*/ |
package sun.security.ssl; |
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; |
import java.io.Closeable; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.io.OutputStream; |
import java.nio.ByteBuffer; |
import sun.security.ssl.SSLCipher.SSLWriteCipher; |
*/ |
abstract class OutputRecord |
extends ByteArrayOutputStream implements Record, Closeable { |
SSLWriteCipher writeCipher; |
TransportContext tc; |
final HandshakeHash handshakeHash; |
boolean firstMessage; |
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion; |
// version for the ClientHello message. Only relevant if this is a |
// client handshake record. If set to ProtocolVersion.SSL20Hello, |
ProtocolVersion helloVersion; |
boolean isFirstAppOutputRecord = true; |
int packetSize; |
private int fragmentSize; |
volatile boolean isClosed; |
*/ |
private static final int[] V3toV2CipherMap1 = |
{-1, -1, -1, 0x02, 0x01, -1, 0x04, 0x05, -1, 0x06, 0x07}; |
private static final int[] V3toV2CipherMap3 = |
{-1, -1, -1, 0x80, 0x80, -1, 0x80, 0x80, -1, 0x40, 0xC0}; |
private static final byte[] HANDSHAKE_MESSAGE_KEY_UPDATE = |
{SSLHandshake.KEY_UPDATE.id, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00}; |
OutputRecord(HandshakeHash handshakeHash, SSLWriteCipher writeCipher) { |
this.writeCipher = writeCipher; |
this.firstMessage = true; |
this.fragmentSize = Record.maxDataSize; |
this.handshakeHash = handshakeHash; |
// Please set packetSize and protocolVersion in the implementation. |
} |
synchronized void setVersion(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { |
this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion; |
} |
*/ |
synchronized void setHelloVersion(ProtocolVersion helloVersion) { |
this.helloVersion = helloVersion; |
} |
*/ |
boolean isEmpty() { |
return false; |
} |
synchronized boolean seqNumIsHuge() { |
return (writeCipher.authenticator != null) && |
writeCipher.authenticator.seqNumIsHuge(); |
} |
abstract void encodeAlert(byte level, byte description) throws IOException; |
abstract void encodeHandshake(byte[] buffer, |
int offset, int length) throws IOException; |
abstract void encodeChangeCipherSpec() throws IOException; |
Ciphertext encode( |
ByteBuffer[] srcs, int srcsOffset, int srcsLength, |
ByteBuffer[] dsts, int dstsOffset, int dstsLength) throws IOException { |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
} |
void encodeV2NoCipher() throws IOException { |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
} |
void deliver( |
byte[] source, int offset, int length) throws IOException { |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
} |
void setDeliverStream(OutputStream outputStream) { |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); |
} |
synchronized void changeWriteCiphers(SSLWriteCipher writeCipher, |
boolean useChangeCipherSpec) throws IOException { |
if (isClosed()) { |
if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { |
SSLLogger.warning("outbound has closed, ignore outbound " + |
"change_cipher_spec message"); |
} |
return; |
} |
if (useChangeCipherSpec) { |
encodeChangeCipherSpec(); |
} |
*/ |
writeCipher.dispose(); |
this.writeCipher = writeCipher; |
this.isFirstAppOutputRecord = true; |
} |
synchronized void changeWriteCiphers(SSLWriteCipher writeCipher, |
byte keyUpdateRequest) throws IOException { |
if (isClosed()) { |
if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl")) { |
SSLLogger.warning("outbound has closed, ignore outbound " + |
"key_update handshake message"); |
} |
return; |
} |
byte[] hm = HANDSHAKE_MESSAGE_KEY_UPDATE.clone(); |
hm[hm.length - 1] = keyUpdateRequest; |
encodeHandshake(hm, 0, hm.length); |
flush(); |
writeCipher.dispose(); |
this.writeCipher = writeCipher; |
this.isFirstAppOutputRecord = true; |
} |
synchronized void changePacketSize(int packetSize) { |
this.packetSize = packetSize; |
} |
synchronized void changeFragmentSize(int fragmentSize) { |
this.fragmentSize = fragmentSize; |
} |
synchronized int getMaxPacketSize() { |
return packetSize; |
} |
@Override |
public synchronized void close() throws IOException { |
if (isClosed) { |
return; |
} |
isClosed = true; |
writeCipher.dispose(); |
} |
boolean isClosed() { |
return isClosed; |
} |
// |
