*/ |
package com.sun.security.sasl.digest; |
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; |
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; |
import java.util.StringTokenizer; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Map; |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import java.util.logging.Level; |
import javax.security.sasl.*; |
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler; |
import javax.security.auth.callback.PasswordCallback; |
import javax.security.auth.callback.NameCallback; |
import javax.security.auth.callback.Callback; |
import javax.security.auth.callback.UnsupportedCallbackException; |
*/ |
final class DigestMD5Client extends DigestMD5Base implements SaslClient { |
private static final String MY_CLASS_NAME = DigestMD5Client.class.getName(); |
private static final String CIPHER_PROPERTY = |
"com.sun.security.sasl.digest.cipher"; |
private static final String[] DIRECTIVE_KEY = { |
"realm", |
"qop", |
"algorithm", |
"nonce", |
"maxbuf", |
"charset", |
"cipher", |
"rspauth", |
"stale", |
}; |
private static final int REALM = 0; |
private static final int QOP = 1; |
private static final int ALGORITHM = 2; |
private static final int NONCE = 3; |
private static final int MAXBUF = 4; |
private static final int CHARSET = 5; |
private static final int CIPHER = 6; |
private static final int RESPONSE_AUTH = 7; |
private static final int STALE = 8; |
private int nonceCount; |
/* User-supplied/generated information */ |
private String specifiedCipher; |
private byte[] cnonce; |
private String username; |
private char[] passwd; |
private byte[] authzidBytes; |
*/ |
DigestMD5Client(String authzid, String protocol, String serverName, |
Map<String, ?> props, CallbackHandler cbh) throws SaslException { |
super(props, MY_CLASS_NAME, 2, protocol + "/" + serverName, cbh); |
if (authzid != null) { |
this.authzid = authzid; |
try { |
authzidBytes = authzid.getBytes("UTF8"); |
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"DIGEST-MD5: Error encoding authzid value into UTF-8", e); |
} |
} |
if (props != null) { |
specifiedCipher = (String)props.get(CIPHER_PROPERTY); |
logger.log(Level.FINE, "DIGEST60:Explicitly specified cipher: {0}", |
specifiedCipher); |
} |
} |
*/ |
public boolean hasInitialResponse() { |
return false; |
} |
*/ |
public byte[] evaluateChallenge(byte[] challengeData) throws SaslException { |
if (challengeData.length > MAX_CHALLENGE_LENGTH) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"DIGEST-MD5: Invalid digest-challenge length. Got: " + |
challengeData.length + " Expected < " + MAX_CHALLENGE_LENGTH); |
} |
byte[][] challengeVal; |
switch (step) { |
case 2: |
/* Process server's first challenge (from Step 1) */ |
directives */ |
List<byte[]> realmChoices = new ArrayList<byte[]>(3); |
challengeVal = parseDirectives(challengeData, DIRECTIVE_KEY, |
realmChoices, REALM); |
try { |
processChallenge(challengeVal, realmChoices); |
checkQopSupport(challengeVal[QOP], challengeVal[CIPHER]); |
++step; |
return generateClientResponse(challengeVal[CHARSET]); |
} catch (SaslException e) { |
step = 0; |
clearPassword(); |
throw e; |
} catch (IOException e) { |
step = 0; |
clearPassword(); |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Error generating " + |
"digest response-value", e); |
} |
case 3: |
try { |
/* Process server's step 3 (server response to digest response) */ |
challengeVal = parseDirectives(challengeData, DIRECTIVE_KEY, |
null, REALM); |
validateResponseValue(challengeVal[RESPONSE_AUTH]); |
if (integrity && privacy) { |
secCtx = new DigestPrivacy(true /* client */); |
} else if (integrity) { |
secCtx = new DigestIntegrity(true /* client */); |
} |
return null; |
} finally { |
clearPassword(); |
step = 0; |
completed = true; |
} |
default: |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Client at illegal state"); |
} |
} |
*/ |
private void processChallenge(byte[][] challengeVal, List<byte[]> realmChoices) |
throws SaslException, UnsupportedEncodingException { |
if (challengeVal[CHARSET] != null) { |
if (!"utf-8".equals(new String(challengeVal[CHARSET], encoding))) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: digest-challenge format " + |
"violation. Unrecognised charset value: " + |
new String(challengeVal[CHARSET])); |
} else { |
encoding = "UTF8"; |
useUTF8 = true; |
} |
} |
if (challengeVal[ALGORITHM] == null) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Digest-challenge format " + |
"violation: algorithm directive missing"); |
} else if (!"md5-sess".equals(new String(challengeVal[ALGORITHM], encoding))) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Digest-challenge format " + |
