*/ |
package sun.tools.javac; |
import sun.tools.java.*; |
import sun.tools.tree.Node; |
import sun.tools.java.Package; |
import java.util.*; |
import java.io.*; |
*/ |
@Deprecated |
public |
class BatchEnvironment extends Environment implements ErrorConsumer { |
*/ |
OutputStream out; |
*/ |
protected ClassPath sourcePath; |
*/ |
protected ClassPath binaryPath; |
*/ |
Hashtable packages = new Hashtable(31); |
*/ |
Vector classesOrdered = new Vector(); |
*/ |
Hashtable classes = new Hashtable(351); |
*/ |
public int flags; |
*/ |
public short majorVersion = JAVA_DEFAULT_VERSION; |
public short minorVersion = JAVA_DEFAULT_MINOR_VERSION; |
// JCOV |
*/ |
public File covFile; |
// end JCOV |
*/ |
public int nerrors; |
public int nwarnings; |
public int ndeprecations; |
*/ |
Vector deprecationFiles = new Vector(); |
/** |
* writes out error messages |
*/ |
ErrorConsumer errorConsumer; |
*/ |
public BatchEnvironment(ClassPath path) { |
this(System.out, path); |
} |
public BatchEnvironment(OutputStream out, |
ClassPath path) { |
this(out, path, (ErrorConsumer) null); |
} |
public BatchEnvironment(OutputStream out, |
ClassPath path, |
ErrorConsumer errorConsumer) { |
this(out, path, path, errorConsumer); |
} |
*/ |
public BatchEnvironment(ClassPath sourcePath, |
ClassPath binaryPath) { |
this(System.out, sourcePath, binaryPath); |
} |
public BatchEnvironment(OutputStream out, |
ClassPath sourcePath, |
ClassPath binaryPath) { |
this(out, sourcePath, binaryPath, (ErrorConsumer) null); |
} |
public BatchEnvironment(OutputStream out, |
ClassPath sourcePath, |
ClassPath binaryPath, |
ErrorConsumer errorConsumer) { |
this.out = out; |
this.sourcePath = sourcePath; |
this.binaryPath = binaryPath; |
this.errorConsumer = (errorConsumer == null) ? this : errorConsumer; |
} |
*/ |
static BatchEnvironment create(OutputStream out, |
String srcPathString, |
String classPathString, |
String sysClassPathString, |
String extDirsString){ |
ClassPath[] classPaths = classPaths(srcPathString, classPathString, |
sysClassPathString, extDirsString); |
return new BatchEnvironment(out, classPaths[0], classPaths[1]); |
} |
protected static ClassPath[] classPaths(String srcPathString, |
String classPathString, |
String sysClassPathString, |
String extDirsString) { |
ClassPath sourcePath; |
ClassPath binaryPath; |
StringBuffer binaryPathBuffer = new StringBuffer(); |
if (classPathString == null) { |
// The env.class.path property is the user's CLASSPATH |
// environment variable, and it set by the wrapper (ie, |
classPathString = System.getProperty("env.class.path"); |
if (classPathString == null) { |
classPathString = "."; |
} |
} |
if (srcPathString == null) { |
srcPathString = classPathString; |
} |
if (sysClassPathString == null) { |
sysClassPathString = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path"); |
if (sysClassPathString == null) { |
sysClassPathString = classPathString; |
} |
} |
appendPath(binaryPathBuffer, sysClassPathString); |
if (extDirsString == null) { |
extDirsString = System.getProperty("java.ext.dirs"); |
} |
if (extDirsString != null) { |
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(extDirsString, |
File.pathSeparator); |
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { |
String dirName = st.nextToken(); |
File dir = new File(dirName); |
if (!dirName.endsWith(File.separator)) { |
dirName += File.separator; |
} |
if (dir.isDirectory()) { |
String[] files = dir.list(); |
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { |
String name = files[i]; |
if (name.endsWith(".jar")) { |
appendPath(binaryPathBuffer, dirName + name); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
appendPath(binaryPathBuffer, classPathString); |
sourcePath = new ClassPath(srcPathString); |
binaryPath = new ClassPath(binaryPathBuffer.toString()); |
return new ClassPath[]{sourcePath, binaryPath}; |
} |
private static void appendPath(StringBuffer buf, String str) { |
if (str.length() > 0) { |
if (buf.length() > 0) { |
buf.append(File.pathSeparator); |
} |
buf.append(str); |
} |
} |
*/ |
public int getFlags() { |
return flags; |
} |
*/ |
