*/ |
package java.lang.invoke; |
import jdk.internal.perf.PerfCounter; |
import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.DontInline; |
import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Hidden; |
import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable; |
import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper; |
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; |
import java.lang.annotation.Retention; |
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; |
import java.lang.annotation.Target; |
import java.lang.reflect.Method; |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import java.util.HashMap; |
import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.BasicType.*; |
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.Constants.*; |
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.*; |
*/ |
class LambdaForm { |
final int arity; |
final int result; |
final boolean forceInline; |
final MethodHandle customized; |
@Stable final Name[] names; |
final Kind kind; |
MemberName vmentry; |
private boolean isCompiled; |
volatile Object transformCache; |
public static final int VOID_RESULT = -1, LAST_RESULT = -2; |
enum BasicType { |
L_TYPE('L', Object.class, Wrapper.OBJECT), |
I_TYPE('I', int.class, Wrapper.INT), |
J_TYPE('J', long.class, Wrapper.LONG), |
F_TYPE('F', float.class, Wrapper.FLOAT), |
D_TYPE('D', double.class, Wrapper.DOUBLE), |
V_TYPE('V', void.class, Wrapper.VOID); |
static final @Stable BasicType[] ALL_TYPES = BasicType.values(); |
static final @Stable BasicType[] ARG_TYPES = Arrays.copyOf(ALL_TYPES, ALL_TYPES.length-1); |
static final int ARG_TYPE_LIMIT = ARG_TYPES.length; |
static final int TYPE_LIMIT = ALL_TYPES.length; |
// Derived int constants, which (unlike the enums) can be constant folded. |
static final byte |
L_TYPE_NUM = (byte) L_TYPE.ordinal(), |
I_TYPE_NUM = (byte) I_TYPE.ordinal(), |
J_TYPE_NUM = (byte) J_TYPE.ordinal(), |
F_TYPE_NUM = (byte) F_TYPE.ordinal(), |
D_TYPE_NUM = (byte) D_TYPE.ordinal(), |
V_TYPE_NUM = (byte) V_TYPE.ordinal(); |
final char btChar; |
final Class<?> btClass; |
final Wrapper btWrapper; |
private BasicType(char btChar, Class<?> btClass, Wrapper wrapper) { |
this.btChar = btChar; |
this.btClass = btClass; |
this.btWrapper = wrapper; |
} |
char basicTypeChar() { |
return btChar; |
} |
Class<?> basicTypeClass() { |
return btClass; |
} |
Wrapper basicTypeWrapper() { |
return btWrapper; |
} |
int basicTypeSlots() { |
return btWrapper.stackSlots(); |
} |
static BasicType basicType(byte type) { |
return ALL_TYPES[type]; |
} |
static BasicType basicType(char type) { |
return switch (type) { |
case 'L' -> L_TYPE; |
case 'I' -> I_TYPE; |
case 'J' -> J_TYPE; |
case 'F' -> F_TYPE; |
case 'D' -> D_TYPE; |
case 'V' -> V_TYPE; |
case 'Z', 'B', 'S', 'C' -> I_TYPE; |
default -> throw newInternalError("Unknown type char: '" + type + "'"); |
}; |
} |
static BasicType basicType(Wrapper type) { |
char c = type.basicTypeChar(); |
return basicType(c); |
} |
static BasicType basicType(Class<?> type) { |
if (!type.isPrimitive()) return L_TYPE; |
return basicType(Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(type)); |
} |
static int[] basicTypeOrds(BasicType[] types) { |
if (types == null) { |
return null; |
} |
int[] a = new int[types.length]; |
for(int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { |
a[i] = types[i].ordinal(); |
} |
return a; |
} |
static char basicTypeChar(Class<?> type) { |
return basicType(type).btChar; |
} |
static byte[] basicTypesOrd(Class<?>[] types) { |
byte[] ords = new byte[types.length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < ords.length; i++) { |
ords[i] = (byte)basicType(types[i]).ordinal(); |
} |
return ords; |
} |
static boolean isBasicTypeChar(char c) { |
return "LIJFDV".indexOf(c) >= 0; |
} |
static boolean isArgBasicTypeChar(char c) { |
return "LIJFD".indexOf(c) >= 0; |
} |
static { assert(checkBasicType()); } |
private static boolean checkBasicType() { |
for (int i = 0; i < ARG_TYPE_LIMIT; i++) { |
assert ARG_TYPES[i].ordinal() == i; |
assert ARG_TYPES[i] == ALL_TYPES[i]; |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < TYPE_LIMIT; i++) { |
assert ALL_TYPES[i].ordinal() == i; |
} |
assert ALL_TYPES[TYPE_LIMIT - 1] == V_TYPE; |
assert !Arrays.asList(ARG_TYPES).contains(V_TYPE); |
return true; |
} |
} |
enum Kind { |
GENERIC("invoke"), |
ZERO("zero"), |
IDENTITY("identity"), |
BOUND_REINVOKER("BMH.reinvoke", "reinvoke"), |
REINVOKER("MH.reinvoke", "reinvoke"), |
DELEGATE("MH.delegate", "delegate"), |
EXACT_LINKER("MH.invokeExact_MT", "invokeExact_MT"), |
EXACT_INVOKER("MH.exactInvoker", "exactInvoker"), |
GENERIC_LINKER("MH.invoke_MT", "invoke_MT"), |
GENERIC_INVOKER("MH.invoker", "invoker"), |
LINK_TO_TARGET_METHOD("linkToTargetMethod"), |
LINK_TO_CALL_SITE("linkToCallSite"), |
DIRECT_INVOKE_VIRTUAL("DMH.invokeVirtual", "invokeVirtual"), |
DIRECT_INVOKE_SPECIAL("DMH.invokeSpecial", "invokeSpecial"), |
DIRECT_INVOKE_SPECIAL_IFC("DMH.invokeSpecialIFC", "invokeSpecialIFC"), |
DIRECT_INVOKE_STATIC("DMH.invokeStatic", "invokeStatic"), |
DIRECT_NEW_INVOKE_SPECIAL("DMH.newInvokeSpecial", "newInvokeSpecial"), |
DIRECT_INVOKE_INTERFACE("DMH.invokeInterface", "invokeInterface"), |
DIRECT_INVOKE_STATIC_INIT("DMH.invokeStaticInit", "invokeStaticInit"), |
GET_REFERENCE("getReference"), |
PUT_REFERENCE("putReference"), |
GET_REFERENCE_VOLATILE("getReferenceVolatile"), |
PUT_REFERENCE_VOLATILE("putReferenceVolatile"), |
GET_INT("getInt"), |
PUT_INT("putInt"), |
GET_INT_VOLATILE("getIntVolatile"), |
PUT_INT_VOLATILE("putIntVolatile"), |
GET_BOOLEAN("getBoolean"), |
PUT_BOOLEAN("putBoolean"), |
GET_BOOLEAN_VOLATILE("getBooleanVolatile"), |
PUT_BOOLEAN_VOLATILE("putBooleanVolatile"), |
GET_BYTE("getByte"), |
PUT_BYTE("putByte"), |
GET_BYTE_VOLATILE("getByteVolatile"), |
PUT_BYTE_VOLATILE("putByteVolatile"), |
GET_CHAR("getChar"), |
PUT_CHAR("putChar"), |
GET_CHAR_VOLATILE("getCharVolatile"), |
PUT_CHAR_VOLATILE("putCharVolatile"), |
GET_SHORT("getShort"), |
PUT_SHORT("putShort"), |
GET_SHORT_VOLATILE("getShortVolatile"), |
PUT_SHORT_VOLATILE("putShortVolatile"), |
GET_LONG("getLong"), |
PUT_LONG("putLong"), |
GET_LONG_VOLATILE("getLongVolatile"), |
PUT_LONG_VOLATILE("putLongVolatile"), |
GET_FLOAT("getFloat"), |
PUT_FLOAT("putFloat"), |
GET_FLOAT_VOLATILE("getFloatVolatile"), |
