*/ |
package com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver; |
import static com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Util.*; |
import static com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.MXBeanIntrospector.typeName; |
import static javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType.*; |
import com.sun.jmx.remote.util.EnvHelp; |
import java.io.InvalidObjectException; |
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; |
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; |
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; |
import java.lang.reflect.Array; |
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; |
import java.lang.reflect.Field; |
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType; |
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; |
import java.lang.reflect.Method; |
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; |
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; |
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; |
import java.lang.reflect.Type; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import java.util.BitSet; |
import java.util.Collection; |
import java.util.Comparator; |
import java.util.HashSet; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Map; |
import java.util.Set; |
import java.util.SortedMap; |
import java.util.SortedSet; |
import java.util.TreeSet; |
import java.util.WeakHashMap; |
import javax.management.JMX; |
import javax.management.ObjectName; |
import javax.management.openmbean.ArrayType; |
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData; |
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeDataInvocationHandler; |
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeDataSupport; |
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeDataView; |
import javax.management.openmbean.CompositeType; |
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenDataException; |
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenType; |
import javax.management.openmbean.SimpleType; |
import javax.management.openmbean.TabularData; |
import javax.management.openmbean.TabularDataSupport; |
import javax.management.openmbean.TabularType; |
import sun.reflect.misc.MethodUtil; |
import sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil; |
*/ |
public class DefaultMXBeanMappingFactory extends MXBeanMappingFactory { |
static abstract class NonNullMXBeanMapping extends MXBeanMapping { |
NonNullMXBeanMapping(Type javaType, OpenType<?> openType) { |
super(javaType, openType); |
} |
@Override |
public final Object fromOpenValue(Object openValue) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
if (openValue == null) |
return null; |
else |
return fromNonNullOpenValue(openValue); |
} |
@Override |
public final Object toOpenValue(Object javaValue) throws OpenDataException { |
if (javaValue == null) |
return null; |
else |
return toNonNullOpenValue(javaValue); |
} |
abstract Object fromNonNullOpenValue(Object openValue) |
throws InvalidObjectException; |
abstract Object toNonNullOpenValue(Object javaValue) |
throws OpenDataException; |
*/ |
boolean isIdentity() { |
return false; |
} |
} |
static boolean isIdentity(MXBeanMapping mapping) { |
return (mapping instanceof NonNullMXBeanMapping && |
((NonNullMXBeanMapping) mapping).isIdentity()); |
} |
private static final class Mappings |
extends WeakHashMap<Type, WeakReference<MXBeanMapping>> {} |
private static final Mappings mappings = new Mappings(); |
MXBeanMappings so they don't get garbage collected. */ |
private static final List<MXBeanMapping> permanentMappings = newList(); |
private static synchronized MXBeanMapping getMapping(Type type) { |
WeakReference<MXBeanMapping> wr = mappings.get(type); |
return (wr == null) ? null : wr.get(); |
} |
private static synchronized void putMapping(Type type, MXBeanMapping mapping) { |
WeakReference<MXBeanMapping> wr = |
new WeakReference<MXBeanMapping>(mapping); |
mappings.put(type, wr); |
} |
private static synchronized void putPermanentMapping( |
Type type, MXBeanMapping mapping) { |
putMapping(type, mapping); |
permanentMappings.add(mapping); |
} |
static { |
/* Set up the mappings for Java types that map to SimpleType. */ |
final OpenType<?>[] simpleTypes = { |
}; |
for (int i = 0; i < simpleTypes.length; i++) { |
final OpenType<?> t = simpleTypes[i]; |
Class<?> c; |
try { |
c = Class.forName(t.getClassName(), false, |
ObjectName.class.getClassLoader()); |
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { |
throw new Error(e); |
} |
final MXBeanMapping mapping = new IdentityMapping(c, t); |
putPermanentMapping(c, mapping); |
if (c.getName().startsWith("java.lang.")) { |
try { |
final Field typeField = c.getField("TYPE"); |
final Class<?> primitiveType = (Class<?>) typeField.get(null); |
final MXBeanMapping primitiveMapping = |
new IdentityMapping(primitiveType, t); |
putPermanentMapping(primitiveType, primitiveMapping); |
if (primitiveType != void.class) { |
final Class<?> primitiveArrayType = |
Array.newInstance(primitiveType, 0).getClass(); |
final OpenType<?> primitiveArrayOpenType = |
ArrayType.getPrimitiveArrayType(primitiveArrayType); |
final MXBeanMapping primitiveArrayMapping = |