public short getMajorVersion() { |
return majorVersion; |
} |
*/ |
public short getMinorVersion() { |
return minorVersion; |
} |
// JCOV |
*/ |
public File getcovFile() { |
return covFile; |
} |
// end JCOV |
*/ |
public Enumeration getClasses() { |
return classesOrdered.elements(); |
} |
*/ |
private Set exemptPackages; |
*/ |
public boolean isExemptPackage(Identifier id) { |
if (exemptPackages == null) { |
// Collect a list of the packages of all classes currently |
setExemptPackages(); |
} |
return exemptPackages.contains(id); |
} |
*/ |
private void setExemptPackages() { |
// The JLS gives us the freedom to define "accessibility" of |
// a package in whatever manner we wish. After the evaluation |
// of bug 4093217, we have decided to consider a package P |
// accessible if either: |
// |
// 1. The directory corresponding to P exists on the classpath. |
// 2. For any class C currently being compiled, C belongs to |
// package P. |
// 3. For any class C currently being compiled, C belongs to |
// package Q and Q is a subpackage of P. |
// |
// In order to implement this, we collect the current packages |
// (and prefixes) of all packages we have found so far. These |
// will be exempt from the "exists" check in |
// sun.tools.java.Imports#resolve(). |
exemptPackages = new HashSet(101); |
for (Enumeration e = getClasses(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { |
ClassDeclaration c = (ClassDeclaration) e.nextElement(); |
if (c.getStatus() == CS_PARSED) { |
SourceClass def = (SourceClass) c.getClassDefinition(); |
if (def.isLocal()) |
continue; |
Identifier pkg = def.getImports().getCurrentPackage(); |
// Add the name of this package and all of its prefixes |
while (pkg != idNull && exemptPackages.add(pkg)) { |
pkg = pkg.getQualifier(); |
} |
} |
} |
// Before we go any further, we make sure java.lang is |
// accessible and that it is not ambiguous. These checks |
// are performed for "ordinary" packages in |
// sun.tools.java.Imports#resolve(). The reason we perform |
// them specially for java.lang is that we want to report |
// the error once, and outside of any particular file. |
if (!exemptPackages.contains(idJavaLang)) { |
exemptPackages.add(idJavaLang); |
try { |
if (!getPackage(idJavaLang).exists()) { |
error(0, "package.not.found.strong", idJavaLang); |
return; |
} |
} catch (IOException ee) { |
// We got an IO exception checking to see if the package |
error(0, "io.exception.package", idJavaLang); |
} |
} |
// Next we ensure that java.lang is not both a class and |
// a package. (Fix for 4101529) |
// |
// This change has been backed out because, on WIN32, it |
// failed to take character case into account. It will |
// be put back in later. |
// |
// Identifier resolvedName = |
// resolvePackageQualifiedName(idJavaLang); |
// Identifier topClassName = resolvedName.getTopName(); |
// //if (Imports.importable(topClassName, env)) { |
// if (Imports.importable(topClassName, this)) { |
// // It is a package and a class. Emit the error. |
// error(0, "package.class.conflict.strong", |
// idJavaLang, topClassName); |
// return; |
// } |
} |
*/ |
public ClassDeclaration getClassDeclaration(Identifier nm) { |
return getClassDeclaration(Type.tClass(nm)); |
} |
public ClassDeclaration getClassDeclaration(Type t) { |
ClassDeclaration c = (ClassDeclaration)classes.get(t); |
if (c == null) { |
classes.put(t, c = new ClassDeclaration(t.getClassName())); |
classesOrdered.addElement(c); |
} |
return c; |
} |
*/ |
public boolean classExists(Identifier nm) { |
if (nm.isInner()) { |
nm = nm.getTopName(); |
} |
Type t = Type.tClass(nm); |
try { |
ClassDeclaration c = (ClassDeclaration)classes.get(t); |
return (c != null) ? c.getName().equals(nm) : |
getPackage(nm.getQualifier()).classExists(nm.getName()); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
/** |
* Generate a new name similar to the given one. |
* Do it in such a way that repeated compilations of |
* the same source generate the same series of names. |
*/ |
// This code does not perform as stated above. |
// Correction below is part of fix for bug id 4056065. |
// |