PUT_FLOAT_VOLATILE("putFloatVolatile"), |
GET_DOUBLE("getDouble"), |
PUT_DOUBLE("putDouble"), |
GET_DOUBLE_VOLATILE("getDoubleVolatile"), |
PUT_DOUBLE_VOLATILE("putDoubleVolatile"), |
TRY_FINALLY("tryFinally"), |
TABLE_SWITCH("tableSwitch"), |
COLLECT("collect"), |
COLLECTOR("collector"), |
CONVERT("convert"), |
SPREAD("spread"), |
LOOP("loop"), |
FIELD("field"), |
GUARD("guard"), |
GUARD_WITH_CATCH("guardWithCatch"), |
VARHANDLE_INVOKER("VH.invoker", "invoker"), |
VARHANDLE_LINKER("VH.invoke_MT", "invoke_MT"); |
final String defaultLambdaName; |
final String methodName; |
private Kind(String defaultLambdaName) { |
this(defaultLambdaName, defaultLambdaName); |
} |
private Kind(String defaultLambdaName, String methodName) { |
this.defaultLambdaName = defaultLambdaName; |
this.methodName = methodName; |
} |
} |
LambdaForm(int arity, Name[] names, int result) { |
this(arity, names, result, true, null, Kind.GENERIC); |
} |
LambdaForm(int arity, Name[] names, int result, Kind kind) { |
this(arity, names, result, true, null, kind); |
} |
LambdaForm(int arity, Name[] names, int result, boolean forceInline, MethodHandle customized) { |
this(arity, names, result, forceInline, customized, Kind.GENERIC); |
} |
LambdaForm(int arity, Name[] names, int result, boolean forceInline, MethodHandle customized, Kind kind) { |
assert(namesOK(arity, names)); |
this.arity = arity; |
this.result = fixResult(result, names); |
this.names = names.clone(); |
this.forceInline = forceInline; |
this.customized = customized; |
this.kind = kind; |
int maxOutArity = normalize(); |
if (maxOutArity > MethodType.MAX_MH_INVOKER_ARITY) { |
assert(maxOutArity <= MethodType.MAX_JVM_ARITY); |
compileToBytecode(); |
} |
} |
LambdaForm(int arity, Name[] names) { |
this(arity, names, LAST_RESULT, true, null, Kind.GENERIC); |
} |
LambdaForm(int arity, Name[] names, Kind kind) { |
this(arity, names, LAST_RESULT, true, null, kind); |
} |
LambdaForm(int arity, Name[] names, boolean forceInline, Kind kind) { |
this(arity, names, LAST_RESULT, forceInline, null, kind); |
} |
private static Name[] buildNames(Name[] formals, Name[] temps, Name result) { |
int arity = formals.length; |
int length = arity + temps.length + (result == null ? 0 : 1); |
Name[] names = Arrays.copyOf(formals, length); |
System.arraycopy(temps, 0, names, arity, temps.length); |
if (result != null) |
names[length - 1] = result; |
return names; |
} |
private LambdaForm(MethodType mt) { |
// Make a blank lambda form, which returns a constant zero or null. |
// It is used as a template for managing the invocation of similar forms that are non-empty. |
this.arity = mt.parameterCount(); |
this.result = (mt.returnType() == void.class || mt.returnType() == Void.class) ? -1 : arity; |
this.names = buildEmptyNames(arity, mt, result == -1); |
this.forceInline = true; |
this.customized = null; |
this.kind = Kind.ZERO; |
assert(nameRefsAreLegal()); |
assert(isEmpty()); |
String sig = null; |
assert(isValidSignature(sig = basicTypeSignature())); |
assert(sig.equals(basicTypeSignature())) : sig + " != " + basicTypeSignature(); |
} |
private static Name[] buildEmptyNames(int arity, MethodType mt, boolean isVoid) { |
Name[] names = arguments(isVoid ? 0 : 1, mt); |
if (!isVoid) { |
Name zero = new Name(constantZero(basicType(mt.returnType()))); |
names[arity] = zero.newIndex(arity); |
} |
return names; |
} |
private static int fixResult(int result, Name[] names) { |
if (result == LAST_RESULT) |
result = names.length - 1; |
if (result >= 0 && names[result].type == V_TYPE) |
result = VOID_RESULT; |
return result; |
} |
static boolean debugNames() { |
return DEBUG_NAME_COUNTERS != null; |
} |
static void associateWithDebugName(LambdaForm form, String name) { |
assert (debugNames()); |
synchronized (DEBUG_NAMES) { |
DEBUG_NAMES.put(form, name); |
} |
} |
String lambdaName() { |
if (DEBUG_NAMES != null) { |
synchronized (DEBUG_NAMES) { |
String name = DEBUG_NAMES.get(this); |
if (name == null) { |
name = generateDebugName(); |
} |
return name; |
} |
} |
return kind.defaultLambdaName; |
} |
private String generateDebugName() { |
assert (debugNames()); |
String debugNameStem = kind.defaultLambdaName; |
Integer ctr = DEBUG_NAME_COUNTERS.getOrDefault(debugNameStem, 0); |
DEBUG_NAME_COUNTERS.put(debugNameStem, ctr + 1); |
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(debugNameStem); |
int leadingZero = buf.length(); |
buf.append((int) ctr); |
for (int i = buf.length() - leadingZero; i < 3; i++) { |
buf.insert(leadingZero, '0'); |
} |
buf.append('_'); |
buf.append(basicTypeSignature()); |
String name = buf.toString(); |
associateWithDebugName(this, name); |
return name; |
} |
private static boolean namesOK(int arity, Name[] names) { |
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { |
Name n = names[i]; |
assert(n != null) : "n is null"; |
if (i < arity) |
assert( n.isParam()) : n + " is not param at " + i; |
else |
assert(!n.isParam()) : n + " is param at " + i; |
} |
return true; |
} |
LambdaForm customize(MethodHandle mh) { |
if (customized == mh) { |
return this; |
} |
LambdaForm customForm = new LambdaForm(arity, names, result, forceInline, mh, kind); |
if (COMPILE_THRESHOLD >= 0 && isCompiled) { |
customForm.compileToBytecode(); |
} |
customForm.transformCache = this; |
return customForm; |
} |
LambdaForm uncustomize() { |
if (customized == null) { |
return this; |
} |
assert(transformCache != null); |
LambdaForm uncustomizedForm = (LambdaForm)transformCache; |
if (COMPILE_THRESHOLD >= 0 && isCompiled) { |
uncustomizedForm.compileToBytecode(); |
} |
return uncustomizedForm; |
} |
*/ |
private int normalize() { |
Name[] oldNames = null; |
int maxOutArity = 0; |
int changesStart = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { |
Name n = names[i]; |
if (!n.initIndex(i)) { |
if (oldNames == null) { |
oldNames = names.clone(); |
changesStart = i; |
} |
names[i] = n.cloneWithIndex(i); |
} |
if (n.arguments != null && maxOutArity < n.arguments.length) |
maxOutArity = n.arguments.length; |
} |
if (oldNames != null) { |
int startFixing = arity; |
if (startFixing <= changesStart) |
startFixing = changesStart+1; |
for (int i = startFixing; i < names.length; i++) { |
Name fixed = names[i].replaceNames(oldNames, names, changesStart, i); |
names[i] = fixed.newIndex(i); |
} |
} |
assert(nameRefsAreLegal()); |
