A while back my machine was so messed up that I could barely ssh onto it. 3,200% CPU utilization - all 32 cores on the host were fully utilized! Compare that to my last bug where it only used 1 core, 100% [Read More]
1,000,000 Concurrent Connections
I hear the misconception that a server can only accept 65K connections or a server consumes a port for each accepted connection all the time. Here is a taste of some of them: [Read More] -
OdinCodeBrowser: Navigate Code Like in your IDE but on a Static Webpage
For the last couple of months I’ve been working on a Java code navigator that fits into your browser. This won’t replace your IDE. Code discussions are handled better by github or gitlab. However, if you want to share links to your code with others that let them navigate all... [Read More] -
100% CPU: My Fault?
The sirens were place a couple years ago when I received a bug report claiming that I caused 100% CPU util on a VM when it should have been idle. I was suspicious at first because I try my best to avoid patterns such as while(true) and for(;;). [Read More] -
Javascript Does Not Need a StringBuilder
Today I learned that Javascript does not need a StringBuilder for accumulating a large number of concatinations. As a Java programmer, that came as a shock to me. This article summarizes my exploration of this fact. [Read More] -
Fix a Double Clicking Logitech M100 Mouse
My $15 Logitech M100 mouse has served me well for at least two years. It’s been so long that I can’t remember when I got it. It’s suffered so much abuse you can no longer make out the Logitech logo on the bottom. This is the second time it started... [Read More] -
Deadlock: Who Owns the Lock?
What I Learned: Locking a readlock, then locking the write lock on the same lock creates a deadlock. Deadlocks created using locks instead of monitors does not appear in thread dumps (like those created by kill -3 (linux) or Ctrl+Break (windows)). Keep digging and you’ll uncover a nasty incorrect assumption... [Read More] -
Fixing a Mini Cinema Lightbox
Instead of throwing away something, you should try to fix it, because the root cause might be simple to fix. I recently attended AWS Summit 2019 and VMWare kindly gave away these cool Mini Cinema Lightboxes! They are great decorations for a wedding or dinner party. [Read More] -
Unit Testing Common Requirements
Suppose you wanted to unit test java.util.Map. How would you verify each implementation? Take a quick look at the Map javadoc, and you’ll find 20 implementing classes. Each Map implementation has common unit tests for requirements that you want to avoid copying. In this post I illustrate two techniques you... [Read More] -
Dining Philosophers Problem
The book I’m going through, Programming Interviews Exposed, presents the Dining Philosophers Problem and their solution to the problem. Firstly, their explanation for their solution is weak because they do not describe the underlying principle they applied to prevent deadlocks. Secondly, their implementation of their solution still results in starvation.... [Read More] -
How To Avoid Busy Waiting
Programming Interviews Exposed asks us to describe busy waiting and how to avoid it. The book provides a decent solution, but not the best solution. I’ll first introduce the problem and then build upon the solution until we have our best solution. Busy Waiting You have busy waiting When one... [Read More] -
Removing Characters From a String
Programming Interviews Exposed asks us to remove characters from an input string, looking for the characters in a second string. I am unhappy with solution they provide, particularly because of the reasons they use to invalidate what I believe to the better solution. You can check out my solution to... [Read More] -
Preparing For Interviews
I have completed my Master’s Thesis and all that’s left is paper work. As a result, it’s time to prepare for interviews. I’m going through ‘Programming Interviews Exposed’ as practice. You can follow my progress at my github repository. Wish me luck in the interview process! I will occasionally make... [Read More] -
Reading Books and Technical Papers on the Kindle (Method 2)
I’m trying to read a book similar to Elements of Statistical Learning (aside: the book is freely available by one of the authors, Professor Rob Tibshirani, here ) on my Kindle, but the method I outlined in my previous post does not work that well. Moreover, look at all the... [Read More] -
Reading Technical Papers on the Kindle
Introduction I have a Kindle with a 6’’ screen and reading technical papers is difficult. However, I am fortunate that most of the papers I read follow the 2-column format. As a result, there is a technique available to make reading technical papers less painful. I have only tested this... [Read More] -
An Eclipse and Hadoop Pitfall