// NOTE: The method 'generateName' has now been folded into its |
// single caller, 'makeClassDefinition', which appears later in |
// this file. |
/*--------------------------* |
public Identifier generateName(ClassDefinition outerClass, Identifier nm) { |
Identifier outerNm = outerClass.getName(); |
Identifier flat = outerNm.getFlatName(); |
Identifier stem = Identifier.lookup(outerNm.getQualifier(), |
flat.getHead()); |
for (int i = 1; ; i++) { |
String name = i + (nm.equals(idNull) ? "" : SIG_INNERCLASS + nm); |
Identifier nm1 = Identifier.lookupInner(stem, |
Identifier.lookup(name)); |
if (classes.get(Type.tClass(nm1)) == null) |
return nm1; |
} |
} |
*--------------------------*/ |
*/ |
public Package getPackage(Identifier pkg) throws IOException { |
Package p = (Package)packages.get(pkg); |
if (p == null) { |
packages.put(pkg, p = new Package(sourcePath, binaryPath, pkg)); |
} |
return p; |
} |
*/ |
public void parseFile(ClassFile file) throws FileNotFoundException { |
long tm = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
InputStream input; |
BatchParser p; |
if (tracing) dtEnter("parseFile: PARSING SOURCE " + file); |
Environment env = new Environment(this, file); |
try { |
input = file.getInputStream(); |
env.setCharacterEncoding(getCharacterEncoding()); |
p = new BatchParser(env, input); |
} catch(IOException ex) { |
if (tracing) dtEvent("parseFile: IO EXCEPTION " + file); |
throw new FileNotFoundException(); |
} |
try { |
p.parseFile(); |
} catch(Exception e) { |
throw new CompilerError(e); |
} |
try { |
input.close(); |
} catch (IOException ex) { |
// We're turn with the input, so ignore this. |
} |
if (verbose()) { |
tm = System.currentTimeMillis() - tm; |
output(Main.getText("benv.parsed_in", file.getPath(), |
Long.toString(tm))); |
} |
if (p.classes.size() == 0) { |
// The JLS allows a file to contain no compilation units -- |
// that is, it allows a file to contain no classes or interfaces. |
// In this case, we are still responsible for checking that the |
// imports resolve properly. The way the compiler is organized, |
// this is the last point at which we still have enough information |
p.imports.resolve(env); |
} else { |
// In an attempt to see that classes which come from the |
// same source file are all recompiled when any one of them |
// would be recompiled (when using the -depend option) we |
// introduce artificial dependencies between these classes. |
// We do this by calling the addDependency() method, which |
// adds a (potentially unused) class reference to the constant |
// pool of the class. |
// |
// Previously, we added a dependency from every class in the |
// file, to every class in the file. This introduced, in |
// total, a quadratic number of potentially bogus constant |
// pool entries. This was bad. Now we add our artificial |
// dependencies in such a way that the classes are connected |
// in a circle. While single links is probably sufficient, the |
// code below adds double links just to be diligent. |
// (Fix for 4108286). |
// |
// Note that we don't chain in inner classes. The links |
// between them and their outerclass should be sufficient |
// here. |
// (Fix for 4107960). |
// |
Enumeration e = p.classes.elements(); |
ClassDefinition first = (ClassDefinition) e.nextElement(); |
if (first.isInnerClass()) { |
throw new CompilerError("BatchEnvironment, first is inner"); |
} |
ClassDefinition current = first; |
ClassDefinition next; |
while (e.hasMoreElements()) { |
next = (ClassDefinition) e.nextElement(); |
if (next.isInnerClass()) { |
continue; |
} |
current.addDependency(next.getClassDeclaration()); |
next.addDependency(current.getClassDeclaration()); |
current = next; |
} |
// Make a circle. Don't bother to add a dependency if there |
if (current != first) { |
current.addDependency(first.getClassDeclaration()); |
first.addDependency(current.getClassDeclaration()); |
} |
} |
if (tracing) dtExit("parseFile: SOURCE PARSED " + file); |
} |
*/ |
BinaryClass loadFile(ClassFile file) throws IOException { |
long tm = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
InputStream input = file.getInputStream(); |