int maxInterned = Math.min(arity, INTERNED_ARGUMENT_LIMIT); |
boolean needIntern = false; |
for (int i = 0; i < maxInterned; i++) { |
Name n = names[i], n2 = internArgument(n); |
if (n != n2) { |
names[i] = n2; |
needIntern = true; |
} |
} |
if (needIntern) { |
for (int i = arity; i < names.length; i++) { |
names[i].internArguments(); |
} |
} |
assert(nameRefsAreLegal()); |
return maxOutArity; |
} |
*/ |
boolean nameRefsAreLegal() { |
assert(arity >= 0 && arity <= names.length); |
assert(result >= -1 && result < names.length); |
for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { |
Name n = names[i]; |
assert(n.index() == i) : Arrays.asList(n.index(), i); |
assert(n.isParam()); |
} |
for (int i = arity; i < names.length; i++) { |
Name n = names[i]; |
assert(n.index() == i); |
for (Object arg : n.arguments) { |
if (arg instanceof Name n2) { |
int i2 = n2.index; |
assert(0 <= i2 && i2 < names.length) : n.debugString() + ": 0 <= i2 && i2 < names.length: 0 <= " + i2 + " < " + names.length; |
assert(names[i2] == n2) : Arrays.asList("-1-", i, "-2-", n.debugString(), "-3-", i2, "-4-", n2.debugString(), "-5-", names[i2].debugString(), "-6-", this); |
assert(i2 < i); |
} |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
/** Invoke this form on the given arguments. */ |
// final Object invoke(Object... args) throws Throwable { |
// // NYI: fit this into the fast path? |
// return interpretWithArguments(args); |
// } |
BasicType returnType() { |
if (result < 0) return V_TYPE; |
Name n = names[result]; |
return n.type; |
} |
BasicType parameterType(int n) { |
return parameter(n).type; |
} |
Name parameter(int n) { |
Name param = names[n]; |
assert(n < arity && param.isParam()); |
return param; |
} |
Object parameterConstraint(int n) { |
return parameter(n).constraint; |
} |
int arity() { |
return arity; |
} |
int expressionCount() { |
return names.length - arity; |
} |
MethodType methodType() { |
Class<?>[] ptypes = new Class<?>[arity]; |
for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) { |
ptypes[i] = parameterType(i).btClass; |
} |
return MethodType.makeImpl(returnType().btClass, ptypes, true); |
} |
final String basicTypeSignature() { |
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(arity() + 3); |
for (int i = 0, a = arity(); i < a; i++) |
buf.append(parameterType(i).basicTypeChar()); |
return buf.append('_').append(returnType().basicTypeChar()).toString(); |
} |
static int signatureArity(String sig) { |
assert(isValidSignature(sig)); |
return sig.indexOf('_'); |
} |
static boolean isValidSignature(String sig) { |
int arity = sig.indexOf('_'); |
if (arity < 0) return false; |
int siglen = sig.length(); |
if (siglen != arity + 2) return false; |
for (int i = 0; i < siglen; i++) { |
if (i == arity) continue; |
char c = sig.charAt(i); |
if (c == 'V') |
return (i == siglen - 1 && arity == siglen - 2); |
if (!isArgBasicTypeChar(c)) return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
*/ |
boolean isSelectAlternative(int pos) { |
// selectAlternative idiom: |
// t_{n}:L=MethodHandleImpl.selectAlternative(...) |
if (pos+1 >= names.length) return false; |
Name name0 = names[pos]; |
Name name1 = names[pos+1]; |
return name0.refersTo(MethodHandleImpl.class, "selectAlternative") && |
name1.isInvokeBasic() && |
name1.lastUseIndex(name0) == 0 && |
lastUseIndex(name0) == pos+1; |
} |
private boolean isMatchingIdiom(int pos, String idiomName, int nArgs) { |
if (pos+2 >= names.length) return false; |
Name name0 = names[pos]; |
Name name1 = names[pos+1]; |
Name name2 = names[pos+2]; |
return name1.refersTo(MethodHandleImpl.class, idiomName) && |
name0.isInvokeBasic() && |
name2.isInvokeBasic() && |
name1.lastUseIndex(name0) == nArgs && |
lastUseIndex(name0) == pos+1 && |
name2.lastUseIndex(name1) == 1 && |
lastUseIndex(name1) == pos+2; |
} |
*/ |
boolean isGuardWithCatch(int pos) { |
// GuardWithCatch idiom: |
// t_{n}:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(...) |
// t_{n+1}:L=MethodHandleImpl.guardWithCatch(*, *, *, t_{n}); |
return isMatchingIdiom(pos, "guardWithCatch", 3); |
} |
*/ |
boolean isTryFinally(int pos) { |
// tryFinally idiom: |
// t_{n}:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(...) |
// t_{n+1}:L=MethodHandleImpl.tryFinally(*, *, t_{n}) |
return isMatchingIdiom(pos, "tryFinally", 2); |
} |
*/ |
boolean isTableSwitch(int pos) { |
// tableSwitch idiom: |
// t_{n}:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(...) // args |
// t_{n+1}:L=MethodHandleImpl.tableSwitch(*, *, *, t_{n}) |
if (pos + 2 >= names.length) return false; |
final int POS_COLLECT_ARGS = pos; |
final int POS_TABLE_SWITCH = pos + 1; |
final int POS_UNBOX_RESULT = pos + 2; |
Name collectArgs = names[POS_COLLECT_ARGS]; |
Name tableSwitch = names[POS_TABLE_SWITCH]; |
Name unboxResult = names[POS_UNBOX_RESULT]; |
return tableSwitch.refersTo(MethodHandleImpl.class, "tableSwitch") && |
collectArgs.isInvokeBasic() && |
unboxResult.isInvokeBasic() && |
tableSwitch.lastUseIndex(collectArgs) == 3 && |
lastUseIndex(collectArgs) == POS_TABLE_SWITCH && |
unboxResult.lastUseIndex(tableSwitch) == 1 && |
lastUseIndex(tableSwitch) == POS_UNBOX_RESULT; |
} |
*/ |
boolean isLoop(int pos) { |
// loop idiom: |
// t_{n}:L=MethodHandle.invokeBasic(...) |
// t_{n+1}:L=MethodHandleImpl.loop(types, *, t_{n}) |
return isMatchingIdiom(pos, "loop", 2); |
} |
/* |
* Code generation issues: |
* |
* Compiled LFs should be reusable in general. |
* The biggest issue is how to decide when to pull a name into |
* the bytecode, versus loading a reified form from the MH data. |
* |
* For example, an asType wrapper may require execution of a cast |
* after a call to a MH. The target type of the cast can be placed |
* as a constant in the LF itself. This will force the cast type |
* to be compiled into the bytecodes and native code for the MH. |
* Or, the target type of the cast can be erased in the LF, and |
* loaded from the MH data. (Later on, if the MH as a whole is |
* inlined, the data will flow into the inlined instance of the LF, |
* as a constant, and the end result will be an optimal cast.) |
* |
* This erasure of cast types can be done with any use of |
* reference types. It can also be done with whole method |
* handles. Erasing a method handle might leave behind |
* LF code that executes correctly for any MH of a given |
