*/ |
*/ |
package sun.font; |
// |
// This is the 'simple' mapping implementation. It does things the most |
// straightforward way even if that is a bit slow. It won't |
// handle complex paths efficiently, and doesn't handle closed paths. |
// |
import java.awt.Shape; |
import java.awt.font.LayoutPath; |
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; |
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; |
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; |
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; |
import java.awt.geom.Point2D; |
import java.util.Formatter; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import static java.awt.geom.PathIterator.*; |
import static java.lang.Math.abs; |
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; |
public abstract class LayoutPathImpl extends LayoutPath { |
// |
// Convenience APIs |
// |
public Point2D pointToPath(double x, double y) { |
Point2D.Double pt = new Point2D.Double(x, y); |
pointToPath(pt, pt); |
return pt; |
} |
public Point2D pathToPoint(double a, double o, boolean preceding) { |
Point2D.Double pt = new Point2D.Double(a, o); |
pathToPoint(pt, preceding, pt); |
return pt; |
} |
public void pointToPath(double x, double y, Point2D pt) { |
pt.setLocation(x, y); |
pointToPath(pt, pt); |
} |
public void pathToPoint(double a, double o, boolean preceding, Point2D pt) { |
pt.setLocation(a, o); |
pathToPoint(pt, preceding, pt); |
} |
// |
// extra utility APIs |
// |
public abstract double start(); |
public abstract double end(); |
public abstract double length(); |
public abstract Shape mapShape(Shape s); |
// |
// debugging flags |
// |
private static final boolean LOGMAP = false; |
private static final Formatter LOG = new Formatter(System.out); |
*/ |
public static enum EndType { |
public boolean isPinned() { return this == PINNED; } |
public boolean isExtended() { return this == EXTENDED; } |
public boolean isClosed() { return this == CLOSED; } |
}; |
// |
// Top level construction. |
// |
*/ |
public static LayoutPathImpl getPath(EndType etype, double ... coords) { |
if ((coords.length & 0x1) != 0) { |
throw new IllegalArgumentException("odd number of points not allowed"); |
} |
return SegmentPath.get(etype, coords); |
} |
*/ |
public static final class SegmentPathBuilder { |
private double[] data; |
private int w; |
private double px; |
private double py; |
private double a; |
private boolean pconnect; |
*/ |
public SegmentPathBuilder() { |
} |
*/ |
public void reset(int datalen) { |
if (data == null || datalen > data.length) { |
data = new double[datalen]; |
} else if (datalen == 0) { |
data = null; |
} |
w = 0; |
px = py = 0; |
pconnect = false; |
} |
*/ |
public SegmentPath build(EndType etype, double... pts) { |
assert(pts.length % 2 == 0); |
reset(pts.length / 2 * 3); |
for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i += 2) { |
nextPoint(pts[i], pts[i+1], i != 0); |
} |
return complete(etype); |
} |
*/ |
public void moveTo(double x, double y) { |
nextPoint(x, y, false); |
} |
*/ |
public void lineTo(double x, double y) { |
nextPoint(x, y, true); |
} |
*/ |
private void nextPoint(double x, double y, boolean connect) { |
if (x == px && y == py) { |
return; |
} |
if (w == 0) { |
if (data == null) { |
data = new double[6]; |
} |
if (connect) { |
w = 3; |
} |
} |
if (w != 0 && !connect && !pconnect) { |
data[w-3] = px = x; |
data[w-2] = py = y; |
return; |
} |
if (w == data.length) { |
double[] t = new double[w * 2]; |
System.arraycopy(data, 0, t, 0, w); |
data = t; |
} |
if (connect) { |
double dx = x - px; |
double dy = y - py; |
a += sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
} |
data[w++] = x; |
data[w++] = y; |
data[w++] = a; |
px = x; |
py = y; |
pconnect = connect; |
} |
public SegmentPath complete() { |
return complete(EndType.EXTENDED); |
} |
*/ |
public SegmentPath complete(EndType etype) { |