new IdentityMapping(primitiveArrayType, |
primitiveArrayOpenType); |
putPermanentMapping(primitiveArrayType, |
primitiveArrayMapping); |
} |
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { |
// OK: must not be a primitive wrapper |
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) { |
assert(false); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@Override |
public synchronized MXBeanMapping mappingForType(Type objType, |
MXBeanMappingFactory factory) |
throws OpenDataException { |
if (inProgress.containsKey(objType)) { |
throw new OpenDataException( |
"Recursive data structure, including " + typeName(objType)); |
} |
MXBeanMapping mapping; |
mapping = getMapping(objType); |
if (mapping != null) |
return mapping; |
inProgress.put(objType, objType); |
try { |
mapping = makeMapping(objType, factory); |
} catch (OpenDataException e) { |
throw openDataException("Cannot convert type: " + typeName(objType), e); |
} finally { |
inProgress.remove(objType); |
} |
putMapping(objType, mapping); |
return mapping; |
} |
private MXBeanMapping makeMapping(Type objType, MXBeanMappingFactory factory) |
throws OpenDataException { |
recognizes the Type (Chain of Responsibility pattern). */ |
if (objType instanceof GenericArrayType) { |
Type componentType = |
((GenericArrayType) objType).getGenericComponentType(); |
return makeArrayOrCollectionMapping(objType, componentType, factory); |
} else if (objType instanceof Class<?>) { |
Class<?> objClass = (Class<?>) objType; |
if (objClass.isEnum()) { |
// Huge hack to avoid compiler warnings here. The ElementType |
// parameter is ignored but allows us to obtain a type variable |
return makeEnumMapping((Class<?>) objClass, ElementType.class); |
} else if (objClass.isArray()) { |
Type componentType = objClass.getComponentType(); |
return makeArrayOrCollectionMapping(objClass, componentType, |
factory); |
} else if (JMX.isMXBeanInterface(objClass)) { |
return makeMXBeanRefMapping(objClass); |
} else { |
return makeCompositeMapping(objClass, factory); |
} |
} else if (objType instanceof ParameterizedType) { |
return makeParameterizedTypeMapping((ParameterizedType) objType, |
factory); |
} else |
throw new OpenDataException("Cannot map type: " + objType); |
} |
private static <T extends Enum<T>> MXBeanMapping |
makeEnumMapping(Class<?> enumClass, Class<T> fake) { |
ReflectUtil.checkPackageAccess(enumClass); |
return new EnumMapping<T>(Util.<Class<T>>cast(enumClass)); |
} |
*/ |
private MXBeanMapping |
makeArrayOrCollectionMapping(Type collectionType, Type elementType, |
MXBeanMappingFactory factory) |
throws OpenDataException { |
final MXBeanMapping elementMapping = factory.mappingForType(elementType, factory); |
final OpenType<?> elementOpenType = elementMapping.getOpenType(); |
final ArrayType<?> openType = ArrayType.getArrayType(elementOpenType); |
final Class<?> elementOpenClass = elementMapping.getOpenClass(); |
final Class<?> openArrayClass; |
final String openArrayClassName; |
if (elementOpenClass.isArray()) |
openArrayClassName = "[" + elementOpenClass.getName(); |
else |
openArrayClassName = "[L" + elementOpenClass.getName() + ";"; |
try { |
openArrayClass = Class.forName(openArrayClassName); |
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { |
throw openDataException("Cannot obtain array class", e); |
} |
if (collectionType instanceof ParameterizedType) { |
return new CollectionMapping(collectionType, |
openType, openArrayClass, |
elementMapping); |
} else { |
if (isIdentity(elementMapping)) { |
return new IdentityMapping(collectionType, |
openType); |
} else { |
return new ArrayMapping(collectionType, |
openType, |
openArrayClass, |
elementMapping); |
} |
} |
} |
private static final String[] keyArray = {"key"}; |
private static final String[] keyValueArray = {"key", "value"}; |
private MXBeanMapping |
makeTabularMapping(Type objType, boolean sortedMap, |
Type keyType, Type valueType, |
MXBeanMappingFactory factory) |
throws OpenDataException { |
final String objTypeName = typeName(objType); |
final MXBeanMapping keyMapping = factory.mappingForType(keyType, factory); |
final MXBeanMapping valueMapping = factory.mappingForType(valueType, factory); |
final OpenType<?> keyOpenType = keyMapping.getOpenType(); |
final OpenType<?> valueOpenType = valueMapping.getOpenType(); |
final CompositeType rowType = |
new CompositeType(objTypeName, |
objTypeName, |
keyValueArray, |
keyValueArray, |
new OpenType<?>[] {keyOpenType, valueOpenType}); |
final TabularType tabularType = |
new TabularType(objTypeName, objTypeName, rowType, keyArray); |
return new TabularMapping(objType, sortedMap, tabularType, |
keyMapping, valueMapping); |
} |
would use that as a parameter or return type in an MBean. */ |
private MXBeanMapping |
makeParameterizedTypeMapping(ParameterizedType objType, |
MXBeanMappingFactory factory) |
throws OpenDataException { |
final Type rawType = objType.getRawType(); |
if (rawType instanceof Class<?>) { |
Class<?> c = (Class<?>) rawType; |
if (c == List.class || c == Set.class || c == SortedSet.class) { |
Type[] actuals = objType.getActualTypeArguments(); |
assert(actuals.length == 1); |
if (c == SortedSet.class) |
mustBeComparable(c, actuals[0]); |
