*/ |
package sun.security.jgss.krb5; |
import org.ietf.jgss.*; |
import sun.security.jgss.*; |
import java.io.InputStream; |
import java.io.OutputStream; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; |
import sun.security.krb5.Confounder; |
*/ |
class WrapToken extends MessageToken { |
*/ |
static final int CONFOUNDER_SIZE = 8; |
*/ |
static final byte[][] pads = { |
null, |
{0x01}, |
{0x02, 0x02}, |
{0x03, 0x03, 0x03}, |
{0x04, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04}, |
{0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05, 0x05}, |
{0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06}, |
{0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07, 0x07}, |
{0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08} |
}; |
*/ |
private boolean readTokenFromInputStream = true; |
private InputStream is = null; |
private byte[] tokenBytes = null; |
private int tokenOffset = 0; |
private int tokenLen = 0; |
*/ |
private byte[] dataBytes = null; |
private int dataOffset = 0; |
private int dataLen = 0; |
private int dataSize = 0; |
byte[] confounder = null; |
byte[] padding = null; |
private boolean privacy = false; |
*/ |
public WrapToken(Krb5Context context, |
byte[] tokenBytes, int tokenOffset, int tokenLen, |
MessageProp prop) throws GSSException { |
super(Krb5Token.WRAP_ID, context, |
tokenBytes, tokenOffset, tokenLen, prop); |
this.readTokenFromInputStream = false; |
this.tokenBytes = tokenBytes; |
this.tokenOffset = tokenOffset; |
this.tokenLen = tokenLen; |
this.privacy = prop.getPrivacy(); |
dataSize = |
getGSSHeader().getMechTokenLength() - getKrb5TokenSize(); |
} |
*/ |
public WrapToken(Krb5Context context, |
InputStream is, MessageProp prop) |
throws GSSException { |
super(Krb5Token.WRAP_ID, context, is, prop); |
this.is = is; |
this.privacy = prop.getPrivacy(); |
/* |
debug("WrapToken Cons: gssHeader.getMechTokenLength=" + |
getGSSHeader().getMechTokenLength()); |
debug("\n token size=" |
+ getTokenSize()); |
*/ |
dataSize = |
getGSSHeader().getMechTokenLength() - getTokenSize(); |
// debug("\n dataSize=" + dataSize); |
// debug("\n"); |
} |
*/ |
public byte[] getData() throws GSSException { |
byte[] temp = new byte[dataSize]; |
getData(temp, 0); |
byte[] retVal = new byte[dataSize - confounder.length - |
padding.length]; |
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, retVal, 0, retVal.length); |
return retVal; |
} |
*/ |
public int getData(byte[] dataBuf, int dataBufOffset) |
throws GSSException { |
if (readTokenFromInputStream) |
getDataFromStream(dataBuf, dataBufOffset); |
else |
getDataFromBuffer(dataBuf, dataBufOffset); |
return (dataSize - confounder.length - padding.length); |
} |
*/ |
private void getDataFromBuffer(byte[] dataBuf, int dataBufOffset) |
throws GSSException { |
GSSHeader gssHeader = getGSSHeader(); |
int dataPos = tokenOffset + |
gssHeader.getLength() + getTokenSize(); |
if (dataPos + dataSize > tokenOffset + tokenLen) |
throw new GSSException(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, -1, |
"Insufficient data in " |
+ getTokenName(getTokenId())); |
// debug("WrapToken cons: data is token is [" + |
// getHexBytes(tokenBytes, tokenOffset, tokenLen) + "]\n"); |
confounder = new byte[CONFOUNDER_SIZE]; |
// Do decryption if this token was privacy protected. |
if (privacy) { |
cipherHelper.decryptData(this, |
tokenBytes, dataPos, dataSize, dataBuf, dataBufOffset); |
/* |
debug("\t\tDecrypted data is [" + |
getHexBytes(confounder) + " " + |
getHexBytes(dataBuf, dataBufOffset, |
dataSize - CONFOUNDER_SIZE - padding.length) + |
getHexBytes(padding) + |
"]\n"); |
*/ |
} else { |
// Token data is in cleartext |
System.arraycopy(tokenBytes, dataPos, |
confounder, 0, CONFOUNDER_SIZE); |
int padSize = tokenBytes[dataPos + dataSize - 1]; |
if (padSize < 0) |
padSize = 0; |
if (padSize > 8) |
padSize %= 8; |
padding = pads[padSize]; |
// debug("\t\tPadding applied was: " + padSize + "\n"); |
System.arraycopy(tokenBytes, dataPos + CONFOUNDER_SIZE, |
dataBuf, dataBufOffset, dataSize - |
// byte[] debugbuf = new byte[dataSize - CONFOUNDER_SIZE - padSize]; |
// System.arraycopy(tokenBytes, dataPos + CONFOUNDER_SIZE, |
// debugbuf, 0, debugbuf.length); |
// debug("\t\tData is: " + getHexBytes(debugbuf, debugbuf.length)); |
} |
/* |
* Make sure sign and sequence number are not corrupt |
*/ |
if (!verifySignAndSeqNumber(confounder, |
dataBuf, dataBufOffset, |
- padding.length, |
padding)) |
throw new GSSException(GSSException.BAD_MIC, -1, |
"Corrupt checksum or sequence number in Wrap token"); |
} |
*/ |
private void getDataFromStream(byte[] dataBuf, int dataBufOffset) |
throws GSSException { |
GSSHeader gssHeader = getGSSHeader(); |