SegmentPath result; |
if (data == null || w < 6) { |
return null; |
} |
if (w == data.length) { |
result = new SegmentPath(data, etype); |
reset(0); |
} else { |
double[] dataToAdopt = new double[w]; |
System.arraycopy(data, 0, dataToAdopt, 0, w); |
result = new SegmentPath(dataToAdopt, etype); |
reset(2); |
} |
return result; |
} |
} |
*/ |
public static final class SegmentPath extends LayoutPathImpl { |
private double[] data; |
EndType etype; |
public static SegmentPath get(EndType etype, double... pts) { |
return new SegmentPathBuilder().build(etype, pts); |
} |
*/ |
SegmentPath(double[] data, EndType etype) { |
this.data = data; |
this.etype = etype; |
} |
// |
// LayoutPath API |
// |
public void pathToPoint(Point2D location, boolean preceding, Point2D point) { |
locateAndGetIndex(location, preceding, point); |
} |
// the path consists of line segments, which i'll call |
// 'path vectors'. call each run of path vectors a 'path segment'. |
// no path vector in a path segment is zero length (in the |
// data, such vectors start a new path segment). |
// |
// for each path segment... |
// |
// for each path vector... |
// |
// we look at the dot product of the path vector and the vector from the |
// origin of the path vector to the test point. if <0 (case |
// A), the projection of the test point is before the start of |
// the path vector. if > the square of the length of the path vector |
// (case B), the projection is past the end point of the |
// path vector. otherwise (case C), it lies on the path vector. |
// determine the closeset point on the path vector. if case A, it |
// is the start of the path vector. if case B and this is the last |
// path vector in the path segment, it is the end of the path vector. If |
// case C, it is the projection onto the path vector. Otherwise |
// there is no closest point. |
// |
// if we have a closest point, compare the distance from it to |
// the test point against our current closest distance. |
// (culling should be fast, currently i am using distance |
// squared, but there's probably better ways). if we're |
// closer, save the new point as the current closest point, |
// and record the path vector index so we can determine the final |
// info if this turns out to be the closest point in the end. |
// |
// after we have processed all the segments we will have |
// tested each path vector and each endpoint. if our point is not on |
// an endpoint, we're done; we can compute the position and |
// offset again, or if we saved it off we can just use it. if |
// we're on an endpoint we need to see which path vector we should |
// associate with. if we're at the start or end of a path segment, |
// we're done-- the first or last vector of the segment is the |
// one we associate with. we project against that vector to |
// get the offset, and pin to that vector to get the length. |
// |
// otherwise, we compute the information as follows. if the |
// dot product (see above) with the following vector is zero, |
// we associate with that vector. otherwise, if the dot |
// product with the previous vector is zero, we associate with |
// that vector. otherwise we're beyond the end of the |
// previous vector and before the start of the current vector. |
// we project against both vectors and get the distance from |
// the test point to the projection (this will be the offset). |
// if they are the same, we take the following vector. |
// otherwise use the vector from which the test point is the |
// _farthest_ (this is because the point lies most clearly in |
// the half of the plane defined by extending that vector). |
// |
// the returned position is the path length to the (possibly |
// pinned) point, the offset is the projection onto the line |
// along the vector, and we have a boolean flag which if false |
// indicates that we associate with the previous vector at a |