return makeArrayOrCollectionMapping(objType, actuals[0], factory); |
} else { |
boolean sortedMap = (c == SortedMap.class); |
if (c == Map.class || sortedMap) { |
Type[] actuals = objType.getActualTypeArguments(); |
assert(actuals.length == 2); |
if (sortedMap) |
mustBeComparable(c, actuals[0]); |
return makeTabularMapping(objType, sortedMap, |
actuals[0], actuals[1], factory); |
} |
} |
} |
throw new OpenDataException("Cannot convert type: " + objType); |
} |
private static MXBeanMapping makeMXBeanRefMapping(Type t) |
throws OpenDataException { |
return new MXBeanRefMapping(t); |
} |
private MXBeanMapping makeCompositeMapping(Class<?> c, |
MXBeanMappingFactory factory) |
throws OpenDataException { |
// For historical reasons GcInfo implements CompositeData but we |
// shouldn't count its CompositeData.getCompositeType() field as |
final boolean gcInfoHack = |
(c.getName().equals("com.sun.management.GcInfo") && |
c.getClassLoader() == null); |
ReflectUtil.checkPackageAccess(c); |
final List<Method> methods = |
MBeanAnalyzer.eliminateCovariantMethods(Arrays.asList(c.getMethods())); |
final SortedMap<String,Method> getterMap = newSortedMap(); |
string. Exclude "Class getClass()" inherited from Object. */ |
for (Method method : methods) { |
final String propertyName = propertyName(method); |
if (propertyName == null) |
continue; |
if (gcInfoHack && propertyName.equals("CompositeType")) |
continue; |
Method old = |
getterMap.put(decapitalize(propertyName), |
method); |
if (old != null) { |
final String msg = |
"Class " + c.getName() + " has method name clash: " + |
old.getName() + ", " + method.getName(); |
throw new OpenDataException(msg); |
} |
} |
final int nitems = getterMap.size(); |
if (nitems == 0) { |
throw new OpenDataException("Can't map " + c.getName() + |
" to an open data type"); |
} |
final Method[] getters = new Method[nitems]; |
final String[] itemNames = new String[nitems]; |
final OpenType<?>[] openTypes = new OpenType<?>[nitems]; |
int i = 0; |
for (Map.Entry<String,Method> entry : getterMap.entrySet()) { |
itemNames[i] = entry.getKey(); |
final Method getter = entry.getValue(); |
getters[i] = getter; |
final Type retType = getter.getGenericReturnType(); |
openTypes[i] = factory.mappingForType(retType, factory).getOpenType(); |
i++; |
} |
CompositeType compositeType = |
new CompositeType(c.getName(), |
c.getName(), |
itemNames, |
itemNames, |
openTypes); |
return new CompositeMapping(c, |
compositeType, |
itemNames, |
getters, |
factory); |
} |
because reflection takes care of it. */ |
private static final class IdentityMapping extends NonNullMXBeanMapping { |
IdentityMapping(Type targetType, OpenType<?> openType) { |
super(targetType, openType); |
} |
boolean isIdentity() { |
return true; |
} |
@Override |
Object fromNonNullOpenValue(Object openValue) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
return openValue; |
} |
@Override |
Object toNonNullOpenValue(Object javaValue) throws OpenDataException { |
return javaValue; |
} |
} |
private static final class EnumMapping<T extends Enum<T>> |
extends NonNullMXBeanMapping { |
EnumMapping(Class<T> enumClass) { |
super(enumClass, SimpleType.STRING); |
this.enumClass = enumClass; |
} |
@Override |
final Object toNonNullOpenValue(Object value) { |
return ((Enum<?>) value).name(); |
} |
@Override |
final T fromNonNullOpenValue(Object value) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
try { |
return Enum.valueOf(enumClass, (String) value); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
throw invalidObjectException("Cannot convert to enum: " + |
value, e); |
} |
} |
private final Class<T> enumClass; |
} |
private static final class ArrayMapping extends NonNullMXBeanMapping { |
ArrayMapping(Type targetType, |
ArrayType<?> openArrayType, Class<?> openArrayClass, |
MXBeanMapping elementMapping) { |
super(targetType, openArrayType); |
this.elementMapping = elementMapping; |
} |
@Override |
final Object toNonNullOpenValue(Object value) |
throws OpenDataException { |
Object[] valueArray = (Object[]) value; |
final int len = valueArray.length; |
final Object[] openArray = (Object[]) |
Array.newInstance(getOpenClass().getComponentType(), len); |
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) |
openArray[i] = elementMapping.toOpenValue(valueArray[i]); |
return openArray; |
} |
@Override |
final Object fromNonNullOpenValue(Object openValue) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
final Object[] openArray = (Object[]) openValue; |
final Type javaType = getJavaType(); |
final Object[] valueArray; |
final Type componentType; |
if (javaType instanceof GenericArrayType) { |
componentType = |
((GenericArrayType) javaType).getGenericComponentType(); |
} else if (javaType instanceof Class<?> && |
((Class<?>) javaType).isArray()) { |
componentType = ((Class<?>) javaType).getComponentType(); |
} else { |
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an array: " + |
javaType); |
} |
valueArray = (Object[]) Array.newInstance((Class<?>) componentType, |
openArray.length); |
for (int i = 0; i < openArray.length; i++) |
valueArray[i] = elementMapping.fromOpenValue(openArray[i]); |
return valueArray; |
} |