* type, and load the required MH from the enclosing MH's data. |
* Or, the erasure might even erase the expected MT. |
* |
* Also, for direct MHs, the MemberName of the target |
* could be erased, and loaded from the containing direct MH. |
* As a simple case, a LF for all int-valued non-static |
* field getters would perform a cast on its input argument |
* (to non-constant base type derived from the MemberName) |
* and load an integer value from the input object |
* (at a non-constant offset also derived from the MemberName). |
* Such MN-erased LFs would be inlinable back to optimized |
* code, whenever a constant enclosing DMH is available |
* to supply a constant MN from its data. |
* |
* The main problem here is to keep LFs reasonably generic, |
* while ensuring that hot spots will inline good instances. |
* "Reasonably generic" means that we don't end up with |
* repeated versions of bytecode or machine code that do |
* not differ in their optimized form. Repeated versions |
* of machine would have the undesirable overheads of |
* (a) redundant compilation work and (b) extra I$ pressure. |
* To control repeated versions, we need to be ready to |
* erase details from LFs and move them into MH data, |
* whenever those details are not relevant to significant |
* optimization. "Significant" means optimization of |
* code that is actually hot. |
* |
* Achieving this may require dynamic splitting of MHs, by replacing |
* a generic LF with a more specialized one, on the same MH, |
* if (a) the MH is frequently executed and (b) the MH cannot |
* be inlined into a containing caller, such as an invokedynamic. |
* |
* Compiled LFs that are no longer used should be GC-able. |
* If they contain non-BCP references, they should be properly |
* interlinked with the class loader(s) that their embedded types |
* depend on. This probably means that reusable compiled LFs |
* will be tabulated (indexed) on relevant class loaders, |
* or else that the tables that cache them will have weak links. |
*/ |
*/ |
public void prepare() { |
if (COMPILE_THRESHOLD == 0 && !forceInterpretation() && !isCompiled) { |
compileToBytecode(); |
} |
if (this.vmentry != null) { |
return; |
} |
MethodType mtype = methodType(); |
LambdaForm prep = mtype.form().cachedLambdaForm(MethodTypeForm.LF_INTERPRET); |
if (prep == null) { |
assert (isValidSignature(basicTypeSignature())); |
prep = new LambdaForm(mtype); |
prep.vmentry = InvokerBytecodeGenerator.generateLambdaFormInterpreterEntryPoint(mtype); |
prep = mtype.form().setCachedLambdaForm(MethodTypeForm.LF_INTERPRET, prep); |
} |
this.vmentry = prep.vmentry; |
// TO DO: Maybe add invokeGeneric, invokeWithArguments |
} |
private static @Stable PerfCounter LF_FAILED; |
private static PerfCounter failedCompilationCounter() { |
if (LF_FAILED == null) { |
LF_FAILED = PerfCounter.newPerfCounter("java.lang.invoke.failedLambdaFormCompilations"); |
} |
return LF_FAILED; |
} |
void compileToBytecode() { |
if (forceInterpretation()) { |
return; |
} |
if (vmentry != null && isCompiled) { |
return; |
} |
// Obtain the invoker MethodType outside of the following try block. |
// This ensures that an IllegalArgumentException is directly thrown if the |
MethodType invokerType = methodType(); |
assert(vmentry == null || vmentry.getMethodType().basicType().equals(invokerType)); |
try { |
vmentry = InvokerBytecodeGenerator.generateCustomizedCode(this, invokerType); |
traceInterpreter("compileToBytecode", this); |
isCompiled = true; |
} catch (InvokerBytecodeGenerator.BytecodeGenerationException bge) { |
invocationCounter = -1; |
failedCompilationCounter().increment(); |
System.out.println("LambdaForm compilation failed: " + this); |
bge.printStackTrace(System.out); |
} |
} catch (Error e) { |
throw e; |
} catch (Exception e) { |
throw newInternalError(this.toString(), e); |
} |
} |
// The next few routines are called only from assert expressions |
private static boolean argumentTypesMatch(String sig, Object[] av) { |
int arity = signatureArity(sig); |
assert(av.length == arity) : "av.length == arity: av.length=" + av.length + ", arity=" + arity; |
assert(av[0] instanceof MethodHandle) : "av[0] not instance of MethodHandle: " + av[0]; |
MethodHandle mh = (MethodHandle) av[0]; |
MethodType mt = mh.type(); |
assert(mt.parameterCount() == arity-1); |
for (int i = 0; i < av.length; i++) { |
Class<?> pt = (i == 0 ? MethodHandle.class : mt.parameterType(i-1)); |
assert(valueMatches(basicType(sig.charAt(i)), pt, av[i])); |
} |
return true; |
} |
private static boolean valueMatches(BasicType tc, Class<?> type, Object x) { |
// The following line is needed because (...)void method handles can use non-void invokers |
if (type == void.class) tc = V_TYPE; |
assert tc == basicType(type) : tc + " == basicType(" + type + ")=" + basicType(type); |
switch (tc) { |
case I_TYPE: assert checkInt(type, x) : "checkInt(" + type + "," + x +")"; break; |
case J_TYPE: assert x instanceof Long : "instanceof Long: " + x; break; |
case F_TYPE: assert x instanceof Float : "instanceof Float: " + x; break; |
case D_TYPE: assert x instanceof Double : "instanceof Double: " + x; break; |
case L_TYPE: assert checkRef(type, x) : "checkRef(" + type + "," + x + ")"; break; |
case V_TYPE: break; |
default: assert(false); |
} |
return true; |
} |
private static boolean checkInt(Class<?> type, Object x) { |
assert(x instanceof Integer); |
if (type == int.class) return true; |
Wrapper w = Wrapper.forBasicType(type); |
assert(w.isSubwordOrInt()); |
Object x1 = Wrapper.INT.wrap(w.wrap(x)); |
return x.equals(x1); |
} |
private static boolean checkRef(Class<?> type, Object x) { |
assert(!type.isPrimitive()); |
if (x == null) return true; |
if (type.isInterface()) return true; |
return type.isInstance(x); |
} |
private static final int COMPILE_THRESHOLD; |
static { |
COMPILE_THRESHOLD = Math.max(-1, MethodHandleStatics.COMPILE_THRESHOLD); |
} |
private int invocationCounter = 0; |
private boolean forceInterpretation() { |
return invocationCounter == -1; |
} |
@Hidden |
@DontInline |
Object interpretWithArguments(Object... argumentValues) throws Throwable { |
return interpretWithArgumentsTracing(argumentValues); |
checkInvocationCounter(); |
assert(arityCheck(argumentValues)); |
Object[] values = Arrays.copyOf(argumentValues, names.length); |
for (int i = argumentValues.length; i < values.length; i++) { |