// junction (which is necessary when projecting such a |
// location back to a point). |
public boolean pointToPath(Point2D pt, Point2D result) { |
double x = pt.getX(); |
double y = pt.getY(); |
double bx = data[0]; |
double by = data[1]; |
double bl = data[2]; |
// start with defaults |
double cd2 = Double.MAX_VALUE; |
double cx = 0; |
double cy = 0; |
double cl = 0; |
int ci = 0; |
for (int i = 3; i < data.length; i += 3) { |
double nx = data[i]; |
double ny = data[i+1]; |
double nl = data[i+2]; |
double dx = nx - bx; |
double dy = ny - by; |
double dl = nl - bl; |
double px = x - bx; |
double py = y - by; |
// determine sign of dot product of vectors from bx, by |
// if < 0, we're before the start of this vector |
double dot = dx * px + dy * py; |
double vcx, vcy, vcl; |
int vi; |
do { |
if (dl == 0 || |
(dot < 0 && |
(!etype.isExtended() || |
i != 3))) { |
vcx = bx; |
vcy = by; |
vcl = bl; |
vi = i; |
} else { |
double l2 = dl * dl; |
if (dot <= l2 || |
(etype.isExtended() && |
i == data.length - 3)) { |
double p = dot / l2; |
vcx = bx + p * dx; |
vcy = by + p * dy; |
vcl = bl + p * dl; |
vi = i; |
} else { |
if (i == data.length - 3) { |
vcx = nx; |
vcy = ny; |
vcl = nl; |
vi = data.length; |
} else { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
double tdx = x - vcx; |
double tdy = y - vcy; |
double td2 = tdx * tdx + tdy * tdy; |
if (td2 <= cd2) { |
cd2 = td2; |
cx = vcx; |
cy = vcy; |
cl = vcl; |
ci = vi; |
} |
} while (false); |
bx = nx; |
by = ny; |
bl = nl; |
} |
bx = data[ci-3]; |
by = data[ci-2]; |
if (cx != bx || cy != by) { |
double nx = data[ci]; |
double ny = data[ci+1]; |
double co = sqrt(cd2); |
if ((x-cx)*(ny-by) > (y-cy)*(nx-bx)) { |
co = -co; |
} |
result.setLocation(cl, co); |
return false; |
} else { |
boolean havePrev = ci != 3 && data[ci-1] != data[ci-4]; |
boolean haveFoll = ci != data.length && data[ci-1] != data[ci+2]; |
boolean doExtend = etype.isExtended() && (ci == 3 || ci == data.length); |
if (havePrev && haveFoll) { |
Point2D.Double pp = new Point2D.Double(x, y); |
calcoffset(ci - 3, doExtend, pp); |
Point2D.Double fp = new Point2D.Double(x, y); |
calcoffset(ci, doExtend, fp); |
if (abs(pp.y) > abs(fp.y)) { |
result.setLocation(pp); |
return true; |
} else { |
result.setLocation(fp); |
return false; |
} |
} else if (havePrev) { |
result.setLocation(x, y); |
calcoffset(ci - 3, doExtend, result); |
return true; |
} else { |
result.setLocation(x, y); |
calcoffset(ci, doExtend, result); |
return false; |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
private void calcoffset(int index, boolean doExtend, Point2D result) { |
double bx = data[index-3]; |
double by = data[index-2]; |
double px = result.getX() - bx; |
double py = result.getY() - by; |
double dx = data[index] - bx; |
double dy = data[index+1] - by; |
double l = data[index+2] - data[index - 1]; |
// rx = A dot B / |B| |
double rx = (px * dx + py * dy) / l; |
double ry = (px * -dy + py * dx) / l; |
if (!doExtend) { |
if (rx < 0) rx = 0; |
else if (rx > l) rx = l; |
} |
rx += data[index-1]; |
result.setLocation(rx, ry); |
} |
// |
// LayoutPathImpl API |
// |
public Shape mapShape(Shape s) { |
return new Mapper().mapShape(s); |
} |
public double start() { |
return data[2]; |
} |
public double end() { |
return data[data.length - 1]; |
} |
public double length() { |
return data[data.length-1] - data[2]; |
} |
// |
// Utilities |
// |
*/ |
private double getClosedAdvance(double a, boolean preceding) { |
if (etype.isClosed()) { |
a -= data[2]; |
int count = (int)(a/length()); |
a -= count * length(); |
if (a < 0 || (a == 0 && preceding)) { |
a += length(); |
} |
a += data[2]; |
} |
return a; |
} |
*/ |
private int getSegmentIndexForAdvance(double a, boolean preceding) { |
a = getClosedAdvance(a, preceding); |
// note we must avoid 'moveto' segments. the first segment is |