BinaryClass c = null; |
if (tracing) dtEnter("loadFile: LOADING CLASSFILE " + file); |
try { |
DataInputStream is = |
new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(input)); |
c = BinaryClass.load(new Environment(this, file), is, |
loadFileFlags()); |
} catch (ClassFormatError e) { |
error(0, "class.format", file.getPath(), e.getMessage()); |
if (tracing) dtExit("loadFile: CLASS FORMAT ERROR " + file); |
return null; |
} catch (java.io.EOFException e) { |
// If we get an EOF while processing a class file, then |
// it has been truncated. We let other I/O errors pass |
error(0, "truncated.class", file.getPath()); |
return null; |
} |
input.close(); |
if (verbose()) { |
tm = System.currentTimeMillis() - tm; |
output(Main.getText("benv.loaded_in", file.getPath(), |
Long.toString(tm))); |
} |
if (tracing) dtExit("loadFile: CLASSFILE LOADED " + file); |
return c; |
} |
*/ |
int loadFileFlags() { |
return 0; |
} |
*/ |
boolean needsCompilation(Hashtable check, ClassDeclaration c) { |
switch (c.getStatus()) { |
if (tracing) dtEnter("needsCompilation: UNDEFINED " + c.getName()); |
loadDefinition(c); |
return needsCompilation(check, c); |
if (tracing) dtEnter("needsCompilation: UNDECIDED " + c.getName()); |
if (check.get(c) == null) { |
check.put(c, c); |
BinaryClass bin = (BinaryClass)c.getClassDefinition(); |
for (Enumeration e = bin.getDependencies() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;) { |
ClassDeclaration dep = (ClassDeclaration)e.nextElement(); |
if (needsCompilation(check, dep)) { |
c.setDefinition(bin, CS_SOURCE); |
if (tracing) dtExit("needsCompilation: YES (source) " + c.getName()); |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
if (tracing) dtExit("needsCompilation: NO (undecided) " + c.getName()); |
return false; |
case CS_BINARY: |
if (tracing) { |
dtEnter("needsCompilation: BINARY " + c.getName()); |
dtExit("needsCompilation: NO (binary) " + c.getName()); |
} |
return false; |
} |
if (tracing) dtExit("needsCompilation: YES " + c.getName()); |
return true; |
} |
*/ |
public void loadDefinition(ClassDeclaration c) { |
if (tracing) dtEnter("loadDefinition: ENTER " + |
c.getName() + ", status " + c.getStatus()); |
switch (c.getStatus()) { |
case CS_UNDEFINED: { |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: STATUS IS UNDEFINED"); |
Identifier nm = c.getName(); |
Package pkg; |
try { |
pkg = getPackage(nm.getQualifier()); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
// If we can't get at the package, then we'll just |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_NOTFOUND); |
error(0, "io.exception", c); |
if (tracing) |
dtExit("loadDefinition: IO EXCEPTION (package)"); |
return; |
} |
ClassFile binfile = pkg.getBinaryFile(nm.getName()); |
if (binfile == null) { |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_SOURCE); |
if (tracing) |
dtExit("loadDefinition: MUST BE SOURCE (no binary) " + |
c.getName()); |
return; |
} |
ClassFile srcfile = pkg.getSourceFile(nm.getName()); |
if (srcfile == null) { |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: NO SOURCE " + c.getName()); |
BinaryClass bc = null; |
try { |
bc = loadFile(binfile); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
// If we can't access the binary, set the class to |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_NOTFOUND); |
error(0, "io.exception", binfile); |
if (tracing) |
dtExit("loadDefinition: IO EXCEPTION (binary)"); |
return; |
} |
if ((bc != null) && !bc.getName().equals(nm)) { |
error(0, "wrong.class", binfile.getPath(), c, bc); |
bc = null; |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: WRONG CLASS (binary)"); |
} |
if (bc == null) { |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_NOTFOUND); |
if (tracing) |
dtExit("loadDefinition: NOT FOUND (source or binary)"); |
return; |
} |
if (bc.getSource() != null) { |
srcfile = new ClassFile(new File((String)bc.getSource())); |
srcfile = pkg.getSourceFile(srcfile.getName()); |
if ((srcfile != null) && srcfile.exists()) { |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: FILENAME IN BINARY " + |
srcfile); |