public void checkReconstructible() throws InvalidObjectException { |
elementMapping.checkReconstructible(); |
} |
*/ |
private final MXBeanMapping elementMapping; |
} |
private static final class CollectionMapping extends NonNullMXBeanMapping { |
CollectionMapping(Type targetType, |
ArrayType<?> openArrayType, |
Class<?> openArrayClass, |
MXBeanMapping elementMapping) { |
super(targetType, openArrayType); |
this.elementMapping = elementMapping; |
so works for both Set and SortedSet.) */ |
Type raw = ((ParameterizedType) targetType).getRawType(); |
Class<?> c = (Class<?>) raw; |
final Class<?> collC; |
if (c == List.class) |
collC = ArrayList.class; |
else if (c == Set.class) |
collC = HashSet.class; |
else if (c == SortedSet.class) |
collC = TreeSet.class; |
else { |
assert(false); |
collC = null; |
} |
collectionClass = Util.cast(collC); |
} |
@Override |
final Object toNonNullOpenValue(Object value) |
throws OpenDataException { |
final Collection<?> valueCollection = (Collection<?>) value; |
if (valueCollection instanceof SortedSet<?>) { |
Comparator<?> comparator = |
((SortedSet<?>) valueCollection).comparator(); |
if (comparator != null) { |
final String msg = |
"Cannot convert SortedSet with non-null comparator: " + |
comparator; |
throw openDataException(msg, new IllegalArgumentException(msg)); |
} |
} |
final Object[] openArray = (Object[]) |
Array.newInstance(getOpenClass().getComponentType(), |
valueCollection.size()); |
int i = 0; |
for (Object o : valueCollection) |
openArray[i++] = elementMapping.toOpenValue(o); |
return openArray; |
} |
@Override |
final Object fromNonNullOpenValue(Object openValue) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
final Object[] openArray = (Object[]) openValue; |
final Collection<Object> valueCollection; |
try { |
valueCollection = cast(collectionClass.newInstance()); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
throw invalidObjectException("Cannot create collection", e); |
} |
for (Object o : openArray) { |
Object value = elementMapping.fromOpenValue(o); |
if (!valueCollection.add(value)) { |
final String msg = |
"Could not add " + o + " to " + |
collectionClass.getName() + |
" (duplicate set element?)"; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
} |
return valueCollection; |
} |
public void checkReconstructible() throws InvalidObjectException { |
elementMapping.checkReconstructible(); |
} |
private final Class<? extends Collection<?>> collectionClass; |
private final MXBeanMapping elementMapping; |
} |
private static final class MXBeanRefMapping extends NonNullMXBeanMapping { |
MXBeanRefMapping(Type intf) { |
super(intf, SimpleType.OBJECTNAME); |
} |
@Override |
final Object toNonNullOpenValue(Object javaValue) |
throws OpenDataException { |
MXBeanLookup lookup = lookupNotNull(OpenDataException.class); |
ObjectName name = lookup.mxbeanToObjectName(javaValue); |
if (name == null) |
throw new OpenDataException("No name for object: " + javaValue); |
return name; |
} |
@Override |
final Object fromNonNullOpenValue(Object openValue) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
MXBeanLookup lookup = lookupNotNull(InvalidObjectException.class); |
ObjectName name = (ObjectName) openValue; |
Object mxbean = |
lookup.objectNameToMXBean(name, (Class<?>) getJavaType()); |
if (mxbean == null) { |
final String msg = |
"No MXBean for name: " + name; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
return mxbean; |
} |
private <T extends Exception> MXBeanLookup |
lookupNotNull(Class<T> excClass) |
throws T { |
MXBeanLookup lookup = MXBeanLookup.getLookup(); |
if (lookup == null) { |
final String msg = |
"Cannot convert MXBean interface in this context"; |
T exc; |
try { |
Constructor<T> con = excClass.getConstructor(String.class); |
exc = con.newInstance(msg); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
throw new RuntimeException(e); |
} |
throw exc; |
} |
return lookup; |
} |
} |
private static final class TabularMapping extends NonNullMXBeanMapping { |
TabularMapping(Type targetType, |
boolean sortedMap, |
TabularType tabularType, |
MXBeanMapping keyConverter, |
MXBeanMapping valueConverter) { |
super(targetType, tabularType); |
this.sortedMap = sortedMap; |
this.keyMapping = keyConverter; |
this.valueMapping = valueConverter; |
} |
@Override |
final Object toNonNullOpenValue(Object value) throws OpenDataException { |
final Map<Object, Object> valueMap = cast(value); |
if (valueMap instanceof SortedMap<?,?>) { |
Comparator<?> comparator = ((SortedMap<?,?>) valueMap).comparator(); |
if (comparator != null) { |
final String msg = |
"Cannot convert SortedMap with non-null comparator: " + |
comparator; |
throw openDataException(msg, new IllegalArgumentException(msg)); |
} |
} |
final TabularType tabularType = (TabularType) getOpenType(); |
final TabularData table = new TabularDataSupport(tabularType); |
final CompositeType rowType = tabularType.getRowType(); |
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : valueMap.entrySet()) { |
final Object openKey = keyMapping.toOpenValue(entry.getKey()); |
final Object openValue = valueMapping.toOpenValue(entry.getValue()); |
final CompositeData row; |
row = |
new CompositeDataSupport(rowType, keyValueArray, |