values[i] = interpretName(names[i], values); |
} |
Object rv = (result < 0) ? null : values[result]; |
assert(resultCheck(argumentValues, rv)); |
return rv; |
} |
@Hidden |
@DontInline |
Object interpretName(Name name, Object[] values) throws Throwable { |
traceInterpreter("| interpretName", name.debugString(), (Object[]) null); |
Object[] arguments = Arrays.copyOf(name.arguments, name.arguments.length, Object[].class); |
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { |
Object a = arguments[i]; |
if (a instanceof Name) { |
int i2 = ((Name)a).index(); |
assert(names[i2] == a); |
a = values[i2]; |
arguments[i] = a; |
} |
} |
return name.function.invokeWithArguments(arguments); |
} |
private void checkInvocationCounter() { |
!forceInterpretation() && invocationCounter < COMPILE_THRESHOLD) { |
invocationCounter++; |
if (invocationCounter >= COMPILE_THRESHOLD) { |
compileToBytecode(); |
} |
} |
} |
Object interpretWithArgumentsTracing(Object... argumentValues) throws Throwable { |
traceInterpreter("[ interpretWithArguments", this, argumentValues); |
if (!forceInterpretation() && invocationCounter < COMPILE_THRESHOLD) { |
int ctr = invocationCounter++; |
traceInterpreter("| invocationCounter", ctr); |
if (invocationCounter >= COMPILE_THRESHOLD) { |
compileToBytecode(); |
} |
} |
Object rval; |
try { |
assert(arityCheck(argumentValues)); |
Object[] values = Arrays.copyOf(argumentValues, names.length); |
for (int i = argumentValues.length; i < values.length; i++) { |
values[i] = interpretName(names[i], values); |
} |
rval = (result < 0) ? null : values[result]; |
} catch (Throwable ex) { |
traceInterpreter("] throw =>", ex); |
throw ex; |
} |
traceInterpreter("] return =>", rval); |
return rval; |
} |
static void traceInterpreter(String event, Object obj, Object... args) { |
System.out.println("LFI: "+event+" "+(obj != null ? obj : "")+(args != null && args.length != 0 ? Arrays.asList(args) : "")); |
} |
} |
static void traceInterpreter(String event, Object obj) { |
traceInterpreter(event, obj, (Object[])null); |
} |
private boolean arityCheck(Object[] argumentValues) { |
assert(argumentValues.length == arity) : arity+"!="+Arrays.asList(argumentValues)+".length"; |
assert(argumentValues[0] instanceof MethodHandle) : "not MH: " + argumentValues[0]; |
MethodHandle mh = (MethodHandle) argumentValues[0]; |
assert(mh.internalForm() == this); |
argumentTypesMatch(basicTypeSignature(), argumentValues); |
return true; |
} |
private boolean resultCheck(Object[] argumentValues, Object result) { |
MethodHandle mh = (MethodHandle) argumentValues[0]; |
MethodType mt = mh.type(); |
assert(valueMatches(returnType(), mt.returnType(), result)); |
return true; |
} |
private boolean isEmpty() { |
if (result < 0) |
return (names.length == arity); |
else if (result == arity && names.length == arity + 1) |
return names[arity].isConstantZero(); |
else |
return false; |
} |
public String toString() { |
String lambdaName = lambdaName(); |
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(lambdaName + "=Lambda("); |
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { |
if (i == arity) buf.append(")=>{"); |
Name n = names[i]; |
if (i >= arity) buf.append("\n "); |
buf.append(n.paramString()); |
if (i < arity) { |
if (i+1 < arity) buf.append(","); |
continue; |
} |
buf.append("=").append(n.exprString()); |
buf.append(";"); |
} |
if (arity == names.length) buf.append(")=>{"); |
buf.append(result < 0 ? "void" : names[result]).append("}"); |
buf.append(":").append(basicTypeSignature()); |
buf.append("/").append(vmentry); |
} |
return buf.toString(); |
} |
@Override |
public boolean equals(Object obj) { |
return obj instanceof LambdaForm && equals((LambdaForm)obj); |
} |
public boolean equals(LambdaForm that) { |
if (this.result != that.result) return false; |
return Arrays.equals(this.names, that.names); |
} |
public int hashCode() { |
return result + 31 * Arrays.hashCode(names); |
} |
LambdaFormEditor editor() { |
return LambdaFormEditor.lambdaFormEditor(this); |
} |
boolean contains(Name name) { |
int pos = name.index(); |
if (pos >= 0) { |
return pos < names.length && name.equals(names[pos]); |
} |
for (int i = arity; i < names.length; i++) { |
if (name.equals(names[i])) |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
static class NamedFunction { |
final MemberName member; |
private @Stable MethodHandle resolvedHandle; |
@Stable MethodHandle invoker; |
NamedFunction(MethodHandle resolvedHandle) { |
this(resolvedHandle.internalMemberName(), resolvedHandle); |
} |
NamedFunction(MemberName member, MethodHandle resolvedHandle) { |
this.member = member; |
this.resolvedHandle = resolvedHandle; |
// The following assert is almost always correct, but will fail for corner cases, such as PrivateInvokeTest. |
//assert(!isInvokeBasic(member)); |
} |
NamedFunction(MethodType basicInvokerType) { |
assert(basicInvokerType == basicInvokerType.basicType()) : basicInvokerType; |
if (basicInvokerType.parameterSlotCount() < MethodType.MAX_MH_INVOKER_ARITY) { |
this.resolvedHandle = basicInvokerType.invokers().basicInvoker(); |
this.member = resolvedHandle.internalMemberName(); |
} else { |
this.member = Invokers.invokeBasicMethod(basicInvokerType); |
} |
assert(isInvokeBasic(member)); |
} |
private static boolean isInvokeBasic(MemberName member) { |
return member != null && |
member.getDeclaringClass() == MethodHandle.class && |
"invokeBasic".equals(member.getName()); |
} |
// The next 2 constructors are used to break circular dependencies on MH.invokeStatic, etc. |
// Any LambdaForm containing such a member is not interpretable. |
// This is OK, since all such LFs are prepared with special primitive vmentry points. |
NamedFunction(Method method) { |
this(new MemberName(method)); |
} |
NamedFunction(MemberName member) { |
this(member, null); |
} |
MethodHandle resolvedHandle() { |
if (resolvedHandle == null) resolve(); |
return resolvedHandle; |
} |
synchronized void resolve() { |
if (resolvedHandle == null) { |
resolvedHandle = DirectMethodHandle.make(member); |
} |
} |
@Override |
public boolean equals(Object other) { |
if (this == other) return true; |
if (other == null) return false; |
return (other instanceof NamedFunction that) |
&& this.member != null |
&& this.member.equals(that.member); |
} |
@Override |