"violation. Invalid value for 'algorithm' directive: " + |
challengeVal[ALGORITHM]); |
} |
if (challengeVal[NONCE] == null) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Digest-challenge format " + |
"violation: nonce directive missing"); |
} else { |
nonce = challengeVal[NONCE]; |
} |
try { |
String[] realmTokens = null; |
if (challengeVal[REALM] != null) { |
if (realmChoices == null || realmChoices.size() <= 1) { |
negotiatedRealm = new String(challengeVal[REALM], encoding); |
} else { |
realmTokens = new String[realmChoices.size()]; |
for (int i = 0; i < realmTokens.length; i++) { |
realmTokens[i] = |
new String(realmChoices.get(i), encoding); |
} |
} |
} |
NameCallback ncb = authzid == null ? |
new NameCallback("DIGEST-MD5 authentication ID: ") : |
new NameCallback("DIGEST-MD5 authentication ID: ", authzid); |
PasswordCallback pcb = |
new PasswordCallback("DIGEST-MD5 password: ", false); |
if (realmTokens == null) { |
// Server specified <= 1 realm |
RealmCallback tcb = |
(negotiatedRealm == null? new RealmCallback("DIGEST-MD5 realm: ") : |
new RealmCallback("DIGEST-MD5 realm: ", negotiatedRealm)); |
cbh.handle(new Callback[] {tcb, ncb, pcb}); |
negotiatedRealm = tcb.getText(); |
if (negotiatedRealm == null) { |
negotiatedRealm = ""; |
} |
} else { |
RealmChoiceCallback ccb = new RealmChoiceCallback( |
"DIGEST-MD5 realm: ", |
realmTokens, |
0, false); |
cbh.handle(new Callback[] {ccb, ncb, pcb}); |
int[] selected = ccb.getSelectedIndexes(); |
if (selected == null |
|| selected[0] < 0 |
|| selected[0] >= realmTokens.length) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Invalid realm chosen"); |
} |
negotiatedRealm = realmTokens[selected[0]]; |
} |
passwd = pcb.getPassword(); |
pcb.clearPassword(); |
username = ncb.getName(); |
} catch (SaslException se) { |
throw se; |
} catch (UnsupportedCallbackException e) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Cannot perform callback to " + |
"acquire realm, authentication ID or password", e); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"DIGEST-MD5: Error acquiring realm, authentication ID or password", e); |
} |
if (username == null || passwd == null) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"DIGEST-MD5: authentication ID and password must be specified"); |
} |
int srvMaxBufSize = |
(challengeVal[MAXBUF] == null) ? DEFAULT_MAXBUF |
: Integer.parseInt(new String(challengeVal[MAXBUF], encoding)); |
sendMaxBufSize = |
(sendMaxBufSize == 0) ? srvMaxBufSize |
: Math.min(sendMaxBufSize, srvMaxBufSize); |
} |
*/ |
private void checkQopSupport(byte[] qopInChallenge, byte[] ciphersInChallenge) |
throws IOException { |
String qopOptions; |
if (qopInChallenge == null) { |
qopOptions = "auth"; |
} else { |
qopOptions = new String(qopInChallenge, encoding); |
} |
String[] serverQopTokens = new String[3]; |
byte[] serverQop = parseQop(qopOptions, serverQopTokens, |
true /* ignore unrecognized tokens */); |
byte serverAllQop = combineMasks(serverQop); |
switch (findPreferredMask(serverAllQop, qop)) { |
case 0: |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: No common protection " + |
"layer between client and server"); |
negotiatedQop = "auth"; |
break; |
negotiatedQop = "auth-int"; |
integrity = true; |
rawSendSize = sendMaxBufSize - 16; |
break; |
negotiatedQop = "auth-conf"; |
privacy = integrity = true; |
rawSendSize = sendMaxBufSize - 26; |
checkStrengthSupport(ciphersInChallenge); |
break; |
} |
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { |
logger.log(Level.FINE, "DIGEST61:Raw send size: {0}", |
new Integer(rawSendSize)); |
} |
} |
*/ |
private void checkStrengthSupport(byte[] ciphersInChallenge) |
throws IOException { |
if (ciphersInChallenge == null) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: server did not specify " + |
"cipher to use for 'auth-conf'"); |
} |
String cipherOptions = new String(ciphersInChallenge, encoding); |
StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer(cipherOptions, ", \t\n"); |
int tokenCount = parser.countTokens(); |
String token = null; |
byte[] serverCiphers = { UNSET, |
UNSET }; |
String[] serverCipherStrs = new String[serverCiphers.length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < tokenCount; i++) { |
token = parser.nextToken(); |
for (int j = 0; j < CIPHER_TOKENS.length; j++) { |
if (token.equals(CIPHER_TOKENS[j])) { |
serverCiphers[j] |= CIPHER_MASKS[j]; |
serverCipherStrs[j] = token; |
logger.log(Level.FINE, "DIGEST62:Server supports {0}", token); |
} |
} |
} |
byte[] clntCiphers = getPlatformCiphers(); |