if (srcfile.lastModified() > binfile.lastModified()) { |
c.setDefinition(bc, CS_SOURCE); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: SOURCE IS NEWER " + |
srcfile); |
bc.loadNested(this); |
if (tracing) |
dtExit("loadDefinition: MUST BE SOURCE " + |
c.getName()); |
return; |
} |
if (dependencies()) { |
c.setDefinition(bc, CS_UNDECIDED); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: UNDECIDED " + |
c.getName()); |
} else { |
c.setDefinition(bc, CS_BINARY); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: MUST BE BINARY " + |
c.getName()); |
} |
bc.loadNested(this); |
if (tracing) |
dtExit("loadDefinition: EXIT " + |
c.getName() + ", status " + c.getStatus()); |
return; |
} |
} |
c.setDefinition(bc, CS_BINARY); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: MUST BE BINARY (no source) " + |
c.getName()); |
bc.loadNested(this); |
if (tracing) |
dtExit("loadDefinition: EXIT " + |
c.getName() + ", status " + c.getStatus()); |
return; |
} |
BinaryClass bc = null; |
try { |
if (srcfile.lastModified() > binfile.lastModified()) { |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_SOURCE); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: MUST BE SOURCE (younger than binary) " + |
c.getName()); |
return; |
} |
bc = loadFile(binfile); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
error(0, "io.exception", binfile); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: IO EXCEPTION (binary)"); |
} |
if ((bc != null) && !bc.getName().equals(nm)) { |
error(0, "wrong.class", binfile.getPath(), c, bc); |
bc = null; |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: WRONG CLASS (binary)"); |
} |
if (bc != null) { |
Identifier name = bc.getName(); |
if (name.equals(c.getName())) { |
if (dependencies()) { |
c.setDefinition(bc, CS_UNDECIDED); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: UNDECIDED " + name); |
} else { |
c.setDefinition(bc, CS_BINARY); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: MUST BE BINARY " + name); |
} |
} else { |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_NOTFOUND); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: NOT FOUND (source or binary)"); |
if (dependencies()) { |
getClassDeclaration(name).setDefinition(bc, CS_UNDECIDED); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: UNDECIDED " + name); |
} else { |
getClassDeclaration(name).setDefinition(bc, CS_BINARY); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: MUST BE BINARY " + name); |
} |
} |
} else { |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_NOTFOUND); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: NOT FOUND (source or binary)"); |
} |
if (bc != null && bc == c.getClassDefinition()) |
bc.loadNested(this); |
if (tracing) dtExit("loadDefinition: EXIT " + |
c.getName() + ", status " + c.getStatus()); |
return; |
} |
case CS_UNDECIDED: { |
if (tracing) dtEvent("loadDefinition: STATUS IS UNDECIDED"); |
Hashtable tab = new Hashtable(); |
if (!needsCompilation(tab, c)) { |
for (Enumeration e = tab.keys() ; e.hasMoreElements() ; ) { |
ClassDeclaration dep = (ClassDeclaration)e.nextElement(); |
if (dep.getStatus() == CS_UNDECIDED) { |
dep.setDefinition(dep.getClassDefinition(), CS_BINARY); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: MUST BE BINARY " + dep); |
} |
} |
} |
if (tracing) dtExit("loadDefinition: EXIT " + |
c.getName() + ", status " + c.getStatus()); |
return; |
} |
case CS_SOURCE: { |
if (tracing) dtEvent("loadDefinition: STATUS IS SOURCE"); |
ClassFile srcfile = null; |
Package pkg = null; |
if (c.getClassDefinition() != null) { |
try { |
pkg = getPackage(c.getName().getQualifier()); |
srcfile = pkg.getSourceFile((String)c.getClassDefinition().getSource()); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
error(0, "io.exception", c); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: IO EXCEPTION (package)"); |
} |
if (srcfile == null) { |
String fn = (String)c.getClassDefinition().getSource(); |
srcfile = new ClassFile(new File(fn)); |
} |
} else { |
Identifier nm = c.getName(); |
try { |
pkg = getPackage(nm.getQualifier()); |