// Don't check the token length. Data will be read on demand from |
// the InputStream. |
// debug("WrapToken cons: data will be read from InputStream.\n"); |
confounder = new byte[CONFOUNDER_SIZE]; |
try { |
// Do decryption if this token was privacy protected. |
if (privacy) { |
cipherHelper.decryptData(this, is, dataSize, |
dataBuf, dataBufOffset); |
// debug("\t\tDecrypted data is [" + |
// getHexBytes(confounder) + " " + |
// getHexBytes(dataBuf, dataBufOffset, |
// dataSize - CONFOUNDER_SIZE - padding.length) + |
// getHexBytes(padding) + |
// "]\n"); |
} else { |
// Token data is in cleartext |
readFully(is, confounder); |
if (cipherHelper.isArcFour()) { |
padding = pads[1]; |
readFully(is, dataBuf, dataBufOffset, dataSize-CONFOUNDER_SIZE-1); |
} else { |
// Data is always a multiple of 8 with this GSS Mech |
int numBlocks = (dataSize - CONFOUNDER_SIZE)/8 - 1; |
int offset = dataBufOffset; |
for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { |
readFully(is, dataBuf, offset, 8); |
offset += 8; |
} |
byte[] finalBlock = new byte[8]; |
readFully(is, finalBlock); |
int padSize = finalBlock[7]; |
padding = pads[padSize]; |
System.arraycopy(finalBlock, 0, dataBuf, offset, |
finalBlock.length - padSize); |
} |
} |
} catch (IOException e) { |
throw new GSSException(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, -1, |
getTokenName(getTokenId()) |
+ ": " + e.getMessage()); |
} |
/* |
* Make sure sign and sequence number are not corrupt |
*/ |
if (!verifySignAndSeqNumber(confounder, |
dataBuf, dataBufOffset, |
- padding.length, |
padding)) |
throw new GSSException(GSSException.BAD_MIC, -1, |
"Corrupt checksum or sequence number in Wrap token"); |
} |
*/ |
private byte[] getPadding(int len) { |
int padSize = 0; |
// For RC4-HMAC, all padding is rounded up to 1 byte. |
if (cipherHelper.isArcFour()) { |
padSize = 1; |
} else { |
padSize = len % 8; |
padSize = 8 - padSize; |
} |
return pads[padSize]; |
} |
public WrapToken(Krb5Context context, MessageProp prop, |
byte[] dataBytes, int dataOffset, int dataLen) |
throws GSSException { |
super(Krb5Token.WRAP_ID, context); |
confounder = Confounder.bytes(CONFOUNDER_SIZE); |
padding = getPadding(dataLen); |
dataSize = confounder.length + dataLen + padding.length; |
this.dataBytes = dataBytes; |
this.dataOffset = dataOffset; |
this.dataLen = dataLen; |
/* |
debug("\nWrapToken cons: data to wrap is [" + |
getHexBytes(confounder) + " " + |
getHexBytes(dataBytes, dataOffset, dataLen) + " " + |
// padding is never null for Wrap |
getHexBytes(padding) + "]\n"); |
*/ |
genSignAndSeqNumber(prop, |
confounder, |
dataBytes, dataOffset, dataLen, |
padding); |
*/ |
if (!context.getConfState()) |
prop.setPrivacy(false); |
privacy = prop.getPrivacy(); |
} |
public void encode(OutputStream os) throws IOException, GSSException { |
super.encode(os); |
if (!privacy) { |
os.write(confounder); |
os.write(dataBytes, dataOffset, dataLen); |
os.write(padding); |
} else { |
cipherHelper.encryptData(this, confounder, |
dataBytes, dataOffset, dataLen, padding, os); |
} |
// debug("]\n"); |
} |
public byte[] encode() throws IOException, GSSException { |
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(dataSize + 50); |
encode(bos); |
return bos.toByteArray(); |
} |
public int encode(byte[] outToken, int offset) |
throws IOException, GSSException { |
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); |
super.encode(bos); |
byte[] header = bos.toByteArray(); |
System.arraycopy(header, 0, outToken, offset, header.length); |
offset += header.length; |
if (!privacy) { |
System.arraycopy(confounder, 0, outToken, offset, |
confounder.length); |
offset += confounder.length; |
System.arraycopy(dataBytes, dataOffset, outToken, offset, |
dataLen); |
offset += dataLen; |
System.arraycopy(padding, 0, outToken, offset, padding.length); |
} else { |
cipherHelper.encryptData(this, confounder, dataBytes, |
dataOffset, dataLen, padding, outToken, offset); |
// debug(getHexBytes(outToken, offset, dataSize)); |
} |
// debug("]\n"); |
return (header.length + confounder.length + dataLen + padding.length); |
} |
protected int getKrb5TokenSize() throws GSSException { |
return (getTokenSize() + dataSize); |
} |
protected int getSealAlg(boolean conf, int qop) throws GSSException { |
if (!conf) { |
return SEAL_ALG_NONE; |
} |
return cipherHelper.getSealAlg(); |
} |
// This implementation is way too conservative. And it certainly |
static int getSizeLimit(int qop, boolean confReq, int maxTokenSize, |
CipherHelper ch) throws GSSException { |
return (GSSHeader.getMaxMechTokenSize(OID, maxTokenSize) - |
(getTokenSize(ch) + CONFOUNDER_SIZE) - 8); /* safety */ |
} |
} |