// shared helpers |
// |
private static final class T13PaddingHolder { |
private static final byte[] zeros = new byte[16]; |
} |
int calculateFragmentSize(int fragmentLimit) { |
if (fragmentSize > 0) { |
fragmentLimit = Math.min(fragmentLimit, fragmentSize); |
} |
if (protocolVersion.useTLS13PlusSpec()) { |
// No negative integer checking as the fragment capacity should |
return fragmentLimit - T13PaddingHolder.zeros.length - 1; |
} |
return fragmentLimit; |
} |
// Encrypt a fragment and wrap up a record. |
// |
// To be consistent with the spec of SSLEngine.wrap() methods, the |
// destination ByteBuffer's position is updated to reflect the amount |
static long encrypt( |
SSLWriteCipher encCipher, byte contentType, ByteBuffer destination, |
int headerOffset, int dstLim, int headerSize, |
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { |
if (protocolVersion.useTLS13PlusSpec()) { |
return t13Encrypt(encCipher, |
contentType, destination, headerOffset, |
dstLim, headerSize, protocolVersion); |
} else { |
return t10Encrypt(encCipher, |
contentType, destination, headerOffset, |
dstLim, headerSize, protocolVersion); |
} |
} |
private static long t13Encrypt( |
SSLWriteCipher encCipher, byte contentType, ByteBuffer destination, |
int headerOffset, int dstLim, int headerSize, |
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { |
if (!encCipher.isNullCipher()) { |
int endOfPt = destination.limit(); |
int startOfPt = destination.position(); |
destination.position(endOfPt); |
destination.limit(endOfPt + 1 + T13PaddingHolder.zeros.length); |
destination.put(contentType); |
destination.put(T13PaddingHolder.zeros); |
destination.position(startOfPt); |
} |
ProtocolVersion pv = protocolVersion; |
if (!encCipher.isNullCipher()) { |
pv = ProtocolVersion.TLS12; |
contentType = ContentType.APPLICATION_DATA.id; |
} else if (protocolVersion.useTLS13PlusSpec()) { |
pv = ProtocolVersion.TLS12; |
} |
byte[] sequenceNumber = encCipher.authenticator.sequenceNumber(); |
encCipher.encrypt(contentType, destination); |
int fragLen = destination.limit() - headerOffset - headerSize; |
destination.put(headerOffset, contentType); |
destination.put(headerOffset + 1, pv.major); |
destination.put(headerOffset + 2, pv.minor); |
destination.put(headerOffset + 3, (byte)(fragLen >> 8)); |
destination.put(headerOffset + 4, (byte)fragLen); |
destination.position(destination.limit()); |
return Authenticator.toLong(sequenceNumber); |
} |
private static long t10Encrypt( |
SSLWriteCipher encCipher, byte contentType, ByteBuffer destination, |
int headerOffset, int dstLim, int headerSize, |
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { |
byte[] sequenceNumber = encCipher.authenticator.sequenceNumber(); |
encCipher.encrypt(contentType, destination); |
int fragLen = destination.limit() - headerOffset - headerSize; |
destination.put(headerOffset, contentType); |
destination.put(headerOffset + 1, protocolVersion.major); |
destination.put(headerOffset + 2, protocolVersion.minor); |
destination.put(headerOffset + 3, (byte)(fragLen >> 8)); |
destination.put(headerOffset + 4, (byte)fragLen); |
destination.position(destination.limit()); |
return Authenticator.toLong(sequenceNumber); |
} |
// Encrypt a fragment and wrap up a record. |
// |
// Uses the internal expandable buf variable and the current |
long encrypt( |
SSLWriteCipher encCipher, byte contentType, int headerSize) { |
if (protocolVersion.useTLS13PlusSpec()) { |
return t13Encrypt(encCipher, contentType, headerSize); |
} else { |
return t10Encrypt(encCipher, contentType, headerSize); |
} |
} |
private long t13Encrypt( |
SSLWriteCipher encCipher, byte contentType, int headerSize) { |
if (!encCipher.isNullCipher()) { |
write(contentType); |
write(T13PaddingHolder.zeros, 0, T13PaddingHolder.zeros.length); |
} |
byte[] sequenceNumber = encCipher.authenticator.sequenceNumber(); |
int position = headerSize; |
int contentLen = count - position; |
int requiredPacketSize = |
encCipher.calculatePacketSize(contentLen, headerSize); |
if (requiredPacketSize > buf.length) { |
byte[] newBuf = new byte[requiredPacketSize]; |
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newBuf, 0, count); |
buf = newBuf; |
} |
ProtocolVersion pv = protocolVersion; |