public int hashCode() { |
if (member != null) |
return member.hashCode(); |
return super.hashCode(); |
} |
static final MethodType INVOKER_METHOD_TYPE = |
MethodType.methodType(Object.class, MethodHandle.class, Object[].class); |
private static MethodHandle computeInvoker(MethodTypeForm typeForm) { |
typeForm = typeForm.basicType().form(); |
MethodHandle mh = typeForm.cachedMethodHandle(MethodTypeForm.MH_NF_INV); |
if (mh != null) return mh; |
MemberName invoker = InvokerBytecodeGenerator.generateNamedFunctionInvoker(typeForm); |
mh = DirectMethodHandle.make(invoker); |
MethodHandle mh2 = typeForm.cachedMethodHandle(MethodTypeForm.MH_NF_INV); |
if (mh2 != null) return mh2; |
if (!mh.type().equals(INVOKER_METHOD_TYPE)) |
throw newInternalError(mh.debugString()); |
return typeForm.setCachedMethodHandle(MethodTypeForm.MH_NF_INV, mh); |
} |
@Hidden |
Object invokeWithArguments(Object... arguments) throws Throwable { |
// If we have a cached invoker, call it right away. |
if (TRACE_INTERPRETER) return invokeWithArgumentsTracing(arguments); |
return invoker().invokeBasic(resolvedHandle(), arguments); |
} |
@Hidden |
Object invokeWithArgumentsTracing(Object[] arguments) throws Throwable { |
Object rval; |
try { |
traceInterpreter("[ call", this, arguments); |
if (invoker == null) { |
traceInterpreter("| getInvoker", this); |
invoker(); |
} |
if (resolvedHandle == null) { |
traceInterpreter("| resolve", this); |
resolvedHandle(); |
} |
rval = invoker().invokeBasic(resolvedHandle(), arguments); |
} catch (Throwable ex) { |
traceInterpreter("] throw =>", ex); |
throw ex; |
} |
traceInterpreter("] return =>", rval); |
return rval; |
} |
private MethodHandle invoker() { |
if (invoker != null) return invoker; |
return invoker = computeInvoker(methodType().form()); |
} |
MethodType methodType() { |
if (resolvedHandle != null) |
return resolvedHandle.type(); |
else |
return member.getInvocationType(); |
} |
MemberName member() { |
assert(assertMemberIsConsistent()); |
return member; |
} |
private boolean assertMemberIsConsistent() { |
if (resolvedHandle instanceof DirectMethodHandle) { |
MemberName m = resolvedHandle.internalMemberName(); |
assert(m.equals(member)); |
} |
return true; |
} |
Class<?> memberDeclaringClassOrNull() { |
return (member == null) ? null : member.getDeclaringClass(); |
} |
BasicType returnType() { |
return basicType(methodType().returnType()); |
} |
BasicType parameterType(int n) { |
return basicType(methodType().parameterType(n)); |
} |
int arity() { |
return methodType().parameterCount(); |
} |
public String toString() { |
if (member == null) return String.valueOf(resolvedHandle); |
return member.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()+"."+member.getName(); |
} |
public boolean isIdentity() { |
return this.equals(identity(returnType())); |
} |
public boolean isConstantZero() { |
return this.equals(constantZero(returnType())); |
} |
public MethodHandleImpl.Intrinsic intrinsicName() { |
return resolvedHandle != null |
? resolvedHandle.intrinsicName() |
: MethodHandleImpl.Intrinsic.NONE; |
} |
public Object intrinsicData() { |
return resolvedHandle != null |
? resolvedHandle.intrinsicData() |
: null; |
} |
} |
public static String basicTypeSignature(MethodType type) { |
int params = type.parameterCount(); |
char[] sig = new char[params + 2]; |
int sigp = 0; |
while (sigp < params) { |
sig[sigp] = basicTypeChar(type.parameterType(sigp++)); |
} |
sig[sigp++] = '_'; |
sig[sigp++] = basicTypeChar(type.returnType()); |
assert(sigp == sig.length); |
return String.valueOf(sig); |
} |
*/ |
public static String shortenSignature(String signature) { |
final int NO_CHAR = -1, MIN_RUN = 3; |
int c0, c1 = NO_CHAR, c1reps = 0; |
StringBuilder buf = null; |
int len = signature.length(); |
if (len < MIN_RUN) return signature; |
for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) { |
if (c1 != NO_CHAR && !('A' <= c1 && c1 <= 'Z')) { |
if (buf != null) { |
buf.append(signature, i - c1reps, len); |
} |
break; |
} |
c0 = c1; c1 = (i == len ? NO_CHAR : signature.charAt(i)); |
if (c1 == c0) { ++c1reps; continue; } |
int c0reps = c1reps; c1reps = 1; |
if (c0reps < MIN_RUN) { |
if (buf != null) { |
while (--c0reps >= 0) |
buf.append((char)c0); |
} |
continue; |
} |
if (buf == null) |
buf = new StringBuilder().append(signature, 0, i - c0reps); |
buf.append((char)c0).append(c0reps); |
} |
return (buf == null) ? signature : buf.toString(); |
} |
static final class Name { |
final BasicType type; |
@Stable short index; |
final NamedFunction function; |
final Object constraint; |
@Stable final Object[] arguments; |
private Name(int index, BasicType type, NamedFunction function, Object[] arguments) { |
this.index = (short)index; |
this.type = type; |
this.function = function; |
this.arguments = arguments; |
this.constraint = null; |
assert(this.index == index); |
} |
private Name(Name that, Object constraint) { |
this.index = that.index; |
this.type = that.type; |
this.function = that.function; |
this.arguments = that.arguments; |
this.constraint = constraint; |
assert(constraint == null || isParam()); |
assert(constraint == null || constraint instanceof ClassSpecializer.SpeciesData || constraint instanceof Class); |
} |
Name(MethodHandle function, Object... arguments) { |
this(new NamedFunction(function), arguments); |
} |
Name(MethodType functionType, Object... arguments) { |
this(new NamedFunction(functionType), arguments); |
assert(arguments[0] instanceof Name && ((Name)arguments[0]).type == L_TYPE); |
} |
Name(MemberName function, Object... arguments) { |
this(new NamedFunction(function), arguments); |
} |
Name(NamedFunction function, Object... arguments) { |
this(-1, function.returnType(), function, arguments = Arrays.copyOf(arguments, arguments.length, Object[].class)); |
assert(typesMatch(function, arguments)); |
} |
Name(int index, BasicType type) { |
this(index, type, null, null); |
} |
Name(BasicType type) { this(-1, type); } |
BasicType type() { return type; } |
int index() { return index; } |
boolean initIndex(int i) { |
if (index != i) { |
if (index != -1) return false; |
index = (short)i; |
} |
return true; |
} |
char typeChar() { |
return type.btChar; |
} |
Name newIndex(int i) { |
if (initIndex(i)) return this; |
return cloneWithIndex(i); |
} |
Name cloneWithIndex(int i) { |
Object[] newArguments = (arguments == null) ? null : arguments.clone(); |
