*/ |
package sun.java2d.pipe; |
import java.awt.BasicStroke; |
import java.awt.Rectangle; |
import java.awt.Shape; |
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; |
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; |
import sun.awt.SunHints; |
import sun.java2d.ReentrantContext; |
import sun.java2d.ReentrantContextProvider; |
import sun.java2d.ReentrantContextProviderTL; |
import sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D; |
*/ |
public final class AAShapePipe |
implements ShapeDrawPipe, ParallelogramPipe |
{ |
static final RenderingEngine renderengine = RenderingEngine.getInstance(); |
private static final ReentrantContextProvider<TileState> tileStateProvider = |
new ReentrantContextProviderTL<TileState>( |
ReentrantContextProvider.REF_HARD) |
{ |
@Override |
protected TileState newContext() { |
return new TileState(); |
} |
}; |
final CompositePipe outpipe; |
public AAShapePipe(CompositePipe pipe) { |
outpipe = pipe; |
} |
@Override |
public void draw(SunGraphics2D sg, Shape s) { |
final BasicStroke bs; |
if (sg.stroke instanceof BasicStroke) { |
bs = (BasicStroke) sg.stroke; |
} else { |
s = sg.stroke.createStrokedShape(s); |
bs = null; |
} |
renderPath(sg, s, bs); |
} |
@Override |
public void fill(SunGraphics2D sg, Shape s) { |
renderPath(sg, s, null); |
} |
@Override |
public void fillParallelogram(SunGraphics2D sg, |
double ux1, double uy1, |
double ux2, double uy2, |
double x, double y, |
double dx1, double dy1, |
double dx2, double dy2) |
{ |
final TileState ts = tileStateProvider.acquire(); |
try { |
final int[] abox = ts.abox; |
final AATileGenerator aatg = |
renderengine.getAATileGenerator(x, y, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, 0, 0, |
sg.getCompClip(), abox); |
if (aatg != null) { |
renderTiles(sg, ts.computeBBox(ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2), |
aatg, abox, ts); |
} |
} finally { |
tileStateProvider.release(ts); |
} |
} |
@Override |
public void drawParallelogram(SunGraphics2D sg, |
double ux1, double uy1, |
double ux2, double uy2, |
double x, double y, |
double dx1, double dy1, |
double dx2, double dy2, |
double lw1, double lw2) |
{ |
final TileState ts = tileStateProvider.acquire(); |
try { |
final int[] abox = ts.abox; |
final AATileGenerator aatg = |
renderengine.getAATileGenerator(x, y, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, lw1, |
lw2, sg.getCompClip(), abox); |
if (aatg != null) { |
// Note that bbox is of the original shape, not the wide path. |
renderTiles(sg, ts.computeBBox(ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2), |
aatg, abox, ts); |
} |
} finally { |
tileStateProvider.release(ts); |
} |
} |
public void renderPath(SunGraphics2D sg, Shape s, BasicStroke bs) { |
final boolean adjust = (bs != null && |
sg.strokeHint != SunHints.INTVAL_STROKE_PURE); |
final boolean thin = (sg.strokeState <= SunGraphics2D.STROKE_THINDASHED); |
final TileState ts = tileStateProvider.acquire(); |
try { |
final int[] abox = ts.abox; |
final AATileGenerator aatg = |
renderengine.getAATileGenerator(s, sg.transform, sg.getCompClip(), |
bs, thin, adjust, abox); |
if (aatg != null) { |
renderTiles(sg, s, aatg, abox, ts); |
} |
} finally { |
tileStateProvider.release(ts); |
} |
} |
public void renderTiles(SunGraphics2D sg, Shape s, |
final AATileGenerator aatg, |
final int[] abox, final TileState ts) |
{ |
Object context = null; |
try { |
context = outpipe.startSequence(sg, s, |
ts.computeDevBox(abox), |
abox); |
final int x0 = abox[0]; |
final int y0 = abox[1]; |
final int x1 = abox[2]; |
final int y1 = abox[3]; |
final int tw = aatg.getTileWidth(); |
final int th = aatg.getTileHeight(); |
final byte[] alpha = ts.getAlphaTile(tw * th); |
byte[] atile; |
for (int y = y0; y < y1; y += th) { |
final int h = Math.min(th, y1 - y); |
for (int x = x0; x < x1; x += tw) { |
final int w = Math.min(tw, x1 - x); |
final int a = aatg.getTypicalAlpha(); |
if (a == 0x00 || !outpipe.needTile(context, x, y, w, h)) { |
aatg.nextTile(); |
outpipe.skipTile(context, x, y); |
continue; |
} |
if (a == 0xff) { |
atile = null; |
aatg.nextTile(); |
} else { |
atile = alpha; |
aatg.getAlpha(alpha, 0, tw); |
} |
outpipe.renderPathTile(context, atile, 0, tw, x, y, w, h); |
} |
} |
} finally { |
aatg.dispose(); |
if (context != null) { |
outpipe.endSequence(context); |
} |
} |
} |
static final class TileState extends ReentrantContext { |
private byte[] theTile = new byte[32 * 32]; |
final int[] abox = new int[4]; |
private final Rectangle dev = new Rectangle(); |
private final Rectangle2D.Double bbox2D = new Rectangle2D.Double(); |
byte[] getAlphaTile(int len) { |
byte[] t = theTile; |
if (t.length < len) { |
theTile = t = new byte[len]; |
} |
return t; |
} |
Rectangle computeDevBox(final int[] abox) { |
final Rectangle box = this.dev; |
box.x = abox[0]; |
box.y = abox[1]; |
box.width = abox[2] - abox[0]; |
box.height = abox[3] - abox[1]; |
return box; |
} |
Rectangle2D computeBBox(double ux1, double uy1, |
double ux2, double uy2) |
{ |
if ((ux2 -= ux1) < 0.0) { |
ux1 += ux2; |
ux2 = -ux2; |
} |
if ((uy2 -= uy1) < 0.0) { |
uy1 += uy2; |
uy2 = -uy2; |
} |
final Rectangle2D.Double box = this.bbox2D; |
box.x = ux1; |
box.y = uy1; |
box.width = ux2; |
box.height = uy2; |
return box; |
} |
} |
} |