int i, lim; |
for (i = 5, lim = data.length-1; i < lim; i += 3) { |
double v = data[i]; |
if (a < v || (a == v && preceding)) { |
break; |
} |
} |
return i-2; |
} |
*/ |
private void map(int seg, double a, double o, Point2D pt) { |
double dx = data[seg] - data[seg-3]; |
double dy = data[seg+1] - data[seg-2]; |
double dl = data[seg+2] - data[seg-1]; |
double ux = dx/dl; |
double uy = dy/dl; |
a -= data[seg-1]; |
pt.setLocation(data[seg-3] + a * ux - o * uy, |
data[seg-2] + a * uy + o * ux); |
} |
*/ |
private int locateAndGetIndex(Point2D loc, boolean preceding, Point2D result) { |
double a = loc.getX(); |
double o = loc.getY(); |
int seg = getSegmentIndexForAdvance(a, preceding); |
map(seg, a, o, result); |
return seg; |
} |
// |
// Mapping classes. |
// Map the path onto each path segment. |
// Record points where the advance 'enters' and 'exits' the path segment, and connect successive |
// points when appropriate. |
// |
*/ |
class LineInfo { |
double sx, sy; |
double lx, ly; |
double m; |
*/ |
void set(double sx, double sy, double lx, double ly) { |
this.sx = sx; |
this.sy = sy; |
this.lx = lx; |
this.ly = ly; |
double dx = lx - sx; |
if (dx == 0) { |
m = 0; |
} else { |
double dy = ly - sy; |
m = dy / dx; |
} |
} |
void set(LineInfo rhs) { |
this.sx = rhs.sx; |
this.sy = rhs.sy; |
this.lx = rhs.lx; |
this.ly = rhs.ly; |
this.m = rhs.m; |
} |
*/ |
boolean pin(double lo, double hi, LineInfo result) { |
result.set(this); |
if (lx >= sx) { |
if (sx < hi && lx >= lo) { |
if (sx < lo) { |
if (m != 0) result.sy = sy + m * (lo - sx); |
result.sx = lo; |
} |
if (lx > hi) { |
if (m != 0) result.ly = ly + m * (hi - lx); |
result.lx = hi; |
} |
return true; |
} |
} else { |
if (lx < hi && sx >= lo) { |
if (lx < lo) { |
if (m != 0) result.ly = ly + m * (lo - lx); |
result.lx = lo; |
} |
if (sx > hi) { |
if (m != 0) result.sy = sy + m * (hi - sx); |
result.sx = hi; |
} |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
*/ |
boolean pin(int ix, LineInfo result) { |
double lo = data[ix-1]; |
double hi = data[ix+2]; |
switch (SegmentPath.this.etype) { |
case PINNED: |
break; |
case EXTENDED: |
if (ix == 3) lo = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; |
if (ix == data.length - 3) hi = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; |
break; |
case CLOSED: |
break; |
} |
return pin(lo, hi, result); |
} |
} |
*/ |
class Segment { |
final int ix; |
final double ux, uy; |
final LineInfo temp; |
boolean broken; |
double cx, cy; |
GeneralPath gp; |
Segment(int ix) { |
this.ix = ix; |
double len = data[ix+2] - data[ix-1]; |
this.ux = (data[ix] - data[ix-3]) / len; |
this.uy = (data[ix+1] - data[ix-2]) / len; |
this.temp = new LineInfo(); |
} |
void init() { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("s(%d) init\n", ix); |
broken = true; |
cx = cy = Double.MIN_VALUE; |
this.gp = new GeneralPath(); |
} |
void move() { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("s(%d) move\n", ix); |
broken = true; |
} |
void close() { |
if (!broken) { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("s(%d) close\n[cp]\n", ix); |
gp.closePath(); |
} |
} |
void line(LineInfo li) { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("s(%d) line %g, %g to %g, %g\n", ix, li.sx, li.sy, li.lx, li.ly); |
if (li.pin(ix, temp)) { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("pin: %g, %g to %g, %g\n", temp.sx, temp.sy, temp.lx, temp.ly); |
temp.sx -= data[ix-1]; |
double sx = data[ix-3] + temp.sx * ux - temp.sy * uy; |
double sy = data[ix-2] + temp.sx * uy + temp.sy * ux; |
temp.lx -= data[ix-1]; |
double lx = data[ix-3] + temp.lx * ux - temp.ly * uy; |
double ly = data[ix-2] + temp.lx * uy + temp.ly * ux; |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("points: %g, %g to %g, %g\n", sx, sy, lx, ly); |
if (sx != cx || sy != cy) { |
if (broken) { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("[mt %g, %g]\n", sx, sy); |