For one of my course projects I inherited a project that was implementing a dimensionality reduction technique in map reduce. The previous owner of the project exclusively ran it using eclipse and used Mahout in Action’s examples as a starting point. The Problem I Inherited The following pattern was littered... [Read More] -
Showing Mathematically That More Complexity Increases Test Error
People who understand machine learning know from experience that having to complex a model causes poor performance when you apply your models to the real world because it does not generalize. However, where does the mathematical intuition for this come from? Up until I saw today’s lecture, I only had... [Read More] -
Beginning First Term of Master's Degree
My research focus is Databases and Distributed Systems. My thesis is still undecided. One thing I have figure out though are my courses. CS848: Large Scale Data Management Firstly, I’m taking CS848: Large Scale Data Management and it fits well in my interest of Distributed Systems and Database. As part... [Read More] -
Determining If A Boolean Expression Can Be False
My first hunch was that determining if a boolean expression can be false was NP complete. After trying to prove it, I came up for a proof that it’s actually in P: [Read More] -
Pitfalls of Integer.hashCode() and Long.hashCode() With Partitioning
Problem So we want to partition our data into nice even chunks. If you use Integer.hashCode(), Long.hashCode(), or modding by the number of your partitions then the size of each partition will depend on the distribution of your data and the number of partitions. Here’s a quick example that I... [Read More] -
High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Refined Cane Sugar Coca Cola
Motivation Recently my roommate and I got into an argument over being able to taste the difference between high fructose and cane sugar Cola. I hypothesized that you could taste the difference between the two because of the level of fructose. My roommate disagreed and claimed that fructose would taste... [Read More] -
Unintuitive Scoping and Javascript Closures
I had this problem at work, and have simplified it and removed all context related to the project so this article can be easily consumed. The problem arises when you try to create a closure onto a local variable initialized in a for loop. [Read More] -
Android Appendable List - Github
Hey everyone, [
Creating a Continuously Appendable List - Result
Result ( The left is mine. ): [
Creating a Continuously Appendable List - Tinkering
My goal is to create a list where the user can continuously append buttons. This is similar to the functionality we see when editing a contact on the android. [Read More] -
Cryptic Stacktrace from Android
I was building a new Activity for my Android application and I came across this error as I was running it: [Read More] -
Javascript to Redirect a Drop Down List (select)
You can redirect using an html select without having to place it in a form, or have the user press a button. The user only needs to change the value. [Read More] -
Setting URL using Javascript
Severin just pointed out a much easier way to update the URL using javascript: <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> window.location.href = '/main/some_controller/some_action#some_anchor'; </script> [Read More] -
Rails, AJAX, Back Buttons, and Bookmarks
Markus’s submission page uses AJAX to grab the next or previous page of the table of submissions. However, this breaks bookmarks and the back button. So the goal is to do something similar to gmail. They update everything after the anchor (#) in the URL. Here is what we can... [Read More] -
Updating URLs with a href
You can put parameters into the URL with javascript. Here is an example html document: <html> <body> <a href='#test=test'>testing</a> </body> </html> [Read More] -
will_paginate and markus
Problem Experienced: The page number is not saved in the URL when flipping through pages. [Read More] -
Weird Behaviour Of Mocha
In the markus code, there are a lot of places where we use markus_config_<something> instead of MarkusConfigurator.markus_config_<something>. We should start using the latter. He’s why: [Read More] -
Mocking Modules with Mocha
I could not find any examples on mocking modules with mocha. It’s probably because it’s so easy! It’s just like mocking an instance of a class. [Read More] -
Nested Contexts
I learned a new trick with shoulda. Credit goes to: http://www.viget.com/extend/reusing-contexts-in-shoulda-with-context-macros/ [Read More] -
Ruby, Permissions and Directories
I recently learned that if you remove the execute bit on a directory and try to rm -r the parent directory then you will be unable to remove the executable directory. However, this works in a terminal. [Read More]