byte inter = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < serverCiphers.length; i++) { |
serverCiphers[i] &= clntCiphers[i]; |
inter |= serverCiphers[i]; |
} |
if (inter == UNSET) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"DIGEST-MD5: Client supports none of these cipher suites: " + |
cipherOptions); |
} |
// now have a clear picture of user / client; client / server |
// cipher options. Leverage strength array against what is |
negotiatedCipher = findCipherAndStrength(serverCiphers, serverCipherStrs); |
if (negotiatedCipher == null) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Unable to negotiate " + |
"a strength level for 'auth-conf'"); |
} |
logger.log(Level.FINE, "DIGEST63:Cipher suite: {0}", negotiatedCipher); |
} |
*/ |
private String findCipherAndStrength(byte[] supportedCiphers, |
String[] tokens) { |
byte s; |
for (int i = 0; i < strength.length; i++) { |
if ((s=strength[i]) != 0) { |
for (int j = 0; j < supportedCiphers.length; j++) { |
// If user explicitly requested cipher, then it |
// must be the one we choose |
if (s == supportedCiphers[j] && |
(specifiedCipher == null || |
specifiedCipher.equals(tokens[j]))) { |
switch (s) { |
negotiatedStrength = "high"; |
break; |
negotiatedStrength = "medium"; |
break; |
negotiatedStrength = "low"; |
break; |
} |
return tokens[j]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return null; |
} |
*/ |
private byte[] generateClientResponse(byte[] charset) throws IOException { |
ByteArrayOutputStream digestResp = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); |
if (useUTF8) { |
digestResp.write("charset=".getBytes(encoding)); |
digestResp.write(charset); |
digestResp.write(','); |
} |
digestResp.write(("username=\"" + |
quotedStringValue(username) + "\",").getBytes(encoding)); |
if (negotiatedRealm.length() > 0) { |
digestResp.write(("realm=\"" + |
quotedStringValue(negotiatedRealm) + "\",").getBytes(encoding)); |
} |
digestResp.write("nonce=\"".getBytes(encoding)); |
writeQuotedStringValue(digestResp, nonce); |
digestResp.write('"'); |
digestResp.write(','); |
nonceCount = getNonceCount(nonce); |
digestResp.write(("nc=" + |
nonceCountToHex(nonceCount) + ",").getBytes(encoding)); |
cnonce = generateNonce(); |
digestResp.write("cnonce=\"".getBytes(encoding)); |
writeQuotedStringValue(digestResp, cnonce); |
digestResp.write("\",".getBytes(encoding)); |
digestResp.write(("digest-uri=\"" + digestUri + "\",").getBytes(encoding)); |
digestResp.write("maxbuf=".getBytes(encoding)); |
digestResp.write(String.valueOf(recvMaxBufSize).getBytes(encoding)); |
digestResp.write(','); |
try { |
digestResp.write("response=".getBytes(encoding)); |
digestResp.write(generateResponseValue("AUTHENTICATE", |
digestUri, negotiatedQop, username, |
negotiatedRealm, passwd, nonce, cnonce, |
nonceCount, authzidBytes)); |
digestResp.write(','); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"DIGEST-MD5: Error generating response value", e); |
} |
digestResp.write(("qop=" + negotiatedQop).getBytes(encoding)); |
if (negotiatedCipher != null) { |
digestResp.write((",cipher=\"" + negotiatedCipher + "\"").getBytes(encoding)); |
} |
if (authzidBytes != null) { |
digestResp.write(",authzid=\"".getBytes(encoding)); |
writeQuotedStringValue(digestResp, authzidBytes); |
digestResp.write("\"".getBytes(encoding)); |
} |
if (digestResp.size() > MAX_RESPONSE_LENGTH) { |
throw new SaslException ("DIGEST-MD5: digest-response size too " + |
"large. Length: " + digestResp.size()); |
} |
return digestResp.toByteArray(); |
} |
*/ |
private void validateResponseValue(byte[] fromServer) throws SaslException { |
if (fromServer == null) { |
throw new SaslException("DIGEST-MD5: Authenication failed. " + |
"Expecting 'rspauth' authentication success message"); |
} |
try { |
byte[] expected = generateResponseValue("", |
digestUri, negotiatedQop, username, negotiatedRealm, |
passwd, nonce, cnonce, nonceCount, authzidBytes); |
if (!Arrays.equals(expected, fromServer)) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"Server's rspauth value does not match what client expects"); |
} |
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"Problem generating response value for verification", e); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
throw new SaslException( |
"Problem generating response value for verification", e); |
} |
} |
*/ |
private static int getNonceCount(byte[] nonceValue) { |
return 1; |
} |
private void clearPassword() { |
if (passwd != null) { |
for (int i = 0; i < passwd.length; i++) { |
passwd[i] = 0; |
} |
passwd = null; |
} |
} |
} |