new Object[] {openKey, |
openValue}); |
table.put(row); |
} |
return table; |
} |
@Override |
final Object fromNonNullOpenValue(Object openValue) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
final TabularData table = (TabularData) openValue; |
final Collection<CompositeData> rows = cast(table.values()); |
final Map<Object, Object> valueMap = |
sortedMap ? newSortedMap() : newInsertionOrderMap(); |
for (CompositeData row : rows) { |
final Object key = |
keyMapping.fromOpenValue(row.get("key")); |
final Object value = |
valueMapping.fromOpenValue(row.get("value")); |
if (valueMap.put(key, value) != null) { |
final String msg = |
"Duplicate entry in TabularData: key=" + key; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
} |
return valueMap; |
} |
@Override |
public void checkReconstructible() throws InvalidObjectException { |
keyMapping.checkReconstructible(); |
valueMapping.checkReconstructible(); |
} |
private final boolean sortedMap; |
private final MXBeanMapping keyMapping; |
private final MXBeanMapping valueMapping; |
} |
private final class CompositeMapping extends NonNullMXBeanMapping { |
CompositeMapping(Class<?> targetClass, |
CompositeType compositeType, |
String[] itemNames, |
Method[] getters, |
MXBeanMappingFactory factory) throws OpenDataException { |
super(targetClass, compositeType); |
assert(itemNames.length == getters.length); |
this.itemNames = itemNames; |
this.getters = getters; |
this.getterMappings = new MXBeanMapping[getters.length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < getters.length; i++) { |
Type retType = getters[i].getGenericReturnType(); |
getterMappings[i] = factory.mappingForType(retType, factory); |
} |
} |
@Override |
final Object toNonNullOpenValue(Object value) |
throws OpenDataException { |
CompositeType ct = (CompositeType) getOpenType(); |
if (value instanceof CompositeDataView) |
return ((CompositeDataView) value).toCompositeData(ct); |
if (value == null) |
return null; |
Object[] values = new Object[getters.length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < getters.length; i++) { |
try { |
Object got = MethodUtil.invoke(getters[i], value, (Object[]) null); |
values[i] = getterMappings[i].toOpenValue(got); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
throw openDataException("Error calling getter for " + |
itemNames[i] + ": " + e, e); |
} |
} |
return new CompositeDataSupport(ct, itemNames, values); |
} |
exception. */ |
private synchronized void makeCompositeBuilder() |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
if (compositeBuilder != null) |
return; |
Class<?> targetClass = (Class<?>) getJavaType(); |
the first refuses. */ |
CompositeBuilder[][] builders = { |
{ |
new CompositeBuilderViaFrom(targetClass, itemNames), |
}, |
{ |
new CompositeBuilderViaConstructor(targetClass, itemNames), |
}, |
{ |
new CompositeBuilderCheckGetters(targetClass, itemNames, |
getterMappings), |
new CompositeBuilderViaSetters(targetClass, itemNames), |
new CompositeBuilderViaProxy(targetClass, itemNames), |
}, |
}; |
CompositeBuilder foundBuilder = null; |
isn't applicable. */ |
final StringBuilder whyNots = new StringBuilder(); |
Throwable possibleCause = null; |
find: |
for (CompositeBuilder[] relatedBuilders : builders) { |
for (int i = 0; i < relatedBuilders.length; i++) { |
CompositeBuilder builder = relatedBuilders[i]; |
String whyNot = builder.applicable(getters); |
if (whyNot == null) { |
foundBuilder = builder; |
break find; |
} |
Throwable cause = builder.possibleCause(); |
if (cause != null) |
possibleCause = cause; |
if (whyNot.length() > 0) { |
if (whyNots.length() > 0) |
whyNots.append("; "); |
whyNots.append(whyNot); |
if (i == 0) |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (foundBuilder == null) { |
String msg = |
"Do not know how to make a " + targetClass.getName() + |
" from a CompositeData: " + whyNots; |
if (possibleCause != null) |
msg += ". Remaining exceptions show a POSSIBLE cause."; |
throw invalidObjectException(msg, possibleCause); |
} |
compositeBuilder = foundBuilder; |
} |
@Override |
public void checkReconstructible() throws InvalidObjectException { |
makeCompositeBuilder(); |
} |
@Override |
final Object fromNonNullOpenValue(Object value) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
makeCompositeBuilder(); |
return compositeBuilder.fromCompositeData((CompositeData) value, |
itemNames, |
getterMappings); |
} |
private final String[] itemNames; |
private final Method[] getters; |
private final MXBeanMapping[] getterMappings; |
private CompositeBuilder compositeBuilder; |
} |
private static abstract class CompositeBuilder { |
CompositeBuilder(Class<?> targetClass, String[] itemNames) { |
this.targetClass = targetClass; |
this.itemNames = itemNames; |
} |
Class<?> getTargetClass() { |
return targetClass; |
} |
String[] getItemNames() { |
return itemNames; |
} |
then the method throws InvalidObjectException. */ |
abstract String applicable(Method[] getters) |
throws InvalidObjectException; |
disadvantage of possible confusion. */ |
Throwable possibleCause() { |
return null; |
} |
abstract Object fromCompositeData(CompositeData cd, |
String[] itemNames, |
MXBeanMapping[] converters) |
