*/ |
package sun.java2d.pisces; |
import java.util.Map; |
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; |
import sun.java2d.pipe.AATileGenerator; |
final class PiscesTileGenerator implements AATileGenerator { |
public static final int TILE_SIZE = PiscesCache.TILE_SIZE; |
// perhaps we should be using weak references here, but right now |
// that's not necessary. The way the renderer is, this map will |
// never contain more than one element - the one with key 64, since |
private static final Map<Integer, byte[]> alphaMapsCache = new |
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, byte[]>(); |
PiscesCache cache; |
int x, y; |
final int maxalpha; |
private final int maxTileAlphaSum; |
// The alpha map used by this object (taken out of our map cache) to convert |
// pixel coverage counts gotten from PiscesCache (which are in the range |
byte alphaMap[]; |
public PiscesTileGenerator(Renderer r, int maxalpha) { |
this.cache = r.getCache(); |
this.x = cache.bboxX0; |
this.y = cache.bboxY0; |
this.alphaMap = getAlphaMap(maxalpha); |
this.maxalpha = maxalpha; |
this.maxTileAlphaSum = TILE_SIZE*TILE_SIZE*maxalpha; |
} |
private static byte[] buildAlphaMap(int maxalpha) { |
byte[] alMap = new byte[maxalpha+1]; |
int halfmaxalpha = maxalpha>>2; |
for (int i = 0; i <= maxalpha; i++) { |
alMap[i] = (byte) ((i * 255 + halfmaxalpha) / maxalpha); |
} |
return alMap; |
} |
public static byte[] getAlphaMap(int maxalpha) { |
if (!alphaMapsCache.containsKey(maxalpha)) { |
alphaMapsCache.put(maxalpha, buildAlphaMap(maxalpha)); |
} |
return alphaMapsCache.get(maxalpha); |
} |
public void getBbox(int bbox[]) { |
bbox[0] = cache.bboxX0; |
bbox[1] = cache.bboxY0; |
bbox[2] = cache.bboxX1; |
bbox[3] = cache.bboxY1; |
//System.out.println("bbox["+bbox[0]+", "+bbox[1]+" => "+bbox[2]+", "+bbox[3]+"]"); |
} |
*/ |
public int getTileWidth() { |
return TILE_SIZE; |
} |
*/ |
public int getTileHeight() { |
return TILE_SIZE; |
} |
*/ |
public int getTypicalAlpha() { |
int al = cache.alphaSumInTile(x, y); |
// Note: if we have a filled rectangle that doesn't end on a tile |
// border, we could still return 0xff, even though al!=maxTileAlphaSum |
// This is because if we return 0xff, our users will fill a rectangle |
// starting at x,y that has width = Math.min(TILE_SIZE, bboxX1-x), |
// and height min(TILE_SIZE,bboxY1-y), which is what should happen. |
// However, to support this, we would have to use 2 Math.min's |
// and 2 multiplications per tile, instead of just 2 multiplications |
// to compute maxTileAlphaSum. The savings offered would probably |
// not be worth it, considering how rare this case is. |
// Note: I have not tested this, so in the future if it is determined |
// that it is worth it, it should be implemented. Perhaps this method's |
// interface should be changed to take arguments the width and height |
// of the current tile. This would eliminate the 2 Math.min calls that |
// would be needed here, since our caller needs to compute these 2 |
return (al == 0x00 ? 0x00 : |
(al == maxTileAlphaSum ? 0xff : 0x80)); |
} |
*/ |
public void nextTile() { |
if ((x += TILE_SIZE) >= cache.bboxX1) { |
x = cache.bboxX0; |
y += TILE_SIZE; |
} |
} |
*/ |
public void getAlpha(byte tile[], int offset, int rowstride) { |
// Decode run-length encoded alpha mask data |
// The data for row j begins at cache.rowOffsetsRLE[j] |
// and is encoded as a set of 2-byte pairs (val, runLen) |
// terminated by a (0, 0) pair. |
int x0 = this.x; |
int x1 = x0 + TILE_SIZE; |
int y0 = this.y; |
int y1 = y0 + TILE_SIZE; |
if (x1 > cache.bboxX1) x1 = cache.bboxX1; |
if (y1 > cache.bboxY1) y1 = cache.bboxY1; |
y0 -= cache.bboxY0; |
y1 -= cache.bboxY0; |
int idx = offset; |
for (int cy = y0; cy < y1; cy++) { |
int[] row = cache.rowAARLE[cy]; |
assert row != null; |
int cx = cache.minTouched(cy); |
if (cx > x1) cx = x1; |
for (int i = x0; i < cx; i++) { |
tile[idx++] = 0x00; |
} |
int pos = 2; |
while (cx < x1 && pos < row[1]) { |
byte val; |
int runLen = 0; |
assert row[1] > 2; |
try { |
val = alphaMap[row[pos]]; |
runLen = row[pos + 1]; |
assert runLen > 0; |
} catch (RuntimeException e0) { |
System.out.println("maxalpha = "+maxalpha); |
System.out.println("tile["+x0+", "+y0+ |
" => "+x1+", "+y1+"]"); |
System.out.println("cx = "+cx+", cy = "+cy); |
System.out.println("idx = "+idx+", pos = "+pos); |
System.out.println("len = "+runLen); |
System.out.print(cache.toString()); |
e0.printStackTrace(); |
throw e0; |
} |
int rx0 = cx; |
cx += runLen; |
int rx1 = cx; |
if (rx0 < x0) rx0 = x0; |
if (rx1 > x1) rx1 = x1; |
runLen = rx1 - rx0; |
while (--runLen >= 0) { |
try { |
tile[idx++] = val; |
} catch (RuntimeException e) { |
System.out.println("maxalpha = "+maxalpha); |
System.out.println("tile["+x0+", "+y0+ |
" => "+x1+", "+y1+"]"); |
System.out.println("cx = "+cx+", cy = "+cy); |
System.out.println("idx = "+idx+", pos = "+pos); |
System.out.println("rx0 = "+rx0+", rx1 = "+rx1); |
System.out.println("len = "+runLen); |
System.out.print(cache.toString()); |
e.printStackTrace(); |
throw e; |
} |
} |
pos += 2; |
} |
if (cx < x0) { cx = x0; } |
while (cx < x1) { |
tile[idx++] = 0x00; |
cx++; |
} |
*/ |
idx += (rowstride - (x1-x0)); |
} |
nextTile(); |
} |
static String hex(int v, int d) { |
String s = Integer.toHexString(v); |
while (s.length() < d) { |
s = "0"+s; |
} |
return s.substring(0, d); |
} |
*/ |
public void dispose() {} |
} |