return new Name(i, type, function, newArguments).withConstraint(constraint); |
} |
Name withConstraint(Object constraint) { |
if (constraint == this.constraint) return this; |
return new Name(this, constraint); |
} |
Name replaceName(Name oldName, Name newName) { |
if (oldName == newName) return this; |
@SuppressWarnings("LocalVariableHidesMemberVariable") |
Object[] arguments = this.arguments; |
if (arguments == null) return this; |
boolean replaced = false; |
for (int j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) { |
if (arguments[j] == oldName) { |
if (!replaced) { |
replaced = true; |
arguments = arguments.clone(); |
} |
arguments[j] = newName; |
} |
} |
if (!replaced) return this; |
return new Name(function, arguments); |
} |
*/ |
Name replaceNames(Name[] oldNames, Name[] newNames, int start, int end) { |
if (start >= end) return this; |
@SuppressWarnings("LocalVariableHidesMemberVariable") |
Object[] arguments = this.arguments; |
boolean replaced = false; |
eachArg: |
for (int j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) { |
if (arguments[j] instanceof Name n) { |
int check = n.index; |
if (check >= 0 && check < newNames.length && n == newNames[check]) |
continue eachArg; |
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { |
if (n == oldNames[i]) { |
if (n == newNames[i]) |
continue eachArg; |
if (!replaced) { |
replaced = true; |
arguments = arguments.clone(); |
} |
arguments[j] = newNames[i]; |
continue eachArg; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (!replaced) return this; |
return new Name(function, arguments); |
} |
void internArguments() { |
@SuppressWarnings("LocalVariableHidesMemberVariable") |
Object[] arguments = this.arguments; |
for (int j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) { |
if (arguments[j] instanceof Name n) { |
if (n.isParam() && n.index < INTERNED_ARGUMENT_LIMIT) |
arguments[j] = internArgument(n); |
} |
} |
} |
boolean isParam() { |
return function == null; |
} |
boolean isConstantZero() { |
return !isParam() && arguments.length == 0 && function.isConstantZero(); |
} |
boolean refersTo(Class<?> declaringClass, String methodName) { |
return function != null && |
function.member() != null && function.member().refersTo(declaringClass, methodName); |
} |
*/ |
boolean isInvokeBasic() { |
if (function == null) |
return false; |
if (arguments.length < 1) |
return false; |
MemberName member = function.member(); |
return member != null && member.refersTo(MethodHandle.class, "invokeBasic") && |
!member.isPublic() && !member.isStatic(); |
} |
*/ |
boolean isLinkerMethodInvoke() { |
if (function == null) |
return false; |
if (arguments.length < 1) |
return false; |
MemberName member = function.member(); |
return member != null && |
member.getDeclaringClass() == MethodHandle.class && |
!member.isPublic() && member.isStatic() && |
member.getName().startsWith("linkTo"); |
} |
public String toString() { |
return (isParam()?"a":"t")+(index >= 0 ? index : System.identityHashCode(this))+":"+typeChar(); |
} |
public String debugString() { |
String s = paramString(); |
return (function == null) ? s : s + "=" + exprString(); |
} |
public String paramString() { |
String s = toString(); |
Object c = constraint; |
if (c == null) |
return s; |
if (c instanceof Class) c = ((Class<?>)c).getSimpleName(); |
return s + "/" + c; |
} |
public String exprString() { |
if (function == null) return toString(); |
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(function.toString()); |
buf.append("("); |
String cma = ""; |
for (Object a : arguments) { |
buf.append(cma); cma = ","; |
if (a instanceof Name || a instanceof Integer) |
buf.append(a); |
else |
buf.append("(").append(a).append(")"); |
} |
buf.append(")"); |
return buf.toString(); |
} |
private boolean typesMatch(NamedFunction function, Object ... arguments) { |
assert(arguments.length == function.arity()) : "arity mismatch: arguments.length=" + arguments.length + " == function.arity()=" + function.arity() + " in " + debugString(); |
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { |
assert (typesMatch(function.parameterType(i), arguments[i])) : "types don't match: function.parameterType(" + i + ")=" + function.parameterType(i) + ", arguments[" + i + "]=" + arguments[i] + " in " + debugString(); |
} |
return true; |
} |
private static boolean typesMatch(BasicType parameterType, Object object) { |
if (object instanceof Name) { |
return ((Name)object).type == parameterType; |
} |
switch (parameterType) { |
case I_TYPE: return object instanceof Integer; |
case J_TYPE: return object instanceof Long; |
case F_TYPE: return object instanceof Float; |
case D_TYPE: return object instanceof Double; |
} |
assert(parameterType == L_TYPE); |
return true; |
} |
*/ |
int lastUseIndex(Name n) { |
if (arguments == null) return -1; |
for (int i = arguments.length; --i >= 0; ) { |
if (arguments[i] == n) return i; |
} |
return -1; |
} |
*/ |
int useCount(Name n) { |
int count = 0; |
if (arguments != null) { |
for (Object argument : arguments) { |
if (argument == n) { |
count++; |
} |
} |
} |
return count; |
} |
public boolean equals(Name that) { |
if (this == that) return true; |
if (isParam()) |
return false; |
return |
this.type == that.type && |
this.function.equals(that.function) && |
Arrays.equals(this.arguments, that.arguments); |
} |
@Override |
public boolean equals(Object x) { |
return x instanceof Name && equals((Name)x); |
} |
@Override |
public int hashCode() { |
if (isParam()) |
return index | (type.ordinal() << 8); |
return function.hashCode() ^ Arrays.hashCode(arguments); |
} |
} |
*/ |
int lastUseIndex(Name n) { |
int ni = n.index, nmax = names.length; |
assert(names[ni] == n); |
if (result == ni) return nmax; |
for (int i = nmax; --i > ni; ) { |
if (names[i].lastUseIndex(n) >= 0) |
return i; |
} |
return -1; |
} |
int useCount(Name n) { |
int count = (result == n.index) ? 1 : 0; |
int i = Math.max(n.index + 1, arity); |
while (i < names.length) { |
count += names[i++].useCount(n); |
} |
return count; |
} |
static Name argument(int which, BasicType type) { |
return new Name(which, type); |
return INTERNED_ARGUMENTS[type.ordinal()][which]; |
} |
static Name internArgument(Name n) { |
assert(n.isParam()) : "not param: " + n; |
assert(n.index < INTERNED_ARGUMENT_LIMIT); |