throws InvalidObjectException; |
private final Class<?> targetClass; |
private final String[] itemNames; |
} |
from(CompositeData)". */ |
private static final class CompositeBuilderViaFrom |
extends CompositeBuilder { |
CompositeBuilderViaFrom(Class<?> targetClass, String[] itemNames) { |
super(targetClass, itemNames); |
} |
String applicable(Method[] getters) throws InvalidObjectException { |
// See if it has a method "T from(CompositeData)" |
Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(); |
try { |
Method fromMethod = |
targetClass.getMethod("from", CompositeData.class); |
if (!Modifier.isStatic(fromMethod.getModifiers())) { |
final String msg = |
"Method from(CompositeData) is not static"; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
if (fromMethod.getReturnType() != getTargetClass()) { |
final String msg = |
"Method from(CompositeData) returns " + |
typeName(fromMethod.getReturnType()) + |
" not " + typeName(targetClass); |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
this.fromMethod = fromMethod; |
return null; |
} catch (InvalidObjectException e) { |
throw e; |
} catch (Exception e) { |
return "no method from(CompositeData)"; |
} |
} |
final Object fromCompositeData(CompositeData cd, |
String[] itemNames, |
MXBeanMapping[] converters) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
try { |
return MethodUtil.invoke(fromMethod, null, new Object[] {cd}); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
final String msg = "Failed to invoke from(CompositeData)"; |
throw invalidObjectException(msg, e); |
} |
} |
private Method fromMethod; |
} |
an empty string and the other builders will be tried. */ |
private static class CompositeBuilderCheckGetters extends CompositeBuilder { |
CompositeBuilderCheckGetters(Class<?> targetClass, String[] itemNames, |
MXBeanMapping[] getterConverters) { |
super(targetClass, itemNames); |
this.getterConverters = getterConverters; |
} |
String applicable(Method[] getters) { |
for (int i = 0; i < getters.length; i++) { |
try { |
getterConverters[i].checkReconstructible(); |
} catch (InvalidObjectException e) { |
possibleCause = e; |
return "method " + getters[i].getName() + " returns type " + |
"that cannot be mapped back from OpenData"; |
} |
} |
return ""; |
} |
@Override |
Throwable possibleCause() { |
return possibleCause; |
} |
final Object fromCompositeData(CompositeData cd, |
String[] itemNames, |
MXBeanMapping[] converters) { |
throw new Error(); |
} |
private final MXBeanMapping[] getterConverters; |
private Throwable possibleCause; |
} |
private static class CompositeBuilderViaSetters extends CompositeBuilder { |
CompositeBuilderViaSetters(Class<?> targetClass, String[] itemNames) { |
super(targetClass, itemNames); |
} |
String applicable(Method[] getters) { |
try { |
Constructor<?> c = getTargetClass().getConstructor(); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
return "does not have a public no-arg constructor"; |
} |
Method[] setters = new Method[getters.length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < getters.length; i++) { |
Method getter = getters[i]; |
Class<?> returnType = getter.getReturnType(); |
String name = propertyName(getter); |
String setterName = "set" + name; |
Method setter; |
try { |
setter = getTargetClass().getMethod(setterName, returnType); |
if (setter.getReturnType() != void.class) |
throw new Exception(); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
return "not all getters have corresponding setters " + |
"(" + getter + ")"; |
} |
setters[i] = setter; |
} |
this.setters = setters; |
return null; |
} |
Object fromCompositeData(CompositeData cd, |
String[] itemNames, |
MXBeanMapping[] converters) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
Object o; |
try { |
final Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(); |
ReflectUtil.checkPackageAccess(targetClass); |
o = targetClass.newInstance(); |
for (int i = 0; i < itemNames.length; i++) { |
if (cd.containsKey(itemNames[i])) { |
Object openItem = cd.get(itemNames[i]); |
Object javaItem = |
converters[i].fromOpenValue(openItem); |
MethodUtil.invoke(setters[i], o, new Object[] {javaItem}); |
} |
} |
} catch (Exception e) { |
throw invalidObjectException(e); |
} |
return o; |
} |
private Method[] setters; |
} |
to getters. */ |
private static final class CompositeBuilderViaConstructor |
extends CompositeBuilder { |
static class AnnotationHelper { |
private static Class<? extends Annotation> constructorPropertiesClass; |
private static Method valueMethod; |
static { |
findConstructorPropertiesClass(); |
} |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") |
private static void findConstructorPropertiesClass() { |
try { |
constructorPropertiesClass = (Class<? extends Annotation>) |
Class.forName("java.beans.ConstructorProperties", false, |
DefaultMXBeanMappingFactory.class.getClassLoader()); |
valueMethod = constructorPropertiesClass.getMethod("value"); |
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) { |
// java.beans not present |
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { |
throw new InternalError(e); |
} |
} |
static boolean isAvailable() { |
return constructorPropertiesClass != null; |
} |