srcfile = pkg.getSourceFile(nm.getName()); |
} catch (IOException e) { |
error(0, "io.exception", c); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: IO EXCEPTION (package)"); |
} |
if (srcfile == null) { |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_NOTFOUND); |
if (tracing) |
dtExit("loadDefinition: SOURCE NOT FOUND " + |
c.getName() + ", status " + c.getStatus()); |
return; |
} |
} |
try { |
parseFile(srcfile); |
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { |
error(0, "io.exception", srcfile); |
if (tracing) dtEvent("loadDefinition: IO EXCEPTION (source)"); |
} |
if ((c.getClassDefinition() == null) || (c.getStatus() == CS_SOURCE)) { |
error(0, "wrong.source", srcfile.getPath(), c, pkg); |
c.setDefinition(null, CS_NOTFOUND); |
if (tracing) |
dtEvent("loadDefinition: WRONG CLASS (source) " + |
c.getName()); |
} |
if (tracing) dtExit("loadDefinition: EXIT " + |
c.getName() + ", status " + c.getStatus()); |
return; |
} |
} |
if (tracing) dtExit("loadDefinition: EXIT " + |
c.getName() + ", status " + c.getStatus()); |
} |
*/ |
public ClassDefinition makeClassDefinition(Environment toplevelEnv, |
long where, |
IdentifierToken name, |
String doc, int modifiers, |
IdentifierToken superClass, |
IdentifierToken interfaces[], |
ClassDefinition outerClass) { |
Identifier nm = name.getName(); |
long nmpos = name.getWhere(); |
Identifier pkgNm; |
String mangledName = null; |
ClassDefinition localContextClass = null; |
// Provide name for a local class. This used to be set after |
// the class was created, but it is needed for checking within |
// the class constructor. |
// NOTE: It seems that we could always provide the simple name, |
// and thereby avoid the test in 'ClassDefinition.getLocalName()' |
// for the definedness of the local name. There, if the local |
// name is not set, a simple name is extracted from the result of |
// 'getName()'. That name can potentially change, however, as |
// it is ultimately derived from 'ClassType.className', which is |
Identifier localName = null; |
if (nm.isQualified() || nm.isInner()) { |
pkgNm = nm; |
} else if ((modifiers & (M_LOCAL | M_ANONYMOUS)) != 0) { |
// Inaccessible class. Create a name of the form |
// 'PackageMember.N$localName' or 'PackageMember.N'. |
// Note that the '.' will be converted later to a '$'. |
localContextClass = outerClass.getTopClass(); |
// Always use the smallest number in generating the name that |
// renders the complete name unique within the top-level class. |
// This is required to make the names more predictable, as part |
// of a serialization-related workaround, and satisfies an obscure |
// requirement that the name of a local class be of the form |
for (int i = 1 ; ; i++) { |
mangledName = i + (nm.equals(idNull) ? "" : SIG_INNERCLASS + nm); |
if (localContextClass.getLocalClass(mangledName) == null) { |
break; |
} |
} |
Identifier outerNm = localContextClass.getName(); |
pkgNm = Identifier.lookupInner(outerNm, Identifier.lookup(mangledName)); |
if ((modifiers & M_ANONYMOUS) != 0) { |
localName = idNull; |
} else { |
localName = nm; |
} |
} else if (outerClass != null) { |
pkgNm = Identifier.lookupInner(outerClass.getName(), nm); |
} else { |
pkgNm = nm; |
} |
ClassDeclaration c = toplevelEnv.getClassDeclaration(pkgNm); |
if (c.isDefined()) { |
toplevelEnv.error(nmpos, "class.multidef", |
c.getName(), c.getClassDefinition().getSource()); |
c = new ClassDeclaration (pkgNm); |
} |
if (superClass == null && !pkgNm.equals(idJavaLangObject)) { |
superClass = new IdentifierToken(idJavaLangObject); |
} |
ClassDefinition sourceClass = |
new SourceClass(toplevelEnv, where, c, doc, |
modifiers, superClass, interfaces, |
(SourceClass) outerClass, localName); |
if (outerClass != null) { |
outerClass.addMember(toplevelEnv, new SourceMember(sourceClass)); |
// Record local (or anonymous) class in the class whose name will |
// serve as the prefix of the local class name. This is necessary |
// so that the class may be retrieved from its name, which does not |
// fully represent the class nesting structure. |
// See 'ClassDefinition.getClassDefinition'. |