gp.moveTo((float)sx, (float)sy); |
} else { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("[lt %g, %g]\n", sx, sy); |
gp.lineTo((float)sx, (float)sy); |
} |
} |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("[lt %g, %g]\n", lx, ly); |
gp.lineTo((float)lx, (float)ly); |
broken = false; |
cx = lx; |
cy = ly; |
} |
} |
} |
class Mapper { |
final LineInfo li; |
final ArrayList<Segment> segments; |
final Point2D.Double mpt; |
final Point2D.Double cpt; |
boolean haveMT; |
Mapper() { |
li = new LineInfo(); |
segments = new ArrayList<Segment>(); |
for (int i = 3; i < data.length; i += 3) { |
if (data[i+2] != data[i-1]) { |
segments.add(new Segment(i)); |
} |
} |
mpt = new Point2D.Double(); |
cpt = new Point2D.Double(); |
} |
void init() { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("init\n"); |
haveMT = false; |
for (Segment s: segments) { |
s.init(); |
} |
} |
void moveTo(double x, double y) { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("moveto %g, %g\n", x, y); |
mpt.x = x; |
mpt.y = y; |
haveMT = true; |
} |
void lineTo(double x, double y) { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("lineto %g, %g\n", x, y); |
if (haveMT) { |
cpt.x = mpt.x; |
cpt.y = mpt.y; |
} |
if (x == cpt.x && y == cpt.y) { |
return; |
} |
if (haveMT) { |
haveMT = false; |
for (Segment s: segments) { |
s.move(); |
} |
} |
li.set(cpt.x, cpt.y, x, y); |
for (Segment s: segments) { |
s.line(li); |
} |
cpt.x = x; |
cpt.y = y; |
} |
void close() { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("close\n"); |
lineTo(mpt.x, mpt.y); |
for (Segment s: segments) { |
s.close(); |
} |
} |
public Shape mapShape(Shape s) { |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("mapshape on path: %s\n", LayoutPathImpl.SegmentPath.this); |
PathIterator pi = s.getPathIterator(null, 1); |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("start\n"); |
init(); |
final double[] coords = new double[2]; |
while (!pi.isDone()) { |
switch (pi.currentSegment(coords)) { |
case SEG_CLOSE: close(); break; |
case SEG_MOVETO: moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break; |
case SEG_LINETO: lineTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break; |
default: break; |
} |
pi.next(); |
} |
if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("finish\n\n"); |
GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); |
for (Segment seg: segments) { |
gp.append(seg.gp, false); |
} |
return gp; |
} |
} |
// |
// for debugging |
// |
public String toString() { |
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); |
b.append("{"); |
b.append(etype.toString()); |
b.append(" "); |
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 3) { |
if (i > 0) { |
b.append(","); |
} |
float x = ((int)(data[i] * 100))/100.0f; |
float y = ((int)(data[i+1] * 100))/100.0f; |
float l = ((int)(data[i+2] * 10))/10.0f; |
b.append("{"); |
b.append(x); |
b.append(","); |
b.append(y); |
b.append(","); |
b.append(l); |
b.append("}"); |
} |
b.append("}"); |
return b.toString(); |
} |
} |
public static class EmptyPath extends LayoutPathImpl { |
private AffineTransform tx; |
public EmptyPath(AffineTransform tx) { |
this.tx = tx; |
} |
public void pathToPoint(Point2D location, boolean preceding, Point2D point) { |
if (tx != null) { |
tx.transform(location, point); |
} else { |
point.setLocation(location); |
} |
} |
public boolean pointToPath(Point2D pt, Point2D result) { |
result.setLocation(pt); |
if (tx != null) { |
try { |
tx.inverseTransform(pt, result); |
} |
catch (NoninvertibleTransformException ex) { |
} |
} |
return result.getX() > 0; |
} |
public double start() { return 0; } |
public double end() { return 0; } |
public double length() { return 0; } |
public Shape mapShape(Shape s) { |
if (tx != null) { |
return tx.createTransformedShape(s); |
} |
return s; |
} |
} |
} |