static String[] getPropertyNames(Constructor<?> constr) { |
if (!isAvailable()) |
return null; |
Annotation a = constr.getAnnotation(constructorPropertiesClass); |
if (a == null) return null; |
try { |
return (String[]) valueMethod.invoke(a); |
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) { |
throw new InternalError(e); |
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) { |
throw new InternalError(e); |
} |
} |
} |
CompositeBuilderViaConstructor(Class<?> targetClass, String[] itemNames) { |
super(targetClass, itemNames); |
} |
String applicable(Method[] getters) throws InvalidObjectException { |
if (!AnnotationHelper.isAvailable()) |
return "@ConstructorProperties annotation not available"; |
Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(); |
Constructor<?>[] constrs = targetClass.getConstructors(); |
List<Constructor<?>> annotatedConstrList = newList(); |
for (Constructor<?> constr : constrs) { |
if (Modifier.isPublic(constr.getModifiers()) |
&& AnnotationHelper.getPropertyNames(constr) != null) |
annotatedConstrList.add(constr); |
} |
if (annotatedConstrList.isEmpty()) |
return "no constructor has @ConstructorProperties annotation"; |
annotatedConstructors = newList(); |
// Now check that all the annotated constructors are valid |
// and throw an exception if not. |
Map<String, Integer> getterMap = newMap(); |
String[] itemNames = getItemNames(); |
for (int i = 0; i < itemNames.length; i++) |
getterMap.put(itemNames[i], i); |
// Run through the constructors making the checks in the spec. |
// For each constructor, remember the correspondence between its |
// parameters and the items. The int[] for a constructor says |
// what parameter index should get what item. For example, |
// if element 0 is 2 then that means that item 0 in the |
// CompositeData goes to parameter 2 of the constructor. If an |
// element is -1, that item isn't given to the constructor. |
// Also remember the set of properties in that constructor |
Set<BitSet> getterIndexSets = newSet(); |
for (Constructor<?> constr : annotatedConstrList) { |
String[] propertyNames = AnnotationHelper.getPropertyNames(constr); |
Type[] paramTypes = constr.getGenericParameterTypes(); |
if (paramTypes.length != propertyNames.length) { |
final String msg = |
"Number of constructor params does not match " + |
"@ConstructorProperties annotation: " + constr; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
int[] paramIndexes = new int[getters.length]; |
for (int i = 0; i < getters.length; i++) |
paramIndexes[i] = -1; |
BitSet present = new BitSet(); |
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) { |
String propertyName = propertyNames[i]; |
if (!getterMap.containsKey(propertyName)) { |
String msg = |
"@ConstructorProperties includes name " + propertyName + |
" which does not correspond to a property"; |
for (String getterName : getterMap.keySet()) { |
if (getterName.equalsIgnoreCase(propertyName)) { |
msg += " (differs only in case from property " + |
getterName + ")"; |
} |
} |
msg += ": " + constr; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
int getterIndex = getterMap.get(propertyName); |
paramIndexes[getterIndex] = i; |
if (present.get(getterIndex)) { |
final String msg = |
"@ConstructorProperties contains property " + |
propertyName + " more than once: " + constr; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
present.set(getterIndex); |
Method getter = getters[getterIndex]; |
Type propertyType = getter.getGenericReturnType(); |
if (!propertyType.equals(paramTypes[i])) { |
final String msg = |
"@ConstructorProperties gives property " + propertyName + |
" of type " + propertyType + " for parameter " + |
" of type " + paramTypes[i] + ": " + constr; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
} |
if (!getterIndexSets.add(present)) { |
final String msg = |
"More than one constructor has a @ConstructorProperties " + |
"annotation with this set of names: " + |
Arrays.toString(propertyNames); |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
Constr c = new Constr(constr, paramIndexes, present); |
annotatedConstructors.add(c); |
} |
*/ |
for (BitSet a : getterIndexSets) { |
boolean seen = false; |
for (BitSet b : getterIndexSets) { |
if (a == b) |
seen = true; |
else if (seen) { |
BitSet u = new BitSet(); |
u.or(a); u.or(b); |
if (!getterIndexSets.contains(u)) { |
Set<String> names = new TreeSet<String>(); |
for (int i = u.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; |
i = u.nextSetBit(i+1)) |
names.add(itemNames[i]); |
final String msg = |
"Constructors with @ConstructorProperties annotation " + |
" would be ambiguous for these items: " + |
names; |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return null; |
} |
final Object fromCompositeData(CompositeData cd, |
String[] itemNames, |
MXBeanMapping[] mappings) |
throws InvalidObjectException { |
// The CompositeData might come from an earlier version where |
// not all the items were present. We look for a constructor |
// that accepts just the items that are present. Because of |
// the ambiguity check in applicable(), we know there must be |
CompositeType ct = cd.getCompositeType(); |
BitSet present = new BitSet(); |