if ((modifiers & (M_LOCAL | M_ANONYMOUS)) != 0) { |
localContextClass.addLocalClass(sourceClass, mangledName); |
} |
} |
// The local name of an anonymous or local class used to be set here |
// with a call to 'setLocalName'. This has been moved to the constructor |
// for 'SourceClass', which now takes a 'localName' argument. |
return sourceClass; |
} |
*/ |
public MemberDefinition makeMemberDefinition(Environment origEnv, long where, |
ClassDefinition clazz, |
String doc, int modifiers, |
Type type, Identifier name, |
IdentifierToken argNames[], |
IdentifierToken expIds[], |
Object value) { |
if (tracing) dtEvent("makeMemberDefinition: " + name + " IN " + clazz); |
Vector v = null; |
if (argNames != null) { |
v = new Vector(argNames.length); |
for (int i = 0 ; i < argNames.length ; i++) { |
v.addElement(argNames[i]); |
} |
} |
SourceMember f = new SourceMember(where, clazz, doc, modifiers, |
type, name, v, expIds, (Node)value); |
clazz.addMember(origEnv, f); |
return f; |
} |
*/ |
public void shutdown() { |
try { |
if (sourcePath != null) { |
sourcePath.close(); |
} |
if (binaryPath != null && binaryPath != sourcePath) { |
binaryPath.close(); |
} |
} catch (IOException ee) { |
output(Main.getText("benv.failed_to_close_class_path", |
ee.toString())); |
} |
sourcePath = null; |
binaryPath = null; |
super.shutdown(); |
} |
*/ |
public |
String errorString(String err, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { |
String key = null; |
if(err.startsWith("warn.")) |
key = "javac.err." + err.substring(5); |
else |
key = "javac.err." + err; |
return Main.getText(key, |
arg1 != null ? arg1.toString() : null, |
arg2 != null ? arg2.toString() : null, |
arg3 != null ? arg3.toString() : null); |
} |
*/ |
String errorFileName; |
*/ |
ErrorMessage errors; |
*/ |
protected |
boolean insertError(long where, String message) { |
//output("ERR = " + message); |
if (errors == null |
|| errors.where > where) { |
// If the list is empty, or the error comes before any other |
ErrorMessage newMsg = new ErrorMessage(where, message); |
newMsg.next = errors; |
errors = newMsg; |
} else if (errors.where == where |
&& errors.message.equals(message)) { |
// The new message is an exact duplicate of the first message |
return false; |
} else { |
// Okay, we know that the error doesn't come first. Walk |
ErrorMessage current = errors; |
ErrorMessage next; |
while ((next = current.next) != null |
&& next.where < where) { |
current = next; |
} |
// Now walk over any errors with the same location, looking |
// for duplicates. If we find a duplicate, don't insert the |
while ((next = current.next) != null |
&& next.where == where) { |
if (next.message.equals(message)) { |
// We have found an exact duplicate. Don't bother to |
return false; |
} |
current = next; |
} |
ErrorMessage newMsg = new ErrorMessage(where, message); |
newMsg.next = current.next; |
current.next = newMsg; |
} |
return true; |
} |
private int errorsPushed; |
*/ |
public int errorLimit = 100; |
private boolean hitErrorLimit; |
/** |
* Flush outstanding errors |
*/ |
public void pushError(String errorFileName, int line, String message, |
String referenceText, String referenceTextPointer) { |
int limit = errorLimit + nwarnings; |
if (++errorsPushed >= limit && errorLimit >= 0) { |
if (!hitErrorLimit) { |
hitErrorLimit = true; |
output(errorString("too.many.errors", |
new Integer(errorLimit),null,null)); |
} |
return; |
} |
if (errorFileName.endsWith(".java")) { |
output(errorFileName + ":" + line + ": " + message); |
output(referenceText); |
output(referenceTextPointer); |
} else { |
// It wasn't really a source file (probably an error or |
// warning because of a malformed or badly versioned |
output(errorFileName + ": " + message); |
} |
} |
public void flushErrors() { |
if (errors == null) { |
return; |
} |
boolean inputAvail = false; |
char data[] = null; |
int dataLength = 0; |
// A malformed file encoding could cause a CharConversionException. |
// If something bad happens while trying to find the source file, |
try { |
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(errorFileName); |
data = new char[in.available()]; |
