanceof WrapperInstance; |
} |
private static WrapperInstance asWrapperInstance(Object x) { |
try { |
if (x != null) |
return (WrapperInstance) x; |
} catch (ClassCastException ex) { |
} |
throw newIllegalArgumentException("not a wrapper instance"); |
} |
*/ |
public static MethodHandle wrapperInstanceTarget(Object x) { |
return asWrapperInstance(x).getWrapperInstanceTarget(); |
} |
*/ |
public static Class<?> wrapperInstanceType(Object x) { |
return asWrapperInstance(x).getWrapperInstanceType(); |
} |
private static boolean isObjectMethod(Method m) { |
return switch (m.getName()) { |
case "toString" -> m.getReturnType() == String.class |
&& m.getParameterCount() == 0; |
case "hashCode" -> m.getReturnType() == int.class |
&& m.getParameterCount() == 0; |
case "equals" -> m.getReturnType() == boolean.class |
&& m.getParameterCount() == 1 |
&& m.getParameterTypes()[0] == Object.class; |
default -> false; |
}; |
} |
private static Object callObjectMethod(Object self, Method m, Object[] args) { |
assert(isObjectMethod(m)) : m; |
return switch (m.getName()) { |
case "toString" -> self.getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(self.hashCode()); |
case "hashCode" -> System.identityHashCode(self); |
case "equals" -> (self == args[0]); |
default -> null; |
}; |
} |
private static Method[] getSingleNameMethods(Class<?> intfc) { |
ArrayList<Method> methods = new ArrayList<>(); |
String uniqueName = null; |
for (Method m : intfc.getMethods()) { |
if (isObjectMethod(m)) continue; |
if (!Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers())) continue; |
String mname = m.getName(); |
if (uniqueName == null) |
uniqueName = mname; |
else if (!uniqueName.equals(mname)) |
return null; |
methods.add(m); |
} |
if (uniqueName == null) return null; |
return methods.toArray(new Method[methods.size()]); |
} |
private static boolean isDefaultMethod(Method m) { |
return !Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers()); |
} |
private static boolean hasDefaultMethods(Class<?> intfc) { |
for (Method m : intfc.getMethods()) { |
if (!isObjectMethod(m) && |
!Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers())) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
private static Object callDefaultMethod(ConcurrentHashMap<Method, MethodHandle> defaultMethodMap, |
Object self, Class<?> intfc, Method m, Object[] args) throws Throwable { |
assert(isDefaultMethod(m) && !isObjectMethod(m)) : m; |
MethodHandle dmh = defaultMethodMap.computeIfAbsent(m, mk -> { |
try { |
// Look up the default method for special invocation thereby |
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandles.Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP.findSpecial( |
intfc, mk.getName(), |
MethodType.methodType(mk.getReturnType(), mk.getParameterTypes()), |
self.getClass()); |
return mh.asSpreader(Object[].class, mk.getParameterCount()); |
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) { |
// The method is known to exist and should be accessible, this |
// method would not be called unless the invokeinterface to the |
throw new InternalError(e); |
} |
}); |
return dmh.invoke(self, args); |
} |
} |