for (int i = 0; i < itemNames.length; i++) { |
if (ct.getType(itemNames[i]) != null) |
present.set(i); |
} |
Constr max = null; |
for (Constr constr : annotatedConstructors) { |
if (subset(constr.presentParams, present) && |
(max == null || |
subset(max.presentParams, constr.presentParams))) |
max = constr; |
} |
if (max == null) { |
final String msg = |
"No constructor has a @ConstructorProperties for this set of " + |
"items: " + ct.keySet(); |
throw new InvalidObjectException(msg); |
} |
Object[] params = new Object[max.presentParams.cardinality()]; |
for (int i = 0; i < itemNames.length; i++) { |
if (!max.presentParams.get(i)) |
continue; |
Object openItem = cd.get(itemNames[i]); |
Object javaItem = mappings[i].fromOpenValue(openItem); |
int index = max.paramIndexes[i]; |
if (index >= 0) |
params[index] = javaItem; |
} |
try { |
ReflectUtil.checkPackageAccess(max.constructor.getDeclaringClass()); |
return max.constructor.newInstance(params); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
final String msg = |
"Exception constructing " + getTargetClass().getName(); |
throw invalidObjectException(msg, e); |
} |
} |
private static boolean subset(BitSet sub, BitSet sup) { |
BitSet subcopy = (BitSet) sub.clone(); |
subcopy.andNot(sup); |
return subcopy.isEmpty(); |
} |
private static class Constr { |
final Constructor<?> constructor; |
final int[] paramIndexes; |
final BitSet presentParams; |
Constr(Constructor<?> constructor, int[] paramIndexes, |
BitSet presentParams) { |
this.constructor = constructor; |
this.paramIndexes = paramIndexes; |
this.presentParams = presentParams; |
} |
} |
private List<Constr> annotatedConstructors; |
} |
CompositeData. */ |
private static final class CompositeBuilderViaProxy |
extends CompositeBuilder { |
CompositeBuilderViaProxy(Class<?> targetClass, String[] itemNames) { |
super(targetClass, itemNames); |
} |
String applicable(Method[] getters) { |
Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(); |
if (!targetClass.isInterface()) |
return "not an interface"; |
Set<Method> methods = |
newSet(Arrays.asList(targetClass.getMethods())); |
methods.removeAll(Arrays.asList(getters)); |
*/ |
String bad = null; |
for (Method m : methods) { |
String mname = m.getName(); |
Class<?>[] mparams = m.getParameterTypes(); |
try { |
Method om = Object.class.getMethod(mname, mparams); |
if (!Modifier.isPublic(om.getModifiers())) |
bad = mname; |
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { |
bad = mname; |
} |
/* We don't catch SecurityException since it shouldn't |
* happen for a method in Object and if it does we would |
* like to know about it rather than mysteriously complaining. |
*/ |
} |
if (bad != null) |
return "contains methods other than getters (" + bad + ")"; |
return null; |
} |
final Object fromCompositeData(CompositeData cd, |
String[] itemNames, |
MXBeanMapping[] converters) { |
final Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(); |
return |
Proxy.newProxyInstance(targetClass.getClassLoader(), |
new Class<?>[] {targetClass}, |
new CompositeDataInvocationHandler(cd)); |
} |
} |
static InvalidObjectException invalidObjectException(String msg, |
Throwable cause) { |
return EnvHelp.initCause(new InvalidObjectException(msg), cause); |
} |
static InvalidObjectException invalidObjectException(Throwable cause) { |
return invalidObjectException(cause.getMessage(), cause); |
} |
static OpenDataException openDataException(String msg, Throwable cause) { |
return EnvHelp.initCause(new OpenDataException(msg), cause); |
} |
static OpenDataException openDataException(Throwable cause) { |
return openDataException(cause.getMessage(), cause); |
} |
static void mustBeComparable(Class<?> collection, Type element) |
throws OpenDataException { |
if (!(element instanceof Class<?>) |
|| !Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) element)) { |
final String msg = |
"Parameter class " + element + " of " + |
collection.getName() + " does not implement " + |
Comparable.class.getName(); |
throw new OpenDataException(msg); |
} |
} |
*/ |
public static String decapitalize(String name) { |
if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { |
return name; |
} |
int offset1 = Character.offsetByCodePoints(name, 0, 1); |
if (offset1 < name.length() && |
Character.isUpperCase(name.codePointAt(offset1))) |
return name; |
return name.substring(0, offset1).toLowerCase() + |
name.substring(offset1); |
} |
*/ |
static String capitalize(String name) { |
if (name == null || name.length() == 0) |
return name; |
int offset1 = name.offsetByCodePoints(0, 1); |
return name.substring(0, offset1).toUpperCase() + |
name.substring(offset1); |
} |
public static String propertyName(Method m) { |
String rest = null; |
String name = m.getName(); |
if (name.startsWith("get")) |
rest = name.substring(3); |
else if (name.startsWith("is") && m.getReturnType() == boolean.class) |
rest = name.substring(2); |
if (rest == null || rest.length() == 0 |
|| m.getParameterTypes().length > 0 |
|| m.getReturnType() == void.class |
|| name.equals("getClass")) |
return null; |
return rest; |
} |
private final static Map<Type, Type> inProgress = newIdentityHashMap(); |
// really an IdentityHashSet but that doesn't exist |
} |