if (n.constraint != null) return n; |
return argument(n.index, n.type); |
} |
static Name[] arguments(int extra, MethodType types) { |
int length = types.parameterCount(); |
Name[] names = new Name[length + extra]; |
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) |
names[i] = argument(i, basicType(types.parameterType(i))); |
return names; |
} |
static final int INTERNED_ARGUMENT_LIMIT = 10; |
private static final Name[][] INTERNED_ARGUMENTS |
static { |
for (BasicType type : BasicType.ARG_TYPES) { |
int ord = type.ordinal(); |
for (int i = 0; i < INTERNED_ARGUMENTS[ord].length; i++) { |
INTERNED_ARGUMENTS[ord][i] = new Name(i, type); |
} |
} |
} |
private static final MemberName.Factory IMPL_NAMES = MemberName.getFactory(); |
static LambdaForm identityForm(BasicType type) { |
int ord = type.ordinal(); |
LambdaForm form = LF_identity[ord]; |
if (form != null) { |
return form; |
} |
createFormsFor(type); |
return LF_identity[ord]; |
} |
static LambdaForm zeroForm(BasicType type) { |
int ord = type.ordinal(); |
LambdaForm form = LF_zero[ord]; |
if (form != null) { |
return form; |
} |
createFormsFor(type); |
return LF_zero[ord]; |
} |
static NamedFunction identity(BasicType type) { |
int ord = type.ordinal(); |
NamedFunction function = NF_identity[ord]; |
if (function != null) { |
return function; |
} |
createFormsFor(type); |
return NF_identity[ord]; |
} |
static NamedFunction constantZero(BasicType type) { |
int ord = type.ordinal(); |
NamedFunction function = NF_zero[ord]; |
if (function != null) { |
return function; |
} |
createFormsFor(type); |
return NF_zero[ord]; |
} |
private static final @Stable LambdaForm[] LF_identity = new LambdaForm[TYPE_LIMIT]; |
private static final @Stable LambdaForm[] LF_zero = new LambdaForm[TYPE_LIMIT]; |
private static final @Stable NamedFunction[] NF_identity = new NamedFunction[TYPE_LIMIT]; |
private static final @Stable NamedFunction[] NF_zero = new NamedFunction[TYPE_LIMIT]; |
private static final Object createFormsLock = new Object(); |
private static void createFormsFor(BasicType type) { |
UNSAFE.ensureClassInitialized(BoundMethodHandle.class); |
synchronized (createFormsLock) { |
final int ord = type.ordinal(); |
LambdaForm idForm = LF_identity[ord]; |
if (idForm != null) { |
return; |
} |
char btChar = type.basicTypeChar(); |
boolean isVoid = (type == V_TYPE); |
Class<?> btClass = type.btClass; |
MethodType zeType = MethodType.methodType(btClass); |
MethodType idType = (isVoid) ? zeType : MethodType.methodType(btClass, btClass); |
// Look up symbolic names. It might not be necessary to have these, |
// but if we need to emit direct references to bytecodes, it helps. |
MemberName idMem = new MemberName(LambdaForm.class, "identity_"+btChar, idType, REF_invokeStatic); |
MemberName zeMem = null; |
try { |
idMem = IMPL_NAMES.resolveOrFail(REF_invokeStatic, idMem, null, LM_TRUSTED, NoSuchMethodException.class); |
if (!isVoid) { |
zeMem = new MemberName(LambdaForm.class, "zero_"+btChar, zeType, REF_invokeStatic); |
zeMem = IMPL_NAMES.resolveOrFail(REF_invokeStatic, zeMem, null, LM_TRUSTED, NoSuchMethodException.class); |
} |
} catch (IllegalAccessException|NoSuchMethodException ex) { |
throw newInternalError(ex); |
} |
NamedFunction idFun; |
LambdaForm zeForm; |
NamedFunction zeFun; |
// Create the LFs and NamedFunctions. Precompiling LFs to byte code is needed to break circular |
if (isVoid) { |
Name[] idNames = new Name[] { argument(0, L_TYPE) }; |
idForm = new LambdaForm(1, idNames, VOID_RESULT, Kind.IDENTITY); |
idForm.compileToBytecode(); |
idFun = new NamedFunction(idMem, SimpleMethodHandle.make(idMem.getInvocationType(), idForm)); |
zeForm = idForm; |
zeFun = idFun; |
} else { |
Name[] idNames = new Name[] { argument(0, L_TYPE), argument(1, type) }; |
idForm = new LambdaForm(2, idNames, 1, Kind.IDENTITY); |
idForm.compileToBytecode(); |
idFun = new NamedFunction(idMem, MethodHandleImpl.makeIntrinsic(SimpleMethodHandle.make(idMem.getInvocationType(), idForm), |
MethodHandleImpl.Intrinsic.IDENTITY)); |
Object zeValue = Wrapper.forBasicType(btChar).zero(); |
Name[] zeNames = new Name[] { argument(0, L_TYPE), new Name(idFun, zeValue) }; |
zeForm = new LambdaForm(1, zeNames, 1, Kind.ZERO); |
zeForm.compileToBytecode(); |
zeFun = new NamedFunction(zeMem, MethodHandleImpl.makeIntrinsic(SimpleMethodHandle.make(zeMem.getInvocationType(), zeForm), |
MethodHandleImpl.Intrinsic.ZERO)); |
} |
LF_zero[ord] = zeForm; |
NF_zero[ord] = zeFun; |
LF_identity[ord] = idForm; |
NF_identity[ord] = idFun; |
assert(idFun.isIdentity()); |
assert(zeFun.isConstantZero()); |
assert(new Name(zeFun).isConstantZero()); |
} |
} |
private static int identity_I(int x) { return x; } |
private static long identity_J(long x) { return x; } |
private static float identity_F(float x) { return x; } |
private static double identity_D(double x) { return x; } |
private static Object identity_L(Object x) { return x; } |
private static void identity_V() { return; } |
private static int zero_I() { return 0; } |
private static long zero_J() { return 0; } |
private static float zero_F() { return 0; } |
private static double zero_D() { return 0; } |
private static Object zero_L() { return null; } |
/** |
* Internal marker for byte-compiled LambdaForms. |
*/ |
@Target(ElementType.METHOD) |
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) |
@interface Compiled { |
} |
private static final HashMap<String,Integer> DEBUG_NAME_COUNTERS; |
private static final HashMap<LambdaForm,String> DEBUG_NAMES; |
static { |
if (debugEnabled()) { |
DEBUG_NAME_COUNTERS = new HashMap<>(); |
DEBUG_NAMES = new HashMap<>(); |
} else { |
DEBUG_NAMES = null; |
} |
} |
static { |
// The Holder class will contain pre-generated forms resolved |
// using MemberName.getFactory(). However, that doesn't initialize the |
// class, which subtly breaks inlining etc. By forcing |
UNSAFE.ensureClassInitialized(Holder.class); |
} |
final class Holder {} |
// The following hack is necessary in order to suppress TRACE_INTERPRETER |
// during execution of the static initializes of this class. |
// Turning on TRACE_INTERPRETER too early will cause |
// stack overflows and other misbehavior during attempts to trace events |
// that occur during LambdaForm.<clinit>. |
private static final boolean TRACE_INTERPRETER = MethodHandleStatics.TRACE_INTERPRETER; |
} |