InputStreamReader reader = |
(getCharacterEncoding() != null ? |
new InputStreamReader(in, getCharacterEncoding()) : |
new InputStreamReader(in)); |
dataLength = reader.read(data); |
reader.close(); |
inputAvail = true; |
} catch(IOException e) { |
// inputAvail will not be set |
} |
for (ErrorMessage msg = errors ; msg != null ; msg = msg.next) { |
// There used to be code here which checked |
// for duplicate error messages. This functionality |
// has been moved to the method insertError(). See |
// the comments on that method for more information. |
int ln = (int) (msg.where >>> WHEREOFFSETBITS); |
int off = (int) (msg.where & ((1L << WHEREOFFSETBITS) - 1)); |
if (off > dataLength) off = dataLength; |
String referenceString = ""; |
String markerString = ""; |
if(inputAvail) { |
int i, j; |
for (i = off ; (i > 0) && (data[i - 1] != '\n') && (data[i - 1] != '\r') ; i--); |
for (j = off ; (j < dataLength) && (data[j] != '\n') && (data[j] != '\r') ; j++); |
referenceString = new String(data, i, j - i); |
char strdata[] = new char[(off - i) + 1]; |
for (j = i ; j < off ; j++) { |
strdata[j-i] = (data[j] == '\t') ? '\t' : ' '; |
} |
strdata[off-i] = '^'; |
markerString = new String(strdata); |
} |
errorConsumer.pushError(errorFileName, ln, msg.message, |
referenceString, markerString); |
} |
errors = null; |
} |
*/ |
public |
void reportError(Object src, long where, String err, String msg) { |
if (src == null) { |
if (errorFileName != null) { |
flushErrors(); |
errorFileName = null; |
} |
if (err.startsWith("warn.")) { |
if (warnings()) { |
nwarnings++; |
output(msg); |
} |
return; |
} |
output("error: " + msg); |
nerrors++; |
} else if (src instanceof String) { |
String fileName = (String)src; |
if (!fileName.equals(errorFileName)) { |
flushErrors(); |
errorFileName = fileName; |
} |
// Classify `err' as a warning, deprecation warning, or |
if (err.startsWith("warn.")) { |
if (err.indexOf("is.deprecated") >= 0) { |
// This is a deprecation warning. Add `src' to the |
if (!deprecationFiles.contains(src)) { |
deprecationFiles.addElement(src); |
} |
// If we are reporting deprecations, try to add it |
// to our list. Otherwise, just increment the |
if (deprecation()) { |
if (insertError(where, msg)) { |
ndeprecations++; |
} |
} else { |
ndeprecations++; |
} |
} else { |
// This is a regular warning. If we are reporting |
// warnings, try to add it to the list. Otherwise, just |
if (warnings()) { |
if (insertError(where, msg)) { |
nwarnings++; |
} |
} else { |
nwarnings++; |
} |
} |
} else { |
// This is an error. Try to add it to the list of errors. |
if (insertError(where, msg)) { |
nerrors++; |
} |
} |
} else if (src instanceof ClassFile) { |
reportError(((ClassFile)src).getPath(), where, err, msg); |
} else if (src instanceof Identifier) { |
reportError(src.toString(), where, err, msg); |
} else if (src instanceof ClassDeclaration) { |
try { |
reportError(((ClassDeclaration)src).getClassDefinition(this), where, err, msg); |
} catch (ClassNotFound e) { |
reportError(((ClassDeclaration)src).getName(), where, err, msg); |
} |
} else if (src instanceof ClassDefinition) { |
ClassDefinition c = (ClassDefinition)src; |
if (!err.startsWith("warn.")) { |
c.setError(); |
} |
reportError(c.getSource(), where, err, msg); |
} else if (src instanceof MemberDefinition) { |
reportError(((MemberDefinition)src).getClassDeclaration(), where, err, msg); |
} else { |
output(src + ":error=" + err + ":" + msg); |
} |
} |
*/ |
public void error(Object source, long where, String err, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) { |
if (errorsPushed >= errorLimit + nwarnings) { |
return; |
} |
if (System.getProperty("javac.dump.stack") != null) { |
output("javac.err."+err+": "+errorString(err, arg1, arg2, arg3)); |
new Exception("Stack trace").printStackTrace(new PrintStream(out)); |
} |
reportError(source, where, err, errorString(err, arg1, arg2, arg3)); |
} |
*/ |
public void output(String msg) { |
PrintStream out = |
this.out instanceof PrintStream ? (PrintStream)this.out |
: new PrintStream(this.out, true); |
out.println(msg); |
} |
} |