if (!encCipher.isNullCipher()) { |
pv = ProtocolVersion.TLS12; |
contentType = ContentType.APPLICATION_DATA.id; |
} else { |
pv = ProtocolVersion.TLS12; |
} |
ByteBuffer destination = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, position, contentLen); |
count = headerSize + encCipher.encrypt(contentType, destination); |
int fragLen = count - headerSize; |
buf[0] = contentType; |
buf[1] = pv.major; |
buf[2] = pv.minor; |
buf[3] = (byte)((fragLen >> 8) & 0xFF); |
buf[4] = (byte)(fragLen & 0xFF); |
return Authenticator.toLong(sequenceNumber); |
} |
private long t10Encrypt( |
SSLWriteCipher encCipher, byte contentType, int headerSize) { |
byte[] sequenceNumber = encCipher.authenticator.sequenceNumber(); |
int position = headerSize + writeCipher.getExplicitNonceSize(); |
int contentLen = count - position; |
int requiredPacketSize = |
encCipher.calculatePacketSize(contentLen, headerSize); |
if (requiredPacketSize > buf.length) { |
byte[] newBuf = new byte[requiredPacketSize]; |
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newBuf, 0, count); |
buf = newBuf; |
} |
ByteBuffer destination = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, position, contentLen); |
count = headerSize + encCipher.encrypt(contentType, destination); |
int fragLen = count - headerSize; |
buf[0] = contentType; |
buf[1] = protocolVersion.major; |
buf[2] = protocolVersion.minor; |
buf[3] = (byte)((fragLen >> 8) & 0xFF); |
buf[4] = (byte)(fragLen & 0xFF); |
return Authenticator.toLong(sequenceNumber); |
} |
static ByteBuffer encodeV2ClientHello( |
byte[] fragment, int offset, int length) throws IOException { |
int v3SessIdLenOffset = offset + 34; |
// 32: random |
int v3SessIdLen = fragment[v3SessIdLenOffset]; |
int v3CSLenOffset = v3SessIdLenOffset + 1 + v3SessIdLen; |
int v3CSLen = ((fragment[v3CSLenOffset] & 0xff) << 8) + |
(fragment[v3CSLenOffset + 1] & 0xff); |
int cipherSpecs = v3CSLen / 2; |
// Estimate the max V2ClientHello message length |
// |
// 11: header size |
// (cipherSpecs * 6): cipher_specs |
// 6: one cipher suite may need 6 bytes, see V3toV2CipherSuite. |
// 3: placeholder for the TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV |
// signaling cipher suite |
int v2MaxMsgLen = 11 + (cipherSpecs * 6) + 3 + 32; |
byte[] dstBytes = new byte[v2MaxMsgLen]; |
ByteBuffer dstBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(dstBytes); |
/* |
* Copy over the cipher specs. We don't care about actually |
* translating them for use with an actual V2 server since |
* we only talk V3. Therefore, just copy over the V3 cipher |
* spec values with a leading 0. |
*/ |
int v3CSOffset = v3CSLenOffset + 2; |
int v2CSLen = 0; |
dstBuf.position(11); |
boolean containsRenegoInfoSCSV = false; |
for (int i = 0; i < cipherSpecs; i++) { |
byte byte1, byte2; |
byte1 = fragment[v3CSOffset++]; |
byte2 = fragment[v3CSOffset++]; |
v2CSLen += V3toV2CipherSuite(dstBuf, byte1, byte2); |
if (!containsRenegoInfoSCSV && |
byte1 == (byte)0x00 && byte2 == (byte)0xFF) { |
containsRenegoInfoSCSV = true; |
} |
} |
if (!containsRenegoInfoSCSV) { |
v2CSLen += V3toV2CipherSuite(dstBuf, (byte)0x00, (byte)0xFF); |
} |
*/ |
dstBuf.put(fragment, (offset + 2), 32); |
/* |
* Build the first part of the V3 record header from the V2 one |
* that's now buffered up. (Lengths are fixed up later). |
*/ |
int msgLen = dstBuf.position() - 2; |
dstBuf.position(0); |
dstBuf.put((byte)(0x80 | ((msgLen >>> 8) & 0xFF))); |
dstBuf.put((byte)(msgLen & 0xFF)); |
dstBuf.put(SSLHandshake.CLIENT_HELLO.id); |
dstBuf.put(fragment[offset]); |
dstBuf.put(fragment[offset + 1]); |
dstBuf.put((byte)(v2CSLen >>> 8)); |
dstBuf.put((byte)(v2CSLen & 0xFF)); |
dstBuf.put((byte)0x00); |
dstBuf.put((byte)0x00); |
dstBuf.put((byte)0x00); |
dstBuf.put((byte)32); |
dstBuf.position(0); |
dstBuf.limit(msgLen + 2); |
return dstBuf; |
} |
private static int V3toV2CipherSuite(ByteBuffer dstBuf, |
byte byte1, byte byte2) { |
dstBuf.put((byte)0); |
dstBuf.put(byte1); |
dstBuf.put(byte2); |
if (((byte2 & 0xff) > 0xA) || (V3toV2CipherMap1[byte2] == -1)) { |
return 3; |
} |
dstBuf.put((byte)V3toV2CipherMap1[byte2]); |
dstBuf.put((byte)0); |
dstBuf.put((byte)V3toV2CipherMap3[byte2]); |
return